The government continued its efforts to strengthen freedom of association protections, promote union democracy, and improve the ability of workers to bargain collectively. In rural areas in 2019, the cause of most maternal deaths was obstetric hemorrhage. Sometimes family members arranged marriages for girls younger than 18. Women were more likely to experience discrimination in wages, working hours, and benefits. Through a nationwide assessment process, the National Search Commission (CNB) revised the governments official number of missing or disappeared persons repeatedly as additional data became available. The reforms establish a four-year timeline for implementation designed to end May 1, 2023, but the government established an accelerated timeline to complete implementation by May 2022 and remained on track to meet that goal. Minors were recruited or forced by cartels to traffic persons, drugs, or other goods across the border with the United States. Mexican cartel war transforms Guanajuato into a deadly place - Los A 2019 constitutional amendment grants the president the authority to use the armed forces to protect internal and national security through 2024. TYT.-. On August 28, approximately 500 migrants, the majority from Haiti, started a caravan from Tapachula to Mexico City to obtain expedited asylum processing. Freedom of Association and the Right to Collective Bargaining, b. PDF Organized Crime and Violence in Guanajuato - JUSTICE IN MEXICO The CNDH sends a request to the authority asking for evidence of its compliance and includes this follow-up information in its annual report. Write by: . On October 1, a judge sentenced Fidel Figueroa, mayor of Zacualpan, state of Mexico, to 236 years in prison for murder. OSAC has developed into an enormously successful joint venture, with U.S. companies and organizations receiving the tools they need to cope with security issues in a . The CNDHs 2020 National Diagnostic of Penitentiary Supervision reported that state prisons were understaffed and suffered from poor sanitary conditions as well as a lack of separation between those sentenced and those awaiting trial. The 45,000-person Jewish community experienced low levels of anti-Semitism. In addition to shelters, womens justice centers provided services including legal, psychological, and protective; however, the number of cases far surpassed institutional capacity. A 2019 CNDH poll found six of every 10 members of the LGBTQI+ community reported experiencing discrimination in the past 12 months, and more than half suffered hate speech and physical aggression. On July 14, 10 indigenous men from the Yaqui tribe living in Sonora disappeared while transporting cattle in Bacum. The NGO Mexican Commission for the Defense and Promotion of Human Rights identified 15 incidents between January and July of mass forced internal displacement (defined as the displacement of at least 10 families or 50 individuals) due to violence. In addition to the outstanding Zeron arrest warrant, the Special Unit for the Investigation and Litigation of the Ayotzinapa case issued 12 warrants and made 10 arrests for investigative irregularities, such as torture and obstruction of justice. 2021 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices: Mexico, An official website of the United States Government,,,,, The UN Office for the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) documented cases in the states of Mexico and Chiapas in which detainees remained in pretrial detention for more than 12 years. There were 50 hate-crime homicides and four forced disappearances committed against the LGBTQI+ community in the first eight months, according to the National Observatory of Crimes Against LGBTQI persons. Posted at 01:41h . Freedom of Expression for Members of the Press and Media, Including Online Media: Independent media were active and expressed a wide variety of views without restriction but often self-censored due to fear of reprisal. The year 2020 had the second-highest number of cases on record, with 8,626 reported missing or disappeared, down from 9,185 cases reported in 2019. Police occasionally failed to provide impoverished detainees access to counsel during arrests and investigations as provided for by law, although the right to public defense during trial was generally respected. As of October the accused were in a military prison awaiting trial. PDF 5,400+ AT A Organizations GLANCE - There is no real history of political unrest in the state. Zeron led the investigation of the case by the former criminal investigations unit in the Attorney Generals Office at the time of the students disappearances. Significant human rights issues included credible reports of: unlawful or arbitrary killings by police, military, and other governmental officials; forced disappearance by government agents; torture and degrading treatment by security forces; harsh and life-threatening prison conditions; arbitrary arrest or detention; restrictions on free expression and media, including violence against journalists; acts of corruption; insufficient investigation of and accountability for gender-based violence, including but not limited to domestic and intimate partner violence; crimes involving violence or threats of violence targeting persons with disabilities; and crimes involving violence or threats of violence targeting lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and intersex persons. San Luis Potos, SLP.