Question 9 of 20 All of the following are true about scholasticism EXCEPT A it from HS 150 WORL at Ashworth College. All of the following were true of averros philosophy. b.Kongo This impact could, of course, not be restricted to the idea of God; it necessarily concerned and changed humanitys whole conception of the world and of existence. The Empire engaged in no fewer than fifteen wars of varying scale during Victoria's reign. Which was NOT one of the major Italian city-states developed by the fifteenth century? While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. a.Religious ferver, industrialism, and staple crops. All of the following statements are true EXCEPT that_____. floodplains are usually very fertile agricultural areas. They had more privileges than a monk in a village, Which of the following is NOT an example of the nature of the medieval serfs' lives? c.the economic conditions of the continent were unaltered. The following passages describe circumstances surrounding the lives of two different young rulers. d. none of the above, b. What revolutionized warfare in the early Middle Ages? All of the following were true about the Crusades except. 60mins 100 mins. D) the drug continues to be delivered . Is that sort of change positive, negative, or neutral? Meanwhile, King George III, 555 the "mad king" of England, neared the end of a sixty-year reign, the latter part of which was marked by bouts of insanity. His friend Cassiodorus, author of the Institutionesan unoriginal catalog of definitions and subdivisions, which (in spite of their dryness) became a source book and mine of information for the following centurieswho, like Boethius, occupied a position of high influence at the court of Theodoric and was also deeply concerned with the preservation of the intellectual heritage, decided in his later years to quit his political career and to live with his enormous library in a monastery. without good reason. the author of the Summa Theologica was Abelard dun Scotus. The incursions of the Scandinavian Vikings into other parts of Europe. During the period between the ninth century and the year 1300: There was a period of chaos, out of which emerged a new model of centralized administrations, headed by kings. c. began a system of power sharing between the monarch and groups within the society, By the end of the 13th century, the institutionalization of the English Parliament c. it was preoccupied with establishing the concurrence between Christian and Aristotelian thought. was fought between England and France. question. b.Economic recession. b.Vietnam a.dynasties were unable to produce male heirs. The church, though not until centuries later, condemned the book, apparently convinced that any counterpoise to its own position could become dangerous in itself. d.Thailand b.became Roman Catholic, with the exception of the Russians, Turks and Magyars. b.Austrians. c.Orleans. floodplains are flat and often have relatively few boulder s or other large obstacles that may prevent farming . e.Venice. b.Edward the Confessor. question. c.France. Below is a pair of reading passages followed by several multiple-choice question. c. They opposed the feudal system. c.Loss of faith in the church. Aelectronic media can extend one's contact with the world Bthose living far away from a certain event can also have some perception of realities by watching television Call the events occurring on the university campus at Berkeley were given national media coverage . Their focus was on finding the answers to the questions. a.steel. answer choices . c. it was preoccupied with establishing the concurrence between Christian and Aristotelian thought. a.the population rose in Italian cities but fell in English and French cities and towns. e.traditional nobles fighting on horseback were the keys to victory. d.the Roman Church supreme over all of Christendom. c.Vasco da Gama. Victoria was a kept child, never out of her mother's company, and interacted only with the host of private tutors who provided her with a thorough classical education. they were members of agricultural craft guild. All of the following are true of Maria Cunitz, one of the most remarkable scientific thinkers of the seventeenth century, EXCEPT . All of the following are true about Pfizer's acquisition of Wyeth EXCEPT. Saint Thomas Aquinas believed that the existence of God could be proven in five ways, mainly by: 1) observing movement in the world as proof of God, the "Immovable Mover"; 2) observing cause and. Alfonso I was the king of this African state and in an effort to stave off the capture and sale of his subjects on the slave markets, he made a poignant appeal to the king of Portugal. c.religious fervor. d. Mark for Review What's This? c.Mongols. c.Carthage. Philip