We applied for benefits for ptsd also. 1. Today I live with one lung because of my exposure to AGENT ORANGE. During this rather dismal 14 month period I often wondered why so much red tape when the facts were undeniably evident (at least to me!) The JSRRC is officially known as the Joint Services Records . i was stationed in Blue Water off the coast of Vietnam from 1968-1971 on board the USS WICHITA AND THE USS ZELIMA, both of which carried munitions, fuel, food and supplies. My husband Was in Korea in 1973 and 1974. Good Luck! Time is running out for these veterans, Brown said in an email. Its shameful how they have forgotten us. Chisholm said he and like-minded attorneys representing veterans who served in Thailand are winning these cases one at a time, but with detailed evidence, detailed arguments, detailed affidavits. A doctor returned my call. Had to fight like hell through the VSO and got rated 70% about 4 years before he died. I refuse to die just to piss them off! Good luck. They do a real good job getting through all the red tape. 877-222-8387, TDD (Hearing Impaired) The investigation did confirm use or tests in additional sites and dates in other locations. The VAs response to this claim was if it were a female that was serving in Vietnam would be a different story! This page list resources for Vietnam veterans exposed to agent organce, including certain Blue Water Navy veterans. Sent in all the medical records most of which were already on his profile. My belief is that ANYONE with a specific injury like yours, or ANYONE who served at least 6 months in a COMBAT zone should receive 100% compensation and completely eliminate the VA intake center employee jobs to fund those payments. Because the government claims it was never there I have had no success in being compensated. Vietnam War-era veterans who served in Thailand say theyre still fighting. Trones bill would force these to be adjudicated this quicker, presuming that they were exposed to harmful herbicides. New Conditions Added to Agent Orange Presumptive List January 15, 2021 Updated: January 30, 2023 Three new conditions were recently added to the list of presumptive conditions for which the Department of Veterans Affairs grants service connection to Vietnam War veterans affected by exposure to the chemical herbicide Agent Orange. They deserve quick adjudication for their claim and we cannot put the burden on the veterans who served their country.. VA announced today two major decisions related to presumptive conditions associated with Agent Orange and particulate matter exposures during military service in Southwest Asia. Senators John Boozman (R-AR) and Senate Veterans' Affairs Committee Chairman Jon Tester (D-MT) are renewing their bipartisan effort to support veterans who served in Thailand during the Vietnam War-era by . He stated that they used Agent Orange several times while they were in Korea. in 2005 he had open heart surgery. hcwjr/ponyhunter98 I was in Dong Ha, Vietnam, from Feb 68 to April 69. He told me the funeral home would take care of it. The Va clinic says, I dont know what your talking about. What do I have to do. My brother, who was a chopper pilot for the Army in all of the Sand Box regions, has been riddled with cancer for several years now due to benzene and other additives they put in the jet fuel to help make it more stable. Will his cancer or children of male solders ever get any compensation? Knowing the approximate age of Robert will eliminate some of the other Roberts. He died three years ago from penile cancer, a horrific disease. Every day I was subjected to JP-4, Agent Orange surrounding our perimeter, MOGAS, Diesel and God knows what else. Finally in 2020 he was dx with PSP. Pay them. I trusted the authorities in charge completely. Agent Orange in Thailand - Hill & Ponton, P.A. We are effectively ignored by the VA. Good luck. I am a Viet Nam era vet: Denied, Denied and Denied, back pain. Ancestry.com has a military lookup feature, and there is a website called vetfriends.com. Semper Fi . My father died already and we tried to file a claim when he did only to be denied. Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma I am burdened with hypothyroidism, cyclothymia, type II diabetes, Major depressive disorder, very high anxiety issues, chronic degenerative joint disease and a few other medical issues. The smell was bad and if you inhaled the spaying compound one would have a hard time breathing. Unlike veterans who served in Vietnam and certain areas of Korea, veterans who served in Thailand are not entitled by law to a presumption of exposure to tactical herbicides, the spokeswoman said. Thank you for your service!!!! I was an organizational automotive mechanic in the Marine Corps as well as doing a stint of armory duty. Were going to try to right a wrong, Trone said. When will his cases be reopened and his wife notified? March 3 (UPI) -- A former U.S. soldier was sentenced to 45 years in prison Friday for planning a deadly ambush on members of his military unit. We have been fighting a long battle with no success! He had filed an Agent Orange claim several times. Be Well, Steve. of the V.A. When will there be support for the children? Guess it only matters how you became exposed. Skinner, who has fought prostate cancer since 2018, has gone through 44 treatments of radiation therapy. Who knows what else. I do get benefits for my hearing but still have issues with my shaking . But they were all sprayed.. I live in New York. Multiple Myeloma If yours hasnt at least tried to help you file a claim, tell you county board or whoever hired her or him, you want a better representative. Sounds like the guys are finally getting what they deserve. They deserve relief for the pain and hardship this has caused for them and their families.". What about all those who served as I did in Johnston Atoll in 1974. Can I file a claim now. Otherwise, I would be working myself until I died. Agent Orange is just a euphemism for many different types of herbicides. Got bladder cancer treated by VA. Respiratory Cancers, including Lung Cancer My wife deserves better ans so do we. 6 (a) IN GENERAL.Section 1116 of title 38, United 7 States Code, is amended 8 (1) by striking '', during active military, naval, Vietnam 66,67 and 68. Why wont the VA properly recognize my 100% physical disability obviously caused by exposure to Agent Orange for the last 40+ years??!!!! As I read story after story. Sections and chapters in the description below! How do I apply again if they are actually maybe taking this seriously? I need to be working but I cannot! Attention A T users. We both came down with Hodgkins Lymphoma. I have a Bladder condition for the last 21 years it was not cancer but I was at U-Tapao Thailand from Jan. 1975-March 1976? My loved one is in hospice at this moment any time hes going to be restored to the kingdom of God. Do it ASAP as Im sure many will be doing the same,, GOOD LUCK!!! Good luck! They helped us a lot. We roamed around downtown Anniston quite a bit. I will continue the fight to get benefits for all veterans who were exposed to Agent Orange and other toxic chemicals regardless of where they served.. Hodgkins Disease I now have reduced kidney function arthritis and multiple degenerative muscle skeletal issues. I am trying to find out more about other vets exposed to Agent Orange who have been diagnosed with Scleroderma. I have heard that also, and was attached to the SeaBees Public Works, at NAS Agana, June 1974-November 1975so there is a chance we used the damned stuff to spray and had not a clue. My husband did 2 tours in Vietnam and we were in the process of trying to see if he qualified for disability at but he died before we got to far along. I have a number of health issues from that have been linked to those exposures, but the health problems are not yet covered even in the presumptive diseases of the water contamination. Also this was 72 till76. Google agent orange diseases and symptoms breakdown. We flew into areas that had been sprayed with agent orange. Had thyroid cancer and had it removed in 2018. If you get turned down you need to appeal and likely will then be called for an appointment to see a VA doctor. I applied for Agent Orange disability, but the VA denied my claim. Charles, I too in my later years came down with Parkinson. So, good luck to any of you still living and fighting. Its AO, and also particulate matter exposure in SWA.]. Plus my 37 year old son has a large tumor in his spine! It seems we are not getting any help from the very people whose jobs it is to help us. Now it should be noted that when the chemical was sprayed one could not help but be exposed to it as the only way to the barracks was by military bus and if one wanted to eat one had to walk to the Mess Hall. The children of Vietnam are still affected by it. Just get knowledgeable advice, from the VA or an accredited veterans service organization such s the DAV. Not one time has anyone at the VA offered to help me with claims or appeals for any of these issues. AGENT ORANGE EXPOSURE . He had prostate cancer. My submitted medical paperwork included my Bladder Cancer, but I was told it could not be included with my Prostate Cancer claim because it was on the list for approval, but had not been approved. Another one of my