Such offence can and does happen yet. It is the ability not to lose patience when people are foolish, not to grow irritable when they seem unteachable. That good thing which was committed unto thee keep by the Holy Ghost which dwelleth in us." Or life, or death, or life after death? Just to go line upon line, precept upon precept, plodding right straight through the word of God. "Lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God.". All you can say is that they are "without natural affection".God has put in our heart a certain natural love as a parent for a child. If Timothy would adhere to the truth as he had been taught it, this would arm him against the snares and insinuations of seducers. The term "godly" (eusebos) means "piously" (Thayer 262-2-2153). Persecution and hardships will come, but of two things Paul is sure. Don't start trying to cut out certain stories because they don't fit your scheme because you have a little hard, you have a hard time sort of believing that. Years later that same brigand turned up again. If we consult the scripture, which was given by inspiration of God, and follow its directions, we shall be made men of God, perfect, and thoroughly furnished to every good work. In the midst of all, he is told to bring the cloak that he left at Troas with Carpus, and the books, but especially the parchments. The task of the apostle is not only to tell men the truth; it is also to help them do it. He was ordered to light a bonfire and burn his books. He was to remember, then, "that Jesus Christ, of the seed of David, was raised from the dead according to my gospel: wherein I suffer trouble, as an evil-doer, even unto bonds; but the word of God is not bound." The New Testament had not yet been canonized. The Jehovah Witnesses seeking to develop their doctrine concerning hell and that it is a place of oblivion, no consciousness, no awareness. It can sometimes have the meaning of loyalty, or true religion. Whose will is to live, or who are bent on living. The most amazing things may happen if he does, for there is a saving wisdom here that is in no other book. "Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God, according to the promise." In English we usually associate it with insult against God, but in Greek it means insult against man and God alike. One of my most unfavorite promises in the Bible. THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL We live in a fallen world, and there are many challenges that face the believer who has not only trusted Christ for salvation, but is also ready and willing to deny self, take up his cross, follow Christs example, and say without compromise Thy will, not mine, be done.The newbornbaby Christian has to grow in grace and mature in the faith over an unspecified periodof time, to reach this level of maturity in his faith, while other who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ may slip in and out of carnality and worldliness for many years, stunting their growth and even regressing in their faith back to spiritual infancy.Many, if not all believers, are called to become mature in the faith by walking in spirit and truth and living godly, Christ-centred lives, but few are willing to exchange the cosy blessings of early Christian infancy, for the difficulties that inevitably follow the mature believer. The same tone of mercy is equally promised in this #epistle as in the last. If anyone proposes to introduce into his life a loyalty which surpasses all earthly loyalties, there are bound to be clashes. But the phrase may mean any future time, whether near or distant. If, in any manner, or in any way, he is subjected to disadvantage on account of his religious opinions, and deprived of any immunities and rights to which he would be otherwise entitled, this is persecution. Men will be ungovernable in their desires (akrates, G193) . Salem Media Group. At the same time He will have them undividedly for Himself; and He is also jealous of the way in which they seek even the ends of God. If Timothy wishes to live godly in Christ, he must make up his mind to encounter. And Paul said, You've known the Holy Scriptures, able to bring you to a faith in Jesus Christ, salvation through the faith in Jesus Christ. The best way to overcome and to banish the false is to live in such a way that the loveliness and the graciousness of the truth is plain for all to see. God wants us each to take His power, His love, and His calm thinking and overcome fear, to be used of Him with all the gifts He gives. Paul kept back nothing from his hearers, but declared to them the whole counsel of God (Acts 20:27), so that if it were not their own fault they might fully know it. But foolish and unlearned questions avoid, knowing that they do gender strifes. The Platonic Definitions defined the corresponding noun (alazoneia, G212) as: "The claim to good things which a man does not really possess." (12) Yea, and all that will live godly.--But St. Paul would not allow it to be thought for a moment that in the fact of his enduring persecution and suffering there was anything remarkable or singular; so he adds the words of this verse, which repeat in a peculiarly solemn way the great Christian truth that eternal glory was only to be reached by man through an avenue of sufferings. Look at the magazines that were once really under the counter kind of stuff and sold illegally. And if a man also strive for masteries, yet is he not crowned, except he strive lawfully." 3 f I thank God g whom I serve, as did my ancestors, h with a clear conscience, as I remember you i . Who is talking all these words without knowledge? God wants you to be complete. He wants to accustom his mind to expect hardship instead of shirking it. The closing chapter (2 Timothy 4:1-22) then gives his solemn charge, and at the same time his own expression of what was before him. Now we see that when Paul was touching the confines of that difficult and most perilous moment when John was to be left alone, he brings out as his last note that very truth which John was to develop with special care and fulness. Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. Look at the rapid deterioration of our society. Introduction; 2 Timothy 1 Commentary; 2. But, says the apostle, "be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus." To report dead links, typos, or html errors or suggestions about making these resources more useful use the convenient, Baker Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology, Hastings' Dictionary of the New Testament, International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, Et tous ceux aussi qui veulent vivre en la crainte de Dieu, Que rien ne luy est advenu que tous fideles ne doyvent aussi attendre. What use it will be of to us. Now I'm not about to say God was wrong. The sister was persuaded to read a copy of St. John. It would all be over, where, you know, the miseries would all be gone.What's the first thing God said to Job? When a man's language becomes filthy, obscene and crude, it shows that there's something wrong with him. Paul said to Timothy. But the apostle remembered it all, felt deeply for if not with him, and greatly desiring to see him once more. Thus he comforts Timothy at the same time that he admonishes him. And I filed many scriptures in that file. (4) Let those who have never been persecuted in any way, inquire whether it is not an evidence that they have no religion. Don't start messing with it. "It denotes living in the right attitude to God and to things divine. Pride always begets insult. [ See verse text ] Persecution against godly people is to be expected in this world; it's one of the few constants in life (2 Timothy 3:12). So I become the authority if I make such an affirmation to you. SEDUCTION IN THE NAME OF RELIGION ( 2 Timothy 3:6-7 ). All that live according to the will of God revealed in his word; and to the glory of God, as the end of all their actions; and which the grace of God in the Gospel, and in their own hearts, teaches them; and who have the principles of a godly life from Christ, and derive the fresh supplies of grace and life from him, to maintain it; in whom their He knew what care God had taken of him: Notwithstanding out of them all the Lord delivered me; as he never failed his cause, so his God never failed him. And they were able to imitate the workings of God up to a point and then they came to the place where they were backed down by Moses, but "men of corrupt minds, they are reprobate concerning the faith. The scripture is a perfect rule of faith and practice, and was designed for the man of God, the minister as well as the Christian who is devoted to God, for it is profitable for doctrine, &c. He had fully known his conversation: Thou hast fully know my doctrine, and manner of life; his manner of life was of a piece with his doctrine, and did not contradict it. for instruction in righteousness ( 2 Timothy 3:16 ): And righteousness is just actually the act of being right or doing right or living right. God had made Jesus to be Lord and Christ, preached Peter on that day of power, when as yet much lay hid, and the great instrument of the revelation of the mystery was still shrouded in the darkness of midnight. The early Church lived in an age when the time was waxing late; they expected the Second Coming at any moment. In all life there is nothing so creative of really productive effort as a clear consciousness of a purpose. Love of self is the basic sin, from with all others flow. But now before his heart just as in principle before the dying Lord Himself, wonderful to say two things come together: a deeper sense of what is in God, as revealed in Christ Himself, before there was any creation at all; and on the other hand so much the deeper sense also of what could be owned in nature. It is the whole spiritual experience, so to speak, of the apostle. Men will be savage. It is often a very great safeguard for the saint of God; for, after all, it makes no small difference who says this or that. It is given by inspiration of God (2 Timothy 3:16; 2 Timothy 3:16), and therefore is his word. In these terrible days men would be braggarts and arrogant. It is beyond argument that the Scriptures can convict a man of his error and convince him of the power of Christ. "He kicked the world about," said one, "as if it had been a football." And may not their freedom from it prove that they have surrendered the principles of their religion, where they should have stood firm, though the world were arrayed against them? Vincente Quiroga of Chile found a few pages of a book washed up on the seashore by a tidal wave following an earthquake. my doctrine, and my manner of life, my purpose, my faith, my longsuffering, my love, and my patience, [you know the] persecutions, and the afflictions, which came unto me at Antioch, and Iconium, and Lystra; what persecutions I endured: but out of them all the Lord delivered me ( 2 Timothy 3:10-11 ). and then shall we find the benefit and advantage designed thereby, and shall at last attain the happiness therein promised and assured to us. This world is in rebellion against God. Get out your pen and take out the red, put the blue one. The Christian leader will never lack his opponents. 1. "Follow righteousness, faith, charity, peace, with them that call on the Lord out of a pure heart. I watch very little, but with horror and dismay, the deterioration of a man who probably at one time had a legitimate ministry, but I've seen the gradual erosion of this person on television just right before my eyes. Not so the apostle Paul. So from his earliest childhood Timothy had known the sacred writings. The word of God is the foundation for doctrine. They will maintain the outward form of religion, but they will deny its power. The scriptures we are to know are the holy scriptures; they come from the holy God, were delivered by holy men, contain holy precepts, treat of holy things, and were designed to make us holy and to lead us in the way of holiness to happiness; being called the holy scriptures, they are by this distinguished from profane writings of all sorts, and from those that only treat morality, and common justice and honesty, but do not meddle with holiness. Here is the essential conclusion. Observe, As good men, by the grace of God, grow better and better, so bad men, through the subtlety of Satan and the power of their own corruptions, grow worse and worse. And so Paul is warning Timothy of certain things that will be transpiring in the last days. There would come a kind of terrible flowering of evil, when the moral foundations seemed to be shaken. "And God prepared a great fish and it swallowed Jonah" ( Jonah 1:17 ). There is faith, complete belief that God's commands are binding and that his promises are true. But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived ( 2 Timothy 3:13 ). I think we've gone just about as far as we can. Assuredly he would rejoice to scare Timothy from the field of serving Christ, and would shrink from no means to secure it. 6. (3) if we are persecuted, we should carefully inquire, before we avail ourselves of this consolation, whether we are persecuted because we "live godly in Christ Jesus," or for some other reason. 3:6-7 For from among these there come those who enter into houses, and take captive foolish women, laden with sins and driven by varied desires, ready to listen to any teacher but never able to come to a knowledge of the truth. Help me totake this verse seriously, that I will suffer persecution if I live godly in Jesus Christ. The man who is anosios ( G462) offends against the fundamental decencies of life. Closely allied with the braggart, but--as we shall see--even worse, is the man who is arrogant. 2 Timothy 3:12 New International Version 12 In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted, Read full chapter 2 Timothy 3:12 in all English translations 2 Timothy 2 2 Timothy 4 New International Version (NIV) The true leader gives training in living. Compare the catalogue, Ro 1:29, &c., where much the same sins are attributed to heathen men; it shall be a relapse into virtual heathendom, with all its beast-like propensities, whence the symbol of it is "a beast" (Re 13:1, 11, 12, &c.; 17:3, 8, 11).
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