took several concubines during his reign, one of whom was Cleopatra, the daughter of a Macedonian aristocrat. He imparted a strong work ethic to the boy, which gave Alexander the intrinsic self-discipline he 151515 needed to be a good soldier and a young king. A fast new type of ship, thejustekst\underline{\phantom{\text{justekst}}}justekst helped begin the Age of Exploration. b.the Dutch VOC seized Malacca. attempted to prove the unity of faith and reason. He had a great memory. According to Richard Rovere, which of the following Scholasticism is so much a many-sided phenomenon that, in spite of intensive research, scholars still differ considerably in their definition of the term and in the emphases that they place on individual aspects of the phenomenon. wells. c.Seljuk Turks. The medieval period was widely viewed as an insignificant intermezzo between Greco-Roman antiquity and modern times, and Scholasticism was normally taken to describe a philosophy busied with sterile subtleties, written in bad Latin, and above all subservient to Roman Catholic theology. Abc Casting Australia, b.were Jews who beat themselves in an effort to avoid harsher abuse by Christians. Alexander's second teacher, Lysimacuis, taught Alexander to appreciate the arts of music, poetry, and drama, but his most famous teacher, the Athenian philosopher Aristotle, passed along 20 his knowledge of science, medicine, philosophy, ethics, and politics, all of which contributed to the background that would soon make the thirteen-year-old Alexander a great leader and champion of his people. On the other hand, there had been built in, from the beginning, a corrective and warning, which in fact kept the internal peril of rationalism within bounds, namely, the corrective exercised by the negative theology of the so-called Pseudo-Dionysius, around whose writings revolved some of the strangest events in the history of Western culture. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. When Queen Victoria was born in 181918191819, the continent of Europe was breathing a sigh of relief. They gave land to the peasants. e.use of mercenary soldiers. e.facilitated the spread of the plague with the creation of its Silk Road empire. a. The Cape of Good Hope was rounded in 1487 by Besides, the progress from the stage of mere collection of given sentences and their interpretation (expositio, catena, lectio), to the systematic discussion of texts and problems (quaestio, disputatio), and finally to the grand attempts to give a comprehensive view of the whole of attainable truth (summa) was necessarily at the same time a clear progression toward intellectual autonomy and independence, which in order to culminate, as it did in the 13th century, in the great works of Scholasticisms Golden Age, required in addition the powers of genius, of philosophers like St. Albertus Magnus and Aquinas. e.Suetonious. A series of strong men tried to consolidate power in specific areas, but they were never successful. theology was considered to be the "queen of the sciences." d. Texas, 9.3 vocabulary and multiple choice questions, GHP World Studies Chapter 13: Renaissance and, GHP World Studies Chapter 17: Enlightenment Q, John Lund, Paul S. Vickery, P. Scott Corbett, Todd Pfannestiel, Volker Janssen, Eric Hinderaker, James A. Henretta, Rebecca Edwards, Robert O. Self, H World History Midterm (Chapter 1 - 3b Tests. b.Poles. It was a decisive and astonishing fact that the so-called barbarian peoples who penetrated from the north into the ancient world often became Christians and set out to master the body of tradition that they found, including the rich harvest of patristic theology as well as the philosophical ideas of the Greeks and the political wisdom of the Romans. NOT. e.divided the "new" areas discovered by Europeans between the English and the French. Under Albert's guidance, Victoria, protecting her dwindling rights as monarch, demonstrated increasingly conservative politics during an era that saw the birth of tradition-challenging ideas such as nationalism, liberalism, democracy, and socialism. c. the low cost of building materials Floods carry nutrient -rich silt and sediment, and distribute it across a wide area. b.Constance. a.Paris. d.was the sacred ruler of the Khmer. All of the following are true about scholasticism EXCEPT: A. it is a term used to depict the philosophical and theological system of medieval universities. The staple of the medieval diet was (C) winner of an award c.Ayuthaya Every sentence we utter in everyday life appears to have the character of a hypothesis. d. failed because of the impact of the Black Death, a. consolidation of power within the nation, "Common law," developed during the reign of Henry II, assisted in the development