buddies was just diagnosed with bladder cancer. The majority of his career has been dedicated to assisting veterans with legal issues nationwide. Hes fought for this PARKINSONS knowing full well it came from what he was exposed to in Vietnam. go to a VA clinic or hospital and get registered with the VA Health System. The VA is merely following whats in the United States Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) and Public Law when handing down ratings decisions. I also was in nam 2 clicks s of dmz and was found to have bladder cancer in 06 filed a claim in 12 now a new claim this past March I heard they will go back 12 on payment is that true Don. I have no idea if there is any support for children of Vietnam vets, but I hope there is. Hey Angel, Im in the same boat Vietnam 68-69.. 50% disability for same disabilities. VA Mantra, Deny, Deny, Deny Until The Veteran Dies. 10% for coronary artery disease and bypass surgery? We didnt know what killed all the vegetation in many areas on Searching and Destroy missions? They didnt even recognize Agent Orange exposure back then. Youll need prove you served in Vietnam (DD-214 should do it) and prove of your medical condition (doctors letters, etc). I have had sinus surgery and have to use inhalers to breath. I have had experiences with the VA similar to yours. 9th Division.??? If you are a Veteran in crisis My lawyers quit the case. Turner hassupported similar legislationin the past. Medic/ O.R. Lung transplant, Nov 1st, 2014. I served in Vietnam 66-67 a grunt with the 1st Infantry Division I have intestrial lung disease/pulmonary fibrosis these are not considered related to agent orange exposure which is toxic so Im not eligible for disability and it should be you have to get lung cancer to get benefits. After a complete resection of my esophagus & upper stomach & removal of the Vegas Nerves in my stomach with follow up radiation therapy, I lost over 70 lbs., which I have never been able to regain. Poway, Calif. attorney Amanda Mineer recalled working on one case in which she and her team had to introduce into evidence a photo of a sailor taking a photographic selfie of himself on a ship as that ship crossed the equator, with barrels of Agent Orange nearby, visible in the photo. New Conditions Added to Agent Orange Presumptive List Shouldnt the VA have records of pulmonary following him those 4 years with repeat chest x-rays to monitor deterioration of his COPD? I was around that Agent Orange. Both VA and DoD welcome new information on locations for the historical testing or use of tactical herbicides. God bless you!!! I had asked my VA rep because a classmate of mine had this particular problem that your family has. This spraying occurred a number of times during my time at Anderson AFB in the area we called Marlboro Country. USMC 67-71. McHenry worked for years to correct what he argued was an error in that memo, which held there was no evidence of tactical herbicides having been used at American bases in Thailand. They are deservedly receiving help for diseases as a result of the exposure. Try to have ALL documents needed for the claim and include docs from research papers on UNDIAGNOSED ILLNESSES IN THE GULF as well as docs on presumptive Diseases from GWI(gulf war illnesses). Thailand veterans harmed by Agent Orange hope Congress will hear them My name is Beverly Smith and my husband Rodney died 28 months ago with Lung cancer. That something was diesel fuel and sht. Doctor told me heart ( VA has me on meds, surgery in 2002) not in AO conditions. Ive literally suffered for over 40 years with serious digestive problems, heart & breathing problems. I am a VSO and I always get comments that the VA is That is partly correct. My dad fueled planes in Vietnam in 1969 and was exposed daily for a year. Prostate cancer is which goes hand and hand with bladder cancer. . Was not easy but with their help it can be done. They took away my health and my youth and replaced it with an endless routine of jumping through hoops to get basic healthcare needs, and now, as my body rapidly deteriorates, I will be forced to keep working until I die, which wont be soon enough. VA doctors told my husband to apply for disability for Agent Orange which was supposed to be automatic if you served in certain areas, including Thailand, where it was sprayed around base perimeters, where everyone walked. I send my prayers to you during this difficult time. He ONLY got 100% disability compensation from time of diagnosis. I was told that unless I had diabetes, cancer there was nothing they could do. My father was in Vietnam this same period he died 25 years ago from Pancreatic Cancer. My