However, when Ed landed in the middle of the swimming hole, all the water, including Rolf, shot up into the Air. [He pulls her onto the bike.] One of these items is a sign that reads "Digital". The pipe spits its load out in the swamp. "And? ]Kevin: "Yo, Nazz! "Eddy: [getting it] "It does? "Ed: "Fancy bug butts, I must say." Help! I'll split it with ya. "Eddy: "Not in my brother's car, you're not! ]Rolf: "Yes! Edd, realizing that Eddy's brother is a whaler, reasons that he must live near the sea and the Eds decide to build a boat to follow the river. We are so alike! My brother sent me that postcard! [She hurries after him. 3. "Eddy: [turning to face him, confused] "My shirt? "Ed: "Do tell! [gesturing to them] "Edand Double D."Edd: [starstruck, holding out his hand to shake] "I guthink it's very wuh ah ooh" [He swoons. Proof that the remaining 10% is worth sacrificing a jawbreaker for here: These are recommendations made by Tropers for Ed, Edd n Eddy Fan Fics, all of which have to be signed to stay on the page. Postcards from the Digimon (transcript) R. Rambling Digimon. Oh no. "[Edd is still in his seat, there only because of his seat belt. [8] After being completed in 2008, the film premiered on November 8, 2009. They continue onwards to Eddy's Brother's house. He is the strongest character you need. It rolls up, revealing a vent. While Ed and Eddy goof off, Edd attempts to make use of a jerry-rigged sextant to find the gag factory. WesternAnimati. "[Nazz slaps Kevin. Edd, now standing in a puddle of his own sweat, drops the glass. Kevin runs off to fetch his bike, with Nazz following him. "Sarah: "We fell off that stupid slippery pig all the way over here, Jimmy! Foul!" "Ah, success. "May: "Who doesn't? This likely belongs to. You're so neeve. "Kevin: "I gotta admit, pal, that was so choice. ]Eddy: "It wasn't my fault, I swear!" Back in the cow field, Wilfred is feasting on Rolf's sausages, when he sees Rolf pretending to be upset, but actually preparing to spank Wilfred as soon as he returns. "YEAH, YOU HEARD ME! "Eddy: "Yeah, with the sounds of an idiot. He fell for it like a ton of canned hams. "[Sarah brings the bucket up into Lee's chin. The scam, my brotherthiswhen am I gonna learn, Double D?" "Edd: "Sanctuary at long last! The kids lifted the Eds into the air. a small reference based on the great animated movie, Ed Edd n Eddy Big Picture Show but with Little Witch academia . [1] Series composer Patric Caird composed the score, and later released this on his website. ]Eddy: "Surprised you didn't run out of paint. Sarah and Jimmy, still riding Wilfred, are also seen to be heading directly for the park. "Edd: "A postcard? "[Behind Rolf's back is a shoe. [He dives behind the vacuum cleaner. The door made an impact on Eddy's Brother's face knocking him out. ]Ed: "Can your brother send me brain waves too, Eddy? "Isn't that adorable? He heard dialog such as Ed saying "Where are we going, Eddy?" This is true! "Mama, assist Rolf! Suddenly, Kevin throws her off. The Eds scream as they go through the woods and fly over a ravine into the junkyard. Sarah has fallen off the pig. ]Sarah: "On three, Jimmy. I knew that I should've trusted my instincts and told myself to quit . Honest! Ed's right shoe and sock are absent for most of the movie. I'm Double D!" ]Edd: [exiting the office] "Have you two forgotten why we're here?" [He begins to search for his sidekick.] "May: "Wait Marie"[Marie dives at them. Sorry I slapped you. ", [The sun dawns brightly, beaming down on a picturesque field. Okay then. NOTE: Please improve spelling and include capitals. ]Kevin: "Right behind you, man. A forest substrate. While Eddy and Edd attempt to settle in, including Edd labeling everything in the vicinity, the Eds attempt to