Customers who do not receive an offer of load space will be placed on a Wait List for any DA load space that may become available in 2024. While solar projects still have value, they need to be sized or configured differently or possibly in combination with battery storage. Jessie Chen - Energy contract Manager - Southern California Edison (SCE DCE is a public-private partnership that takes advantage of the opportunities offered by both the private and public sectors. Opt-out requests to the CCA will be accepted during the pre-enrollment period and the two-month period following the enrollment of your account (post-enrollment). As stated in SCE's recently filed Advice Letter 4172-E-B, the rate increases are targeted to increase SCE's revenue requirement by $477.6 million dollars. When you pay your bill, SCE will transfer the electric generation portion of your payment to your CCA. You can notify your designated CCA to request an immediate return to SCE (anytime during the six-month advance notice period), in which case your service account will be served on Schedule Procurement Charge Transitional Bundled Service (. The DCE Board of Directors sets electric generation rates for its customers after they are carefully developed, discussed, evaluated and approved at public meetings. After completing the review period and correcting all deficiencies, SCE will use a randomizer tool to select a random number for each Six Month Notice eligible. TABLE OF CONTENTS . We are happy to help. To opt down to Desert Saver, visit or call toll free (855) 357-9240 Monday through Friday between 8 A.M. and 5 P.M. PST. As part of Desert Community Energys (DCE) commitment to saving the planet, the City of Palm Springs has chosen the Carbon Free plan as their default option. Opt-out options are subject to various terms or conditions. The thirdTOU option isPrime,meantfor households with an electric vehicle, residential batteries or an electric heat pump system for water or space heating. Desert Community Energy will honor SCEs NEM 1.0 and 2.0 status for those customers already grandfathered in at that status, and the time-of-use periods you have with SCE will remain the same. Exploration By law, SCEs other services to you must remain exactly the same as for all other bundled customers. Direct Access Switching | Customer Service - SCE also continues to provide meter reading, billing, maintenance, and outage response/restoration services. The PCIA fee is included in our rates and cost comparisons with Southern California Edison so that DCEs Carbon Free plan is at a slight premium to SCEs base rate and our Desert Saver plan is less than SCEs base rate. If your home or business falls within the boundaries of a CCA, you are considered to be part of that CCAs territory customer, and you will automatically switch to CCA service unless you affirmatively opt out. In time, DCE expects to add additional renewable generation sourced locally to meet the needs of our customers. The landlord is responsible to ensure the discount is passed thru to the customer. The Generation Municipal Surcharge (GMS) is a recurring surcharge applied to all DCE customers and is comprised of franchise fees collected by Southern California Edison. We consulted with local solar experts and discovered that this is typically the time that most customers would have saved up the most solar credits through the spring before using them to offset the higher usage in summer months. Briefly stated, DCE purchases cleaner electricity on behalf of its customers and feeds it into the grid; Southern California Edison (SCE) delivers it, maintains the grid, services accounts, and provides customer service and billing. DCE customers not currently participating in one of these financial assistance programs, may applythrough Southern California Edison (SCE) by visiting our Financial Assistance page by clicking here. Yes. In the past, SCE customers typically received power, including the generation, transmission, and distribution of electricity, solely from SCE. One-year authorization - Requests for information and/or for the acts and functions specified above will be accepted and processed each time requested within the twelve-month period from the date of execution of this Authorization. More than 9,700 residential customers in the greater Santa Clarita Valley are scheduled to switch to TOU rates by February with more potentially scheduled. hTRn0+|HJ(N+=F=Gbn$z(g>8C4^F $^+ CCAs have the discretion to offer CCA Service to any Commercial and Industrial (C&I) customer within the CCAs service area. Your DCE true-up date will be your May billing date when your net charges and credits for electric generation will be settled. Are there any fees for changing plans? It turns out all electricity is clean. PDF Resource Adequacy Load Forecast - California Public Utilities Commission How can I stay updated on the DCE's programs? When SCE receives notification of a CCA end-use customer filing bankruptcy, the CCA will be advised only when the new bankruptcy service account and customer account must be created. Will I get two bills for electricity service if Im a DCE customer? To keep billing simple, your CCA partners with SCE so that you receive only one bill. Investing revenues locally, creating jobs and encouraging local energy investments. Visit our online Outage Center for information on what to expect during an outage and how to prepare. SCE continues to deliver the CCAs procured energy to CCA Service customers through our transmission and distribution system. For questions regarding your generation charges or any other charges on the CCA portion of your bill, please contact your CCA directly. 14 Southern California Edison Company (SCE)- and San Diego Gas and Electric Company 15 (SDG&E).- The parties expressed a common goal to use publicly available, transparent If a DASR is not received by the end of this sixty-day period, the six (6) month advance notice to return to DA will be canceled and the account will no longer be eligible for DA service. A. SCE Form 14-793 & Multiple Submission Spreadsheet, B. Option 2 Commercial Building Owners: The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 extends and expands the energy efficient commercial buildings deduction that was made permanent in 2021. From the date SCE notifies the submitter, the submitter has five business days (the review period) to respond with the corrected information., To opt out, please call (855) 357-9240 or Will Southern California Edison raise its service fees on DCE customers above those of customers who opt out? . Choice 1: Return to SCE service as soon as possible. Customers that have elected DA Service will continue to receive safe and reliable electricity transmission and distribution services from SCE. Common Submission Errors that need corrections, Service Accounts that do not match the Six-Month Notice Name, Signed Six-Month Notices by ESPs or Consultants with no Valid CISR. View theJoint Rate Comparisons. 2021-12-20T08:04:33-08:00 No. DCEs Carbon Free customers have reduced greenhouse gases by 105,388 metric tons in 2021. DCE is financed solely by the revenues it receives from customers. July 3, 2022 July 3, 2022. What are the advantages of DCEs NEM program versus staying with SCE? sce transitional bundled service sce transitional bundled service Microsoft Word - Document55 Option #2: Stay with DCE for at least 6 months until you are placed back into SCE's regular bundled rates, bypassing SCE's TBS rates. SCE also continues to provide meter reading, billing, maintenance, and outage response/restoration services. Terms & Conditions - Desert Community Energy According to an Edison notification letter sent to Santa Clarita residents, the purpose of the transition is to lower costs using renewable energy sources, which are more abundant and cost-effective to deliver to customers during off-peak hours. Details of these options are as follows: Return to SCE Online: Please complete and elect your return to SCE option by completing the Six-Month Advance Notice to Return to SCE online form. The bedroom is the heart of any romantic relationship and no bedroom should be without sound. The abundance of renewable energy due to utility-scale solar,or very large solar farms,drives the cost down, passing along those savings to customers. a California Contractors License Board Solar Energy System Disclosure Document. You may continue to access and pay your bill online at sce transitional bundled service sce transitional bundled service. The Transitional Bundled Service link provides price information on the related Procurement Charge and is related to Schedule PC-TBS. The process to transition residential customers' time-of-use rates is a. The assets and liabilities of the CCA program remain separate from those of the participating agencies general fund. SCE recommends that you contact your CCA to identify any conditions that may apply in the event your service account is transferred to CCA Service. [CDATA[// >