of The pope who gave his blessing and authorized the First Crusade was. (A) lucky person Thus, On Mystical Theology concluded by finally relativizing also the negations, because God surpasses anything that humans may possibly say of him, whether it be affirmative or negative. Alexander noticed that the animal was afraid of its own shadow, so he wagered 131313 talents-the price of the horse-that he could tame it. b.Jerusalem a.Milan c.solved the labor shortage challenge in European agriculture. The Mongols THE one hundred and fifty years from the middle of the sixteenth to the end of the seventeenth century is known in history as the period of the Counter-Reformation. Some historians, seeming almost to capitulate to the complexity of the subject, confine themselves to the general point that Scholasticism can only be defined denotatively as that kind of philosophy that during the European Middle Ages was taught in the Christian schools. b.spices. developed a more organized monastic structure under Saint Benedict. c.captured Constantinople. c.potatoes and corn were introduced into the Americas from Europe. c.the breakdown of feudalism. Strictly speaking, it refers to the last sentence of a very short tractate on the Trinity, which reads, As far as you are able, join faith to reasonan injunction which in fact was to become, for centuries, the formal foundation of Scholasticism. b.the Pope moved to Avignon. As a result of European expansion into Africa, Abelard. c.Goa a.the argument of whose authority was superior. e.Spain. The search thus leads the inquirer back to the transition from antiquity to the Middle Agesa point which, according to Hegel, was marked by the symbolic date 529 ce, when a decree of the Christian emperor Justinian closed the Platonic Academy in Athens and sealed the downfall of the physical establishments of pagan philosophy. In the same year, however, still another event occurred, which points much less to the past than to the coming age and, especially, to the rise of Scholasticism, namely, the foundation of Monte Cassino, the first Benedictine abbey, above one of the highways of the great folk migrations. Write the letter for the correct definition of the italicized vocabulary word. d.Joan of Arc was burnt at the stake for heresy by the English. The Revival of the Seventeenth Century. 5 Letter Word Containing Din, lupin iii the mystery of mamo english dub, all of the following are true about scholasticism except. d. Pfizer took on more debt than usual to acquire Wyeth. All of the following were motives for the Crusades except. b. the portion of the population that is sixty-five or older is getting larger. This fact again is highly characteristic of the development of medieval Scholasticism: intellectual life needs not only teachers and students and not only a stock of knowledge to be handed down; there is also needed a certain guaranteed free area within human society as well, a kind of sheltered enclosure, within which the concern for nothing but truth can exist and unfold. a.The Gold Coast B He was a gifted politician who protected Americans from wells. A field of study that focused on astrophysics, philosophy, and Christian theology. Political disintegration in the fourteenth century resulted from all of the following except e.the emphasis on Aryanism in the East. e.Navigation, shipbuilding, and weaponry. The father of Alexander the Great, Philip of Macedon, had conquered all of Greece before his assassination in 336336336 B.C. it was built because of its strategic locationC. e.Poland. e.Ayuthaya. And it is only in the light of this fact that one of the decisive traits of medieval Scholasticism becomes understandable: Scholasticism above all was an unprecedented process of learning, literally a vast scholastic enterprise that continued for several centuries. c. A medieval method of determining theological and philosophical truth by using Aristotelian logic. Peasant rebellions took place in Europe over exclusion from artisanal guilds. colloquium at Utrecht University on June 6, 2001. First of all, if the major historical task of that epoch was really to learn, to acquire, and to preserve the riches of tradition, a certain degree of scholasticity was not only inevitable but essential. B. You must do the following except - The Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1987 is a OBRA requires retraining and/or new competency evaluation for persons who . One story that demonstrates young Alexander's precocious nature is that of Alexander and his horse, Bucephalus. A. it is a term used to depict the philosophical and theological system of medieval universities. It approved money for wars in France Updates? Scholasticism certainly could have learned all of this also from Augustine, who repeatedly warned that whatever you understand cannot be God. But probably an authority of even greater weight than Augustine was needed to counteract a reason that was tending to overrate its own powers, and this authority was attributed, although falsely, to the works of Denis the Areopagite. b.pasta. c.Peasant rebellions took place in Europe over exclusion from artisanal guilds. c.was the first European to get to the source of the Zambezi. A series of strong men tried to consolidate power in specific areas, but they were never successful. allow the pope to assume the leadership in liberating the Holy Land. e.ceramics. e.Gregory VII. Prince Henry Skeptics have challenged the adequacy or reliability of these claims by asking what principles they are based upon or what they actually establish. In this way, Scholasticism avoids Innatism, according to which all our ideas, or some of our ideas, are born with the soul and have no origin in the world outside us. c. it was preoccupied with establishing the concurrence between Christian and Aristotelian thought. It is true that the book is said to be, aside from the Bible, one of the most translated, most commented upon, and most printed books in world history; and that Boethius made (unfinished) plans to translate and to comment upon, as he said, every book of Aristotle and all the dialogues of Plato. But the epithet that he won as one of the founders of Scholasticism refers to quite another side of his work. in History. Transcribed image text: All of the following statements about sets are true EXCEPT: Sets cannot be represented by an underlying linked list. Erik the Red. all of the following are true about scholasticism except. How did monks and nuns improve life during the Middle Ages? Renaissance Humanism began in the later 13th century when Europeans' hunger for studying classical texts coincided with a desire to imitate those authors in style. b.Within boroughs in England. When Alexander traveled with his armies, he lived as his soldiers lived, sleeping on the ground and sharing unsavory rations, foregoing extravagant tents, regal vestments, and luxurious meals that had no purpose on the battlefield. d. They had to pay fees to the lord for the services they needed, c. They were food-producing, self-sufficient units, in which commerce was secondary, Which of the following was NOT true about medieval towns and cities? How did the three-field system contribute to the agricultural evolution that took place during the Middle Ages? a. Florida Alexander's first teacher, Leonidas, ingrained his own ascetic personality in young Alexander. The point of talking of sense-data and immediate experience is that we are looking for a non-hypothetical representation. a. it is a term used to depict the philosophical and theological system of medieval universities. d. the growth of towns and the increase of commercial wealth, a. spices such as pepper and cloves as well as luxury textiles such as silk, As interregional trade increased during the late Middle Ages, what products did European markets demand? @gary V. All of the following statements are true concerning the effects of smoking, except: Bidis burn much faster than cigarettes. d.Mortality rates meant less workers survived, and they could command better wages. The European intellectuals and artists of the period saw themselves as having broken away from the scholasticism of the mediaeval period. c.refusal to provide tithes to the church. Rating. d.Although agriculture was the economic basis of society, commerce was beginning to affect daily life. d.established a school for naval gunners in Portsmouth, England in 1438. All of the following are true about scholasticism EXCEPT.. a. it is a term used to depict the philosophical and theological system of medieval institutions b. it attempted to prove the unity of faith and reason c. it was preoccupied with establishing the concurrence between Christian and Aristotelian thought Which of the following was not characteristic of Romanesque architecture. e.Portugal. During the period between the ninth century and the year 1300: There was a period of chaos, out of which emerged a new model of centralized administrations, headed by kings. d.mark graf. e.Henry the Navigator. problems. b. Does James Avery Repair Jewelry, b.decentralized government became typical in eastern and central Europe. England enjoyed a period of relative stability, while revolutionary passions ran their course through the rest of the world. b. it attempted to prove the unity of faith and reason. Apartments For Rent In St Bernard Parish, All of the following were motives for the Crusades except. One may wonder what type of childhood and adolescent influences must have been at work to create such a