fall asleep in the far-from-hospitable accouterments. Ed Edd n Eddy Season 1 Episode 10 A Glass of Warm Ed / Flea-Bitten Ed. Where are the Duke of Deli Meat's hearty edibles? Ed Edd n Eddy Season 1 Episode 7 Look into My Eds / Tag Yer Ed. They land on top of one another, and Captain Melonhead leaps on top of the pile of Eds. In this scene,the Eds try to escape fromKevin, Rolf, Nazz and Jonny so they don't get caught in the Eds' big scam with Eddy's brother's car.Original Clip is:. ]Edd: [rushing towards Eddy with Ed in tow] "Eddy, speak to me!" "[Kevin runs into the swamp and begins to clamber up the tree. "May: "Let's call him Dutch. [Edd turns to him.] I should have never let you leave the cul-de-sac! [He spins it.] All is not well for the kids, however, as this quest has gained them some angry, formidable foes in the form of the Kanker sisters, who are going on the warpath in the name of rescuing their "boyfriends". [He jumps.] [releasing his repressed rage] "A SAP?!?! [disgruntled] "You got somewhere to be? Wilfred!" "[Ed reaches into his bag and pulls out Edd. Just before entering the cow pasture, several of the Eds' lines reference the 1939 film, Interestingly, Eddy doesn't know where his brother lives. [He yawns.] ]Eddy: "My eyes! You're it! The cork lodges in Wilfred's nose, and the pig begins to snort. Kevin's bike is leaned against the garage. Jonny then comes running down the street, and the Eds and Nat stick out their feet and trip him.] I gotcha! [They enter a field of cows. "Eddy: "My mom's got fifty pounds of blubber in the freezer as we speak! Sarah and Jimmy slide down from the sunflower. Despite Jonny's own reservations about going on a bus, he ultimately is impressed by Plank's determination and declares that they are "taking a bus to justice!". If I might partake in this chat? "Edd: "Edifying." This is all my fault! After a good scam goes really bad, Ed, Edd and Eddy have no other choice but to hightail it from the cul-de-sac. [He pulls the land the boat is onout from under them so the boat lands in the water.] Ready?" 'CAUSE EVERYTHING WAS MY FAULT!" "Eddy: "Where? [She empties the wheelbarrow of its cargo: Kevin, Nazz, and Rolf. Using the chart, Edd discovers that from their past experiences with Eddy's Brother's legacy, such as a stink bomb, a hot sauce recipe, and a fake treasure map, that Eddy's Brother is a jokester. Undoing the latch on the door, they managed to open it just enough for . [grabbing his friends] "He's here?" Eddy then mentions that his brother is a whiz at harpooning whales. ]Rolf: "Hal-low. He stumbles down a hill as he leads Rolf into the field of cows. Suddenly, Edd jumps up.] Ed Edd n Eddy The Next Chapter Begins Chapter 1: Prologue - FanFiction "Kevin: "Nope!" ]Kevin: "Bad for the paint, y'know? "Eddy's Brother: "Just for old times' sake, let's playUncle. "Rolf: [puffing out his chest] "Rolf has had enough of your platdoodle, elder one! After leaving the factory, Eddy claims his brother was once a whaler, so Edd deduces he must live by the sea. "Marie: [eating croissant] "She's kinda homely, if you ask me. ]Eddy: "Hey Sockhead, quit turning everything into your bedroom! This page was last edited on 9 February 2023, at 02:12. "Kevin: [spotting Nazz] "You okay? "Alright got it open lets go." said Captain Melonhead. Mar 15, 2022. In addition to the lane, a house has suffered remarkable damage, and there is even an overturned ice cream truck in its backyard. ]Jimmy: "Oh, please! Do something! Follow/Fav Ed, Edd n' Eddy's Big Picture Show: With a RWBY Twist! We merely need to float upon the current, and it will carry us to its opening and Eddy's brother's retreat. [He starts the climb. "We gotta go. Edd hesitates. "Ed: "Who? [He sticks it to the web.] He looks