- San Luis Potos is the second most dangerous city in the country, according to the National Victimization Survey on Public Safety (Envipe) 2021, carried out by INEGI. The increase in domestic violence cases that began during the start of the COVID-19 pandemic continued. Following the introduction of the accusatorial justice system, however, there was a significant reduction in the number of persons detained in this manner, falling from more than 1,900 in 2011 to 21 in 2018. The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention, and NGOs expressed concerns regarding arbitrary detention and the potential for it to lead to other human rights abuses. Emergency contraception was available, including for survivors of sexual assault. Last Update: Reissued with updates to health information. As of October the special unit had reissued arrest warrants for 11 of the 78 released detainees, including municipal police officers, but made no arrests. Office of the Special Envoy for Critical and Emerging Technology, Office of the U.S. osac mexico 2020 crime and safety report - In June the Federal Telecommunications Institute, an autonomous agency created to increase the transparency of media regulation, released internet neutrality guidelines for internet service providers. Higher Risk Travel. In July the Mexico City congress passed a law to provide, promote, and protect LGBTQI+ human rights. This limited medias ability to investigate and report, since many of the reporters who were killed covered crime, corruption, and local politics. As of August 16, the suspects remained in detention awaiting trial. Some areas of Mexico have increased risk of crime and kidnapping. There were numerous instances of criminal armed groups extorting, threatening, or kidnapping asylum seekers and other migrants. On February 19, a constitutional reform eliminated presidential immunity for corruption and other crimes. San Luis Potos, second most dangerous city in Mexico The government continued implementing the labor reforms in a phased manner, with the reform coming online in eight states in November 2020, and phase two started on November 3 with 13 states, and phase three to be concluded on May 1, 2022, for the remaining states. By law government health providers are obliged to offer sexual and reproductive emergency health services for survivors of sexual violence within 120 hours of the sexual assault. Government failures to investigate and prosecute attacks on protesters and human rights defenders resulted in impunity for these crimes, consistent with high impunity rates for all crimes. Federal and state labor inspectorates conducted nearly 30,000 labor inspections in formally registered businesses in 2020 but did not conduct inspections in the informal sector. In June media outlets reported that a fight between two rival groups of inmates left six inmates dead and nine wounded at a prison in Villahermosa, Tabasco. OSAC 2021-N-0015, Guiding Principles for Scene Investigation and Reconstruction (added September 7, 2021 and sent to ASB for further development and publication). Investigations continued into the 2014 disappearances of 43 students from the Ayotzinapa Rural Teachers College in Iguala, Guerrero. El Salvador Travel Advisory - United States Department of State The CABs operate under a tripartite system with government, worker, and employer representatives, with worker representation on the CABs selected based on majority representation, which was held by entrenched nondemocratic unions that sign protection contracts with complicit employers to secure low wages. Mexico - United States Department of State As of July, 39 percent of active unions under local jurisdiction had registered required amendments to their amended statutes to incorporate new secret ballot and gender equity requirements with the CABs. Dominican Republic Travel Advisory Twelve states have laws restricting public demonstrations. The guidelines allow internet service providers to deny access to certain applications, content, and services based on commercial criteria, in breach of their obligations to protect neutrality. In July the CNB reported it had recovered more than 1,100 pounds of charred human remains from La Bartolina, Tamaulipas, a clandestine cremation site found in 2017. The reforms call for the creation of independent labor courts to replace the Conciliation and Arbitration Boards (CABs) that favored corporatist unions in the resolution of disputes and facilitated the registration of protection contracts. The OSAC Program Office is headquartered in Washington, DC and is overseen by a 34-member public-private Council. There were high rates of impunity for these crimes, consistent with high impunity rates for all crimes. The situation of agricultural workers remained particularly precarious, with similar patterns of exploitation throughout the sector. According to the Interior Secretariat, between 2018 and July assailants killed seven journalists and two defenders under protection of the mechanism. The Overseas Security Advisory Council (OSAC) was created in 1985 under the Federal Advisory Committee Act to promote security cooperation between American private-sector interests worldwide and the U.S. Department of State. The government investigated and prosecuted some of these crimes, but the vast majority remained uninvestigated and unprosecuted. The State Department's Mexico Crime and Safety Report for Merida (OSAC) details that there is very little to no narco-related crime threat in Merida. In July 2020 the CNB launched a public version of the National Registry of Disappeared and Missing Persons. Independent Monitoring: The government permitted independent monitoring of prison conditions by the International Committee of the Red Cross, CNDH, and state human rights commissions. Criminal groups became increasingly involved in the illegal timber trade in Chihuahua, which accounted for 70 percent of the wood consumed in the country. OSAC.GOV: Registered users can receive 100+ monthly security notices, including daily news highlights, upcoming events, analytical reports, embassy/consulate alerts, and city-specific crime and safety reports. In June the government amended the General Law on Womens Access to a Life Free of Violence to include media and digital violence as a form of violence against women. (No Ratings Yet) osac mexico 2020 crime and safety report During the COVID-19 pandemic, indigenous persons faced additional hardships in accessing educational services. Reproductive Rights: There were no confirmed reports of coerced abortion or involuntary sterilization on the part of government authorities. In July the army provided reparations to two of the three families of persons killed in July 2020 by soldiers in Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, during an encounter with suspected cartel members. Drug traffickers involved in illegal logging recruited and kidnapped indigenous persons and children in isolated or displaced communities, withheld their wages, forced them to conduct illicit activities, and often threatened death if they tried to leave. GitHub export from English Wikipedia. An Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation study on the use of contraceptives in Chiapas (the poorest state) found that older women were less likely to use family planning methods (13 percent of women ages 35 and older, versus 18 percent of women ages 20-34), while 23 percent of indigenous women opposed birth control for religious, cultural, or social reasons. As of August, 25 of 32 states had specialized prosecutors offices for investigating torture, or specialized investigative units within the state attorney generals office as called for by law. Due to low internet penetration and television ownership in indigenous communities, distance learning was often inaccessible. Defendants have the right to an attorney of their choice at all stages of criminal proceedings. Google received more removal requests from government agents in 2020 than in any other year except 2014. Workers had to buy food and other items at the company store at high markups, at times leaving them with no money at the end of the harvest after settling debts. On August 30, the Extraordinary Mechanism for Forensic Identification became fully operational. On August 7, Yucatan governor Mauricio Villa announced the arrest of four police officers, but on August 14, a judge set them free due to a lack of evidence. It was created in 2019 to bring together national and international forensic experts to help identify 37,000 unidentified remains held in government facilities, coordinate implementation of the general law on forced disappearances, and allocate resources to state search commissions. Following the August 2020 killing of Pablo Morrugares, El Diario de Iguala newspaper published a note blaming organized crime and Governor Hector Astudillo Flores administration for violence against journalists and impunity. Is it Safe to Travel to Bangkok? - TripSavvy The Puebla state government sued the news outlet E-Consulta seven times due to its reporting. Workers argued that the protectionist union holding the collective bargaining agreement pressured workers to legitimize the agreement, offered bribes, and tampered with ballots. The new wage applied to all sectors and allowed an earner to reach or exceed the poverty line. As part of that process, the Federal Center published a new legitimization protocol to include a mechanism that allows for submission of complaints regarding alleged irregularities that may happen prior to, during, and after the vote. State preventive police report to state governors, while municipal police report to mayors. The National Council to Prevent Discriminations 2017 national survey on discrimination found 58 percent of Afro-Mexicans and 65 percent of indigenous persons considered their rights were respected little or not at all. The survey also reported 22 percent of persons said they would not share a household with an Afro-Mexican. In Baja California Sur, Guanajuato, Michoacan, Nayarit, Nuevo Leon, and Yucatan, the crimes of defamation and libel are prosecuted, with penalties ranging from three days to five years in prison and fines for committing defamation or slander, both considered crimes against honor. Slander is punishable under the criminal laws of the states of Campeche, Nuevo Leon, Sonora, Yucatan, and Zacatecas, with sentences ranging from three months to six years in prison and fines. Digital media journalists covering stories such as crime, corruption, and