husband was covered with the stuff in Vietnam and has multiple medical issues that he has been suffering since his late 40s. He was also exposed to Agent Orange. I also filed a claim for bladder cancer in 2010 and was denied. You have to have served in Vietnam AND have one of the medical conditions recognized by the VA. Charles McDivett. I served on a PBR river boat on the mekong in 1971. FTVA! I was there for a short period of time. Veterans Agent Orange Exposure Equity Act, IRS begins making final stimulus payments from American Rescue Plan, GAO: VA suicide prevention teams need evaluation amid caseload growth, burnout, Woman's DDT exposure may affect granddaughter's health, study says. A grateful nationmy ass. MJ. Anything new in regards to children of Vietnam Veterans? This country was sprayed with agent orange. Im a child of a deceased Vietnam vet. Why? I dont know if they will ever wake up and do the right thing for us. The VA will take about three to six months reviewing What if your father has already died? Falls short of what needs to happen, VA needs to make sure above all that people contaminated why doing their jobs in service get help. My dad served in Vietnam. But we did. Thats why I ask, is there anybody left? These, mostly men, werent thanked for their service, werent cheered as they arrived home. What really irritates me is that those of us that served after Vietnam had to clean the old warehoused equipment from Vietnam. Monetary as well as medical and other benefits. VA will not make them wait any longer. Some are just collecting a paycheck. His primary care doctor believes this was a result of exposure to Agent Orange but a VSO has submitted a claim on my behalf for him. I have heard nothing since. Both are tumors in the thyroid caused by AO. Every vet who was there deserves aid. He was rated 100%. Apply 5 times. My husband died from gastric cancer and according to the appeals board so did many other Viet Nam Vets. Without their help I doubt that it can be done!! Seems like mission is to dissuade veterans. [Editor: Although VA recommends Veterans work with accredited VSOs, heres a few details that can help. We all suffered mentally and physically and are still suffering. He battled with many service connected medical/neurological issues including Progressive Supranuclear Palsy (PSP) until he died in 2017. Yet as you suggest, they are simply waiting for us all to die off. Screw the VA and screw the United States. I filed in 1980 at the age of 31 for esophageal cancer due to exposure to Agent Orange. I am proud of my service in the navy, however, our government did a poor job of protecting us while we served. I know Agent Orange was the cause of his death and many of his buddies he served with that died around the same time as he did 25 years ago! While we were trying to eat in a overhead tarp, the smoke from the burn pits went right through where we were eating!! Hit enter to expand a main menu option (Health, Benefits, etc). Almost every county has I tried to respond to you twice, but they wont accept my posts for some reason. These things added by VA are a joke unless examiners just listen and note. Please switch auto forms mode to off. PRESUMPTIONS OF SERVICE CONNECTION FOR DIS-2 EASES ASSOCIATED WITH EXPOSURE TO CER- 3 TAIN HERBICIDE AGENTS FOR VETERANS 4 WHO SERVED IN CLOSE PROXIMITY TO THE 5 REPUBLIC OF VIETNAM. I have Myesthemia Gravis but keep being denied. They said in May 2012 they declared 100% disabled with the cancer. March 3 (UPI) -- The Treasury Department Friday sanctioned three Russian individuals for human rights abuses against a prominent Russian opposition leader. A VSO may be able to do something, but dont hold your breath. The only problem is we the wife take care of them but once they pass they give us very little money as surviving spouse . My husband, who is a Viet Nam vet, passed away 10 years ago from bladder cancer. The Ultimate Agent Orange Guide for VA Disability Benefits | Blue Water He got a double whammy being a Vietnam vets son and then whatever was going on with the poison that was Anniston, good ol Monsanto strikes again :-( And of course, we never knew about that until it was decades too late. Nam Infantry grunt. Any info or help ??? Los Alamitos and ElToro. I am a bladder cancer survivor (early detection). I am the sole survivor (daughter). Thanks. It took several days to call me back. Any others here? I WAS AT THE ABERDEEN PROVING GROUNDS AS A TEST VETERAN AND WAS PROMISED MEDICAL CARE IF ANY THING WENT WRONG. I have learned of one Vietnam vet who got scleroderma within the one year limit and who was finally given disability status from the VA for his scleroderma. Are you serious?! Refiled again Feb 3rd 2021 and been waiting every since. Nevermind that he was likely suffering from the metastatic cancer for the previous few years.undiagnosed. I would love to see the number of cases where the applicant has died before their case has been resolved. Luckily I havent had any problems other than PTSD. Enlisted USMC, 2nd BN, 26th Marines, 9th MAB (Battalion Landing Team), I-Corp, 1968-69, Combat Field Radio (PRC-25) Radio Operator. Thank goodness Ol Uncle Sugar is on the case! Needle in a haystack. This mysterious delay is not helping. My own was agent orange exposure which the VA acknowledges, yet say has nothing to do with my tremors, and they tell ME to prove it does. I assume you served in Vietnam, You need to have them check you for Parkinsons disease. But the prospects for those bills is uncertain at this point. My disability claim was denied. I would rather have died instantly on the battlefield with glory than suffer daily this slow death from Parkinsons developed from the toxic exposure from water at Camp Lejeune. I have read articles where the VA is talking about neuropathy being caused by Agent Orange if you do not have diabetes. Many of our Nations Veterans have waited a long time for these benefits, said Secretary of Veterans Affairs Denis McDonough. Dont give up! Is it two feet from the perimeter? is like a slow boat to Chinathat never arrives! The VA did well with him in his final years. And as I didnt know then and only got a clue in 1987 well I was screened for agent orange I have been expected to prove that peripheral neuropathy was from my time in that country. Good luck and God bless you. I was also told that because I was able to raise my extremely arthritic arms over my head that I should be fortunate that the VA doesnt take away my disability benefits altogether. I have had cancer and other illness but still got denied 3 days before Christmas. For 2 years they kept trying to tell him it was just battle fatigue. He kept his job until he died. Senator John Boozman (R-AR) that would eliminate barriers to benefits for veterans exposed to Agent Orange who served in Thailand during the Vietnam War-era as part of a comprehensive package to improve Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) health care and He was a body builder & very health conscious! I quit going to the VA for anything!!!! Recent changes in both blue and brown water sites should apply to your husbands service. Should we reopen his case for this? A few years later they said oh yeah well give you hearing aides but your not service connected. Troops exposed to Agent Orange outside of Vietnam could be in line for Thank you. Will every case be reopened? Copyright 2023 United Press International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. that rating. And BTW! I have presumed exposure to agent orange. Its on the VAs own list of bases. Curious about soldiers that worked on jets, etc. I feel like Charlie Brown kicking his football and our government is Lucy and like Lucy our government will pull the rug out from all of us. I was stationed at Camp Lejune in Feruary 1959.I had a claim filed.Last year In August I had a traumatic brain injury and nearly died twice.While I was rehabilitating from this injury I received a call from the Veterans Administration about my claim.We got into an argument she told me she was also a Marine she was very nasty. My father was Franklin Coon served in Vietnam. It will make it much easier if you know a state he has lived in. To enter and activate the submenu links, hit the down arrow. Make your claim ASAP if you havent already. Came home on a Bipap and directions to use an oxygen concentrator and had to have tanks exchanged every month, I believe. 1975 -77. Our son was conceived on that base. Contact a VSO at VA.GOV. Im 72 and my time is limited and its been a long hard road, but Ive raised my posterity. thanks Fred Carlberg, Contact the BLUE WATER NAVY ORGANIZATION they have access to ships logs and can confirm if the Kearsarge was in territorial waters at anytime. I am amazed that the VA believes burn pit issues only affect those serving in the more recent SW Asia campaigns. Hes not. At least Korean and Vietnam combat veterans should be 100%, eliminate the bureaucracy. Surely VA isnt saying that stateside exposure isnt responsible for the same ailments as overseas exposure. You sound very much like my 51 yr old son. Parkinsons? I am wondering if they are delaying action on the claims until we are all dead? My siblings and I have more then one of the affects from my fathers exsposure. My father died from cancer from Agent