down, and his eyes bulge. "If we're goin anywhere, I know a place so out of the way, it's practically invisible. ]Eddy: "That's stupid. "Plank:Jonny: [whispering] "You're reading my mind, Plank! Ed starts to chase him.] Eddy did it." Cheese and macaroni! ]Lee: "Why, you little brats! [through a megaphone] "What the heck was that? "[Edd goes over to the jar of fireflies and opens it. Over the next few minutes, Eddy's Brother reveals his true colors, as he brutally mistreats Eddy for his own amusement, twisting his leg around and throwing him repeatedly against the door of his house, which he calls "playing uncle". [Wilfred clamps down on Rolf's stomach.] At the end, Edd labels the blank screen with "The End", leading into the credits. "[Captain Melonhead stumbles through a veritable jungle of legs, looking all over for his best friend. Perhaps more conservative, yes?" Hold on to your Jawbreakers because Ed, Edd n Eddy are back this November [date withheld because it has been changed]. As the car spins wildly around, the other kids (plus Wilfred and Plank) fly off, although Kevin warns them, "You dorks ain't seen the last of me!". "[Edd and Eddy each grab an arm and pull. So round up your buddies for this hilarious premiere on [date withheld because it has changed] at 7:00 pm on Cartoon Network! The swing responds by ascending skyward, and another one descends, carrying a replica of Jonny and Plank. ]Kevin: [groping for them] "You're going down, dude. You shoulda known it would go bad! Not after what they did! Kevin runs after them, carrying a metal pipe. "Kevin: "No foolin. He nimbly leaps from roof to roof and sets out to scour Peach Creek for the Eds. "Eddy: "So can we go inside now? "Ed: "The evil dark side has consumed them both! "[The Eds rush out of Eddy's room and head down the hall. "Aah!" "Ed: "Boy, did it go bad. Ed and Eddy are in front of him, covered in mud but otherwise no worse for wear. [He laughs as he runs away from Ed. This released the door from its hinges. [A shoe hits him. "[A gear wheel clatters to the floor and rolls out from a gap between two machines. Eddy admits that he is the one responsible for the failed scam that brought them here, calling himself a "foul-up wannabe loser". "May: "No it's not!" Eddy tries again, and the engine coughs again. ]Edd: "Oh, now look what we've done! "Eddy's Brother: "Do Mom and Dad know you're here? "[Eddy waves the flies away. [He turns Ed in the right direction.] Nazz hits a switch for a machine, and it turns on. Nazz reaches their back and grabs onto the open trunk. ]Nazz: "Ow! More by MrFanimator96 Watch. Looking up, he sees that he and his friends have in the night huddled together, and that Ed's butt is currently resting on his head. ]Kevin: "Time for payback! Cartoon), Christine's Rice Cake Hut (reference to inker, Christine Li), Gag Factory (presumably referring to the Lemon Brook Gag Factory, which oddly, has been abandoned for about 10 years), As Ed and Eddy "sink" in the quicksand, Ed says "To all the girls I loved before." The trailer shown building up to the premiere showed the Eds all putting on some sort of rings (used in many European EEnE ads) while it shows some of the scenes of the movie, including Eddy's Brother's car (with Kevin hanging onto the window of the car) crashing out of Eddy's House, the Eds sailing a boat, and Sarah with a cardboard camera. Edd then turns back to Eddy and resumes screaming at him. [to his friends] "LOOKING KEEP LOOKING! [He displays Eddy for all to see.] "Dearest Mother and Father. ]Edd: "Haven't we poked and prodded fate enough for one day, Eddy?" ]Sarah: [annoyed] "What's the matter, Jimmy? See how the billboard and the postcard your brother sent you match? "Eddy: "We're hooped!" "[Kevin has come