human rights violations experienced physical violence and online abuse. U.S. Department of State - United States Department of State State human rights commissions investigate state and municipal police forces and can issue similar recommendations. osac mexico 2020 crime and safety report In March the government amended federal labor law to define the minimum wage as the lowest cash amount a worker receives for services rendered during a workday and stipulated it should never be below the inflation rate. Federal authorities supported access to contraceptive methods, but states efforts varied widely. Authorities were attempting to extradite Roemer from Israel. The government worked with UNHCR to improve access to refugee status and the procedure to determine refugee status, reception conditions for vulnerable migrants and refugee applicants, and integration in local communities (including access to school, work, and other social services) for those approved for refugee and complementary protection status. osac crime and safety reports osac crime and safety reports Between January and June, state authorities opened 10,458 new rape investigations. Under the accusatorial system, judges conduct all hearings and trials and follow the principles of public access and cross-examination. Defendants have the right to free assistance of an interpreter, if needed, although interpretation and translation services for indigenous languages were not always available. Defendants have the right to attend the hearings and to challenge the evidence or testimony presented. Their abduction followed the killings of two Yaqui activists and leaders: Thomas Rojo in May and Luis Urbano in June. Children performed dangerous tasks in agriculture in the production of beans, chili peppers, coffee, cucumbers, eggplants, melons, onions, tomatoes, and tobacco. Femicide is a federal offense punishable by 40 to 70 years in prison. In the first six months of the year, Article 19 registered 362 attacks against journalists and accused public officials of committing 134 of them. Nonetheless, NGOs and media reported on sexual exploitation of minors, as well as child sex tourism in resort towns and northern border areas. The Executive Secretariat of the National Public Security System reported more than 1,889 killings of women, including 672 femicides, from January to September. Outsourcing practices made it difficult for workers to identify their legally registered employer, thus limiting their ability to seek redress of labor grievances. Media outlets reported authorities tortured and sexually abused Ravelo. Between January and April the Office of the Special Prosecutor for Electoral Crimes in the Attorney Generals Office initiated 14 investigations related to gender-based political violence against women. The order specifically called for an investigation into the role of the chain of command and the military order to "take down criminals.". Mexico has relied heavily on the military for drug control and to fight organized crime, leading to widespread human rights violations. Under the labor reform, to negotiate a collective bargaining agreement, the union must first obtain a certificate of representativeness from the Federal Center demonstrating it has support from at least 30 percent of workers to be covered by the agreement. In January 2020 the government raised the minimum wage. osac mexico 2020 crime and safety report. Note: The safety and security equipment and services sector encompasses several different segments, including some defense products. Federal law specifically proscribes discrimination based on ethnicity, nationality, gender, age, disability, social status, health, religion, immigration status, political opinion, sexual preference, marital status, or pregnancy. Hundreds of thousands of workers continued to work in foreign-owned factories, mainly in northern border states, producing electronics, medical equipment, and auto parts. In cases involving organized crime, the law allows authorities to hold suspects up to 96 hours before requiring them to seek judicial review. Enforcement was inadequate in many small companies, in agriculture, and in construction, and nearly absent in the informal sector in which most child laborers worked. The CNDH did not report on the merits of the complaints. As of June, 58 percent of women in federal prison and 51 percent in municipal and state prisons were in pretrial detention, while 42 percent of men in the federal and local judicial system were in pretrial detention, according to a report from the Secretariat of Security and Civilian Protection. Overseas Security Advisory Council (OSAC) - United States Department of In addition to criminal libel and defamation laws, civil law defines moral damage as similar to defamation concerning harm to a persons feelings, affections, beliefs, dignity, honor, reputation, and privacy, according to the NGO Committee to Protect Journalists. In July 2020 the Supreme Court agreed to analyze the case but as of August 23 had not issued a ruling. Defendants have the right to a presumption of innocence and to a fair and public trial without undue delay. 21 Feb. osac mexico 2020 crime and safety report. In July 2020 legislators approved a law making all judicial sentences public. 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