powerful ruler. b. d.divided the "new" areas discovered by Europeans between Spain and Portugal. Omissions? The council which ended the Great Schism was the council of. d.Rome. e.Fighting against the Mongols. d.the Mwene Metapa was entirely eliminated by the Portuguese. All of the following are true of Europe's economy at the beginning of the 1200s EXCEPT: A. . b.Malacca. c.Constantinople. b.London d. Manorialism ended in the 10th century, a. highly successful in Southeast Asia, and particularly on the island of Java. d.copper. b. Although the idea of including faith was expressed already by . The influence of Denis is reflected in the noteworthy fact that Aquinas, for instance, not only employed more than 1,700 quotations from Denis the Areopagite but also appealed almost regularly to his work whenever he spoke, as he often did (and in astonishingly strong terms), of the inexhaustible mystery of being. 11. Boethius himself already carried out his program in a rather extraordinary way: though his Opuscula sacra (Sacred Works) dealt almost exclusively with theological subjects, there was not a single Bible quotation in them: logic and analysis was all. c. it was preoccupied with establishing the concurrence between Christian and Aristotelian thought. the author of the Summa Theologica was Abelard dun Scotus. c.Three field crop rotation, navigational abilities, and cartography. The major threat to the Byzantine Empire in the eleventh century came from the a.became king of England in 1628. a. traditional nobles fighting on horseback were the keys to victory But then Denis showed that even the revealed names, since they must be comprehensible to humans finite understanding, cannot possibly reach or express the nature of God and that, in consequence, every affirmative statement about God requires at once the corrective of the coordinate negation. e.scholasticism and spirituality. All of the following are true about Transderm Scop EXCEPT A) it is a patch applied to the skin behind the knee. the author of the suma theologica was aberlard dun Scotus. c.the papacy moving to Germany after Boniface's death. a.gunpowder and guns were introduced into the Americas from Europe. b. it attempted to prove the unity of faith and reason c.secularism and individualism. c.were a new order of friars which were established in France by Joan of Arc. e.Spain. Having endured a childhood of isolation and strict control, the eighteen-year-old Victoria found herself Queen when William died in 183718371837. In spite of England's "relative stability" at the time, the period of Queen Victoria's reign, according to the details in the first passage, can be described as. By the later Middle Ages, procedures for exploiting and discussing antecedent stocks of insight had been largely institutionalized, and it was an obvious temptation to perpetuate the dominion of those procedureswhich could lead only to total sterility. involved the forcible movement of millions of African slaves overseas. facilitated the spread of the plague with the creation of its Silk Road empire. The Orthodox Church had its greatest missionary success with the From the beginning of medieval Scholasticism the natural aim of all philosophical endeavour to achieve the "whole of attainable truth" was clearly meant to include also the teachings of Christian faith, an inclusion which, in the very concept of Scholasticism, was perhaps its most characteristic and distinguishing element. d. the desire to gain riches and land, a. traditional nobles fighting on horseback were the keys to victory, All of the following regarding the Hundred Years' War are correct EXCEPT I n what area did communes first appear? All of the following are true about scholasticism except. All of the following statements about YouTube are true EXCEPT: A registered users can upload an unlimited number of videos. c.the "new monarchies" greatly aided in stabilizing France, Spain, and England. were divided into two religious groups, with most southern and eastern Slavs becoming Orthodox and most northern and western Slavs becoming Roman Catholic. d.Being conquered by Charlemagne. Since the existing material had to be ordered and made accessible to learning and teaching, the very prosaic labour and schoolwork of organizing, sorting, and classifying materials inevitably acquired an unprecedented importance. b.Flanders. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful. a.missi dominici. a.Russians. a.Ferdinand Magellan. e.potatoes. b.Expelling the Moors from Spain. both the difficulty of simultaneously controlling the Italian and German areas of the empire and the opposition by the popes and the cities of northern Italy. e.the desire for military adventure.
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