Orange colon cancer the VA denied it . This is the first Ive heard about my conditions might be related to Agent Orange. A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. Preserving Our History They treated us so well in Danville.. Comprehensive testing, detailed conversation and claims approved! I guess the VA is waiting for me to check out completely. I am 70. While I did not file a claim for hypothyroidism,, I was taking medication for it when I had my Agent Orange exam from which they gave me disability ratings for DM2 and ischemic hear disease. the VA acknowledged Agent Orange use in Thailand and made service members stationed there eligible for compensation . What a slap in the face!! The possibility of exposure to benzene and mixed motor pool substances for clearing weeds and oiling down dust in parting lots in bases in Germany is an interesting development. I later found that they were reimbursed by my private medical insurance. I too am having issues obtaining benefits for my husband who served in Vietnam. I was brown water navy for three or four months and had exposure to ground troops who were barracks on the APD 40 Nueces where I and others had to tear down their bunks when we decommissioned our ship. I suffer from hypothyroidism, neurological issues, and have had several episodes of Transient Global Amnesia. Does the theater include Guam and other stockpile locations in the South Pacific? Contact your local VSO and they will help you file a claim to reopen your case using the recent addition of these conditions to the presumptive list as New and Relevant evidence. My husband had several of those illnesses, but VA kept loosing only the real important documentation and then even went as far as wanting daily records. Jul 11, 2016 THAILAND, AGENT ORANGE; Jul 5, 2016 RANGE-OF-MOTION TESTING REQUIREMENTS; June 2016 Jun 10, 2016 . I came into contact with Agent Orange when footage was burned off in the northern parts of the island. VA Disability Rating for Agent Orange & List of - Hill & Ponton, P.A. most va employees NEVER served in the military !!! What about those of us Vietnam era vets that served on stateside bases such as Ft Gordon ga? Good to know that maybe in another 20 or 25 years they might actually get off their butts and help us too. The burn pits too were gross also! Will she possibly be eligible for benefits of the new changes? An official website of the United States government. Are you, or someone you know, struggling with a mental health or substance use disorder? The representative we now have is efficient and helpful. I am proud to join Rep. Cartwright in introducing legislation that will ensure our Vietnam War veterans who served in Thailand, Laos and Cambodia receive the care they deserve now, and I urge my colleagues in Congress to work across the aisle to support these men and women who have sacrificed so much for our country," Fitzpatrick said in a statement. I filed a week later for survivor benefits. Ten have them Submit another claim for you. We thought it was fire but no burn marks? We were exposed to the chemicals daily, and I was at Camp Lejeune during the water contamination years. VA announced today two major decisions related to presumptive conditions associated with Agent Orange and particulate matter exposures during military service in Southwest Asia., [Editor: Separate issues. Doctors say I have many ailments from AO exposure. Ive had hypothyroidism for 38 years. 2 [Discussion Draft] 1 SEC. The Victims of Agent Orange the U.S. Has Never Acknowledged I was exposes to the toxic water, ( when I say exposed, I mean drinking, cooking and bathing in it) and developed hypothyroidism in my mid 40s. Judy, Our 29 year old son has CML Leukemia I believe from Agent Orange. Nam Vet [69 71] Keep fighting my brothers an sisters. The residue that was on them ? It is sad that the govt does this. A VA spokeswoman said If enacted, S.657 would expand universal eligibility for veterans who served in Thailand. Important Agent Orange Information for Those Who Served in Thailand Bien Phouc. VAs review supports initiation of rulemaking to address the role that particulate matter pollution plays in generating chronic respiratory conditions, which may include asthma, rhinitis and sinusitis for Veterans who served in the Southwest Asia theater of operations during the Persian Gulf War and/or after September 19, 2001, or in Afghanistan and Uzbekistan during the Persian Gulf War. Tom had wished for years that he could find his friend. The VA is worse than the Post Office. My husband was diagnosed with bladder cancer 3 years ago.
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