back with his bike. "[Suddenly, the floor beneath her crumbles, and she falls. ". Rolf will draw forth the"Nazz: "Wait up, Kev!" "[Edd loudly breaks into tears. Ed, Edd n Eddy; Romance; Adventure; After constant harassment from Lee Kanker, and rejection from Nazz, Eddy has finally found someone he's fallen in love with. Brain wave stuff! "[As Edd cries, a handkerchief is held out to him. "[The postcard is a copy of the park's sign. ]Eddy: "Ha! Though he makes a few jokes about the kids, even calling Edd Eddy's girlfriend, he agrees to let the Eds stay. [He gives up and begins to cry.] This is also another fanfiction that got removed from, so I'm posting it here. Ed, Edd n Eddy | Fan Theories Wiki | Fandom The Eds make it to the factory, where their attempts to break in via the back doors are unsuccessful, prompting them to try the front doors. "Ed: [excited] "He's gonna feed us, Eddy? [The tree lands on Eddy. [The bucket hits the wagon and boomerangs back to hit May in the back of her head.] ]Marie: [picking him up] "Aw, my man doesn't need to give me any flowers." Eddy's Brother (Ed Edd n Eddy) - Works | Archive of Our Own Can I join you? [Edd reaches into Eddy's pocket and searches through it. Rolf awards Eddy the "Traditional Victory Armpit Rub", Nazz kisses Eddy on the cheek, and Kevin, for the first time, speaks to Eddy admiringly, calling him "pal". "Kevin: "You are so on fire today, Nazz. "Ed: [leaping out] "Down for Ed, Double D!" "Ed: "I helped too! Directors. [He tosses the tree over his shoulder and runs towards the sound. "[Sarah and Jimmy tiptoe up to watch the show. Edd then christens the boat the "S.S. Mutant Almost a Chicken Duck" and the Eds set off down the river. ]Kevin: "Grab him! Edd points out that Eddy's Brother has to either work there or, at the very least, be a regular customer to the gag factory and Eddy confidently predicts that his brother is there right now. ", [Marie, disguised as Eddy, rounds a corner and ducks behind a tree stump to where her sisters are. These beliefs stem from multiple occurrences in the show in which Edd is shown without his hat on. "Eddy's Brother: [as Eddy tries to get away] "Belittle? # 2. Big bro said so. Edd is about to say something when he sees that they are approaching the playground. Ed, Edd n Eddy's Big Picture Show/Script "[Ed burrows into the ground and wiggles around until he finds a big rock. Taking out a muffin, he proceeds to dab it in the oil. Especially, Edd. ]Eddy: "You catch that, Ed?" It feels the chains before reaching down and lifting one of the bolts. "Kevin: "Shup! ]Sarah: "Let's go see, Jimmy! ]Captain Melonhead: "A bus? They enter the lane and come to a fence. [He picks up a sunflower and slams it into Ed's face. We gotta get those dorks before they get there. ]Sarah: "Cut, cut, cut cut!" "Jonny: "I ain't goin near that one with a ten-foot pole, buddy. "Eddy's Brother: "Yeah, sure. And some bacon! What's that? [The tied up kids look up. "Come back! "Eddy: "Snore! This is a reference to, As Edd walks back home, a sign can be seen that reads "Uncle Stumpy's Animal Park". The door starts to buckle as something pounds on it. "Wilfred?" We're wasting time! What'd ya, fall off the back of a truck? Ed and Eddy amble into a pool of quicksand and begin sinking. ]Lee: "It's those two runts! ], [Wilfred is following the trail. "Edd: "It's called a sextant." [She hands one over, and Kevin rewires his bike. ]Edd: "Your shirt, Eddy. ", [A bus pulls up to the curb. Once Captain Melonhead sees the inside of the bus, though, his courage wavers. "[Rolf turns back to the chair. "[Sarah lifts a leaf out of the way and sees Wilfred. Sarah and Jimmy decide to follow as well, taking a picnic lunch, just for the sake of watching the Eds get clobