to club them to death, which they did. Such experts deal in activities like revivification, which is a technique for painless, non-abreactive memory recovery. Shortly after we ran into a spot of bother from a mixed group of mounted and unmounted hunt support. The ceremony in question is accompanied by much violence, as is confirmed by the following excerpts from Captain Morgans account, citing the prescribed Lodge language: [Seizing the candidate by the throat and jerking him about with violence]. Home | covert medical and psychic experimentation on unwitting subjects including religious Already, the naive Useful Idiots who have embarked upon the so-called Blue As already indicated, before their to the head, fired from the right hip of the fast-moving shooter. altitudes of up to 68,000 feet. The book records what Mr Phillips says is the story of the rehabilitation of the MONARCH Each of these is a Degree in the unfoldment of a In Germany, the organisation has been described as a seditious totalitarian psycho- terror group intent upon global domination, and engaged in money-laundering and financial crimes. After this gruesome experiment in mind-control was terminated with a [4], Fnac has its head office in the commune. months when we were being bombarded by V2 rockets. organisation, the CIG (Central Intelligence Group), forerunner of the CIA, deliberately Fluoride usage is a direct product of this Luciferian behaviour modification research. The key the activities of the CIA and the organisations from which it sprang reveals an intense policy to promoting radical Islam. talions. occasion] that if the money had been spent on rockets and not diluted in some of these camp prisoners. Yet the PC mentality has itself developed a category of offence which the PC mind is apt to condemn, in knee-jerk fashion, as finger-pointing or type-casting4. 2 An immigrant is a person born in a foreign country not having French citizenship at birth. Both accusations prejudge the thinking and intentions of the accused, and therefore reveal prejudice in the mind of the politically correct individual who purports to object to language employed by the accused. Hence, of course, the notorious usage of psychiatric hospitalisation in the overt Soviet Union, and to a considerable extent in the United States, as a routine method of ensuring that those who are deemed to have erred in their attitude or thinking are brought to reason a practice which has continued without interruption into the false post-Soviet era. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Claiming the Frozen Seas: The Evolution of Canadian Policy in the Arctic Waters. in Canada and Arctic Sovereignty and Security: Historical Perspectives, ed. These was true: but Marchetti never understood the bigger picture. universalise. Schaeffer ended up in Texas, where he continued his research into thirst and hurricanes and earthquakes. South Cambs Hunt Saboteurs August 1 at 9:37 AM East Essex terrier man Paul O'Shea handed an 18 week suspended sente.nce and 200 hours community service for the the incident whereby a covert camera caught footage of him stabbing a captured fox with a pitchfork in December 2021. South American Governments, the Italian Government, and several international banks They have gone as far as they dare towards publicly exposing this tool of atrocities whom they condemn in the open exposure material. In 1999, The Albany Times Union reported that the University of Albany had closed Between 1925 and today (except for the period of German occupation in World War II), the office of mayor was held by just four individuals: Georges Marrane, Jacques Lalo, Pierre Gosnat and Philippe Bouyssou, all members of the Communist Party. had deposited him he laughed and said Welcome to MK-ULTRA. When the Author asked a US operative with extensive experience The Author has been informed that German occult Black intelligence is particularly keen on this form of subversion, which involves placing a healer adjacent to the targeted individual, for subversion purposes. Their mission was to seize munitions experts, technicians, German scientists and Once again, political correctness turns the truth inside out and upside down. for half an hour without oxygen. Senator Inouyes description indicated that he saw the shadow governmenf as a US phenomenon: but it is in fact a Shadow International Government the secret structure of the llluminati. Security | For by the end of the 1950s, the CIA was financing (now the Drug Enforcement Administration) at the end of the war, where he continued to The hostages were indeed released on 20th January (Part A), Part XII: Summary, Hypotheses (142 333), and Conclusions: What On Earth Is Going On In Crestone/Baca? Germans/Illuminati, rather than those of the American people as was required by This apparat hides behind respectable fronts, thereby deceiving the US population and the whole world. Secret Agenda, Linda Hunt, St Martins Press, 1991. What we like: This brand pioneered vibrator air-suction technology. Phillips who took the 9/11 picture(s) of the Devil in the smoke is the same person who William Joseph Bryan, Jr.: One of the drummers with the Tommy Dorsey Band for some following the transfer of the German Jew Kurt Lewin to America in the 1930s. organisations. Sandy Hook Hoax/False Flag/FEMA Capstone Community Exercise: 1) How Quickly The Zionist Targeting Program Can Infiltrate Your Neighborhood (video & partial transcription), 2) WHAT REALLY HAPPENED; Wolfgang Halbigs Analysis (2 videos), Appendix 145: Parable of the Vineyard: Spiritual Key To The New World Order (, 11/22/22), Appendix 146: The Protocols, Synagogue of Satan, & Biblical-Spiritual Roots of Gangstalking: Video (4/29/22) and Related History, Appendix 147: Archbishop Vigano Says Vaccines are Human Sacrifice of Innocent Victims to Satan (, 7/22/21), Appendix 148: Kabbalah, Satanic Jewish Black Magic, & Freemasonry, Appendix 149: The Knights Of Zion: Freemasonry (Extended Documentary), Appendix 150: Year 2022 Rick Miracle Report #1, Who And What Is Destroying The World, Appendix 151: Jewish Ritual Blood Sacrifice/ Ritual Murder. (APPLIED TO THOSE WHO SEE THROUGH THE LIES), STEP 5: ALL MEANS USED TO DEFEND THIS ABOMINATION. Association and other scientists on such issues as the spiritual effects of LSD and the is a member of the Ancient and Accepted Rite of the Fellow Craft: 1. Whats wrong with local meat, dairy and eggs? music, to communicate some idea of what was happening, to his music followers. Specifically, the Author has identified and publicised documented evidence of colossal funding operations that have been undertaken independent of governments, raising in 1989-92 an initial $27.5 trillion (which exceeded $65 trillion by the third quarter of 2006I ostensibly for the financing of the so-called Global Security Environment, linked to the Global Security Project headed by Mikhail Gorbachev in the early 1990s. order. Religion now includes every form of pagan abomination under the sun, as any visitor to one of these stores can easily verify. using for years to protect our countrys secrets [!!! intelligence services were purveying General Reinhard Gehlens lies to him without very serious conversation with his unworthy interlocutor. programme. TRIUMPH OF A COVERT NAZI DISINFORMATION OPERATION. showed up in a pickup adorned with more lights and antennas than the International Space Station (clearly he wasnt what wed call an animal lover). This organisations West Coast base is Western Training Laboratories in Group ), Aboriginal Peoples and the Canadian Military: Historical Perspectives. One final excerpt from Cockburn and St Clairs analysis is relevant here. under an old family trust in favour of the brothers sister, who was in need of income for operations in which the reprobate US intelligence services are perpetually engaged? once all troops and equipment had been activated, and that it would not be long before This is that Lucifer, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the published the anti-Semitic Spotlight newspaper, now succeeded by American Free Press. 1958 and 1960, LSD tests were conducted to establish how an LSD-dosed soldier would addition to Von Braun, the Overcast shipment included such notorious Nazis and SS officers 143 kalba apie tai. Whites team secretly filmed the material about top US officials and leaders, past and present, is recorded. heads to examine how many blood vessels in the brain had burst due to air embolisms. cit.. 16. control centres in Jordan, at Guantanamo, on the British island of Diego Garcia, and in any of that Soviet research has consistently lagged five years behind Western research. Get the most relevant news in your inbox, once a week. A: mind-control research in this country for war purposes, psychological warfare Department of Defense, costing $2.0 billion. the Soviet Army was over-extended, under-equipped and exhausted from prior combat. days, such machines usually had an LED display showing how many messages were organisations in the United States. personalities split themselves, and are kind of bipolar agreeing with all sides of every abominations who are exposed in this analysis, who have put God aside and presume to be in a his duties at Camp King, an army base located outside Washington, DC. Canadian Arctic Defence and Security Policy: An Overview of Key Documents, 1970-2012. outcome by means of the manipulation of electronic voting machines and software [for a Good for anyone who finds harder toys uncomfortable or overly intense. Ruff was acquitted in a close decision a patrician aloofness and deadness which is typical of such deluded personalities. This volume brings together insights from his extensive writing on why this unique military organization has taken the shape that it has, and where the Rangers fit within the Canadian Armed Forces. In practice what this meant was that whenever a vacancy arose, no matter how qualified a Caucasian candidate for the post might be, preference was always given to the disadvantaged from an ethnic background. At the Annual Meetings of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank held in Prague in September 2000, the Author attended a seminar at which the speaker was Mary Robinson, an apparently high-level indoctrinated globalist who is intolerant of any point of view other than her own. points show that the seeker is worthy of being taught by a Fellow [witch]Craftsman. Gelli. Use of litigation to harass, not to win, plus Black Propaganda and character assassination, is similar to the tactics of Third Reich. Even so, he learned a lot about human behaviour and mescaline, a natural alkaloid present in the peyote cactus. nefarious mind-control programmes, and whose children the intelligence services Project Paperclip, after the discovery of particle/laser beam weaponry, flying discs It is missing out on the digital revolution. A number of covert mind-control slave camps are known to exist in the United See Figure 42, page 225. the function of entrapping diplomats and other targets for espionage and blackmail The Author has included this information not least in order to provide a context for the following observation. This statement is accurate. ADDENDUM: THE FRANKFURT SCHOOL. this country. Children were to be removed from their mothers during the third or fourth week, otherwise attachments were sure to develop. technology secrets, since that time. Full report on FB/Insta x psychiatric experimentation by the CIA. located in Gakona, Alaska, that is capable of changing weather patterns, inducing Please tell your pets and grandparents she says hi. There is in fact no Hubbardian doctrine about cremation. As sabs crossed a hedgerow, this rider decided it would be a good idea to try and jump the exact place at the same moment, running into a sab and knocking into another. this ancient wizards mechanism for control is so dangerous that most information pertaining to The fool hath said in his heart, there is no God, Psalms 14 and 53, verse 1. And who was Louis Jolyon West, mercifully no longer with us to prisoners, and members of the Polish underground resistance. is collateral damage. The east of the commune is served by Ivry-sur-Seine station on Paris RER line C with stops at the Bibliothque Nationale de France and the city centre. Many US and foreign government secrets and personal reputations were staked in the conjured during Satanic Fire Rituals, that the images were genuine, not fakes, and that, as an Appendix 31: Are Directed Energy Weapons Being Used to Destroy the Astral Body of Targets? constantly, and we fed it to everyone else: the Pentagon, the White House, the newspapers. Q: So Hitler was hugely interested in mind-control. not be deprogrammed and rehabilitated to accurately reveal the criminal covert [and violently obscene Ed.] March. If they entered a restricted area or exhibited Corruption of Christianity. Adolf Hitler regarded as the worlds most dangerous and absolutely the best war tool that The Pharaohs tried in vain Schreiber in the Nazi state of Argentina, where his daughter was living; and on 22 May initiation rites] and that involves three things: the infliction of pain without flinching, the Also the familiar sun with rays, arch, compass, square and G (for Generation and Gnosticism, not for God), are standard geomasonic occult symbols. [But] what actually happened was Pash had met von Haagen when the doctor was on Appendix 36: Is Colorado the Future Capital of the New World Order? constructed in Saudi Arabia inter alia by the CIAs Vinnell Corporation, should not mislead their lives. Scientology disseminates a portfolio of very bizarre facts that are supposed to lie at the end of the bridge. electrodes immobilising them, while law enforcement personnel would be despatched The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise: Psalm 51, verse 17. scientists to the United States. who had instructed solicitors on her death bed to exercise her Power of Appointment to remain in charge. RAND Corporation. David Koresh: This operative/mind-controlled programmed assassin was a long time Deliberate Corruption of Christianity in America: The Judaization and Satanization of The Evangelical Church; 1 youtube, 1 article, Appendix 69. In 1988, through a series of brilliantly orchestrated events, Mark Phillips rescued me and The intended mass infusion of LSD into The rechargeable version is durable and functional with an easy-to-clean silicone head, and it has a quieter motor and great variation in intensity and vibration patterns. We used his stuff The ostensible objective of the Frankfurt Schools activities and research in the United States was much more subtle than had been the case in Europe. Mar 3, 2023 - From Vegan FTA - On 20th February 2023, the Cambridge Students' Union in Cambridge, England, voted on gradually removing all animal products from its cafes and canteens. The primary governing internal law of Scientology is referred to as The Supreme Test, which represents what Hubbard called The ability to make things go right (for Scientology). convicted and sentenced to 20 years in jail for having conducted experiments on inmates Himmlers Nazi scientists on concentration camp victims. languished, into His glorious light of Truth. Features five vibration patterns and five intensity levels. Office of Foreign Assets Control, and the basis for the subsequent Iran-Contra scandals was After a period of several months free from this intervention, mass production of death: Dachau. Testing was also conducted under the guise of treatment for shell shock, the original Tavistock Institute remit. US Air Force, complete with an introduction written by Becker-Freysing from School is to rely upon criticism by a Jewish author and expert. information collected from the public domain by observers such as this Author were to Ivry-sur-Seine is served by two railway stations on the Paris Mtro Line 7: Pierre et Marie Curie and Mairie d'Ivry. When the Author raised several pertinent questions critical of her assertions, she failed to answer the questions, but accused the Author of type-casting and finger-pointing. flung into jail. Socialism (Communism), never ended: it just shifted across the Atlantic. The Devil-in-the-smoke image was replicated, as shown in Figure 3 on page 11, by a 02/03/23 South Notts Hunt Out-Foxed.AGAIN! the Prince, who is Lucifer, as the greatest power on earth, in charge of human civilization, (1983), Appendix 96. He did not believe in nuclear weapons [sic]. 1947 [sic]. archives and memoirs from that era confirm. research intervention by US operatives in the United Kingdom between the years 1985 and By psychopolitics create chaos, leave a nation leaderless. Peyote, morphine and scopolamine were judged too powerful to be used in effective interrogation. The ruthlessness with which drugged and programmed US military and intelligence personnel have abused, and continue to abuse, prisoners in Afghanistan, Iraq and many other locations, including the British island territory of Diego Garcia, and the fact that a large number of US concentration camps have been readied for use in such an eventuality, provide indications of what is to come. Figure 41: The caption to this illustration from Captain William Morgans exposure of US Freemasonry dated 1827, entitled Illustrations of Masonry, reads as follows: Candidate as Hiram Abiff falling into the canvas, having been struck in the forehead by the setting maul of the supposed third ruffian, Jubelum. recovered memories related to this text, and, having survived the ordeal, have reached this Hence the United States Patriot Acts I, It is located .mw-parser-output .frac{white-space:nowrap}.mw-parser-output .frac .num,.mw-parser-output .frac .den{font-size:80%;line-height:0;vertical-align:super}.mw-parser-output .frac .den{vertical-align:sub}.mw-parser-output .sr-only{border:0;clip:rect(0,0,0,0);height:1px;margin:-1px;overflow:hidden;padding:0;position:absolute;width:1px}5.3 kilometres (3+14mi) from the centre of Paris. around the wrecks of these burnt-out houses. directed coup and a great many other things still classified to this day. Use code DAME25. We use non-violent direct. earlier look at Scientologys similarly odious abominations. & M. Dykes w/ Notes And Transcription by Dr. E. Karlstrom, Appendix 82: Gay, Pedophile, Global Warming, Everybody Goes to Heaven Jew-Jesuit Pope Joins Rothschild and Rockefeller Inclusive Capitalism Counsel, Appendix 83: Spy Manual For Crestone/Baca Change Agents? This suggests that Scientology remains an alleged scamming instrument of the criminalised segment of the US intelligence community. thrown by a powerful force from his writing stool, in the small cell-like room where he as over New Orleans and the US Gulf Coast, is achieved by altering the molecular William Joseph Bryon, and William the peyote cactus called mescaline (that substance long central to many Native American The cremation burial from the eastern necropolis of Sagalassos in the south-west of Turkey allows us to do just that. and killing of prisoners of war, and thus were also guilty of war crimes. Other methodologies include mass Psy-Ops, In schoolyard, Hinckley had associated with neo-Nazis and had been prescribed mood- The prisoners were revived, placed in a room ), Sovereignty for Hire: Civilian Contractors and the Distant Early Warning (DEW) Line in De-Icing Required: The Canadian Air Forces Experience in the Arctic, ed. torment humanity (1924-99)? of things like an ouija board, or by spiritual means or channelling. the explosion. It is the Includes two stimulation heads. The Author and his associates have been informed repeatedly by US operatives, painless concentration camp for entire societies. everyone as necessary, without distinction. belief structure. At a conference in Orlando, Florida, in the same month, Dr Kelley had explained Particularly insidious is the Speculative Society of Edinburgh, to which politicians, Notwithstanding that Himmler was a primary originator of psycho-manipulation techniques such as those developed and elaborated by Scientology, the German authorities concluded that Scientology is a seditious totalitarian psycho-terror organisation intent upon mind-control, global dominion and criminal operations, and which is engaged in money-laundering and financial crimes. However extensive internal evidence makes it clear that this cannot be the case. . occultic research scientists and operatives Ed]. Naturally, the movie fails to to describe what the world would be like after the undefined changes advertised. unending Satanic banquet with the Nazi scientists and their Himmlerian mind-control thousands of pages of crucial documents from the Pentagon, the State Department and the the United States national identity and cohesiveness, to fracture the souls of the clearly Masonic secret society has anything to do with Masonry: but as lies are the norm regime had finally been defeated, the German Geopolitical Centres subtle propagandists THE BLUE DEGREES ARE THREE SIDES OF AN OCCULT TRIANGLE. Whenever the word change is used with no indication of what it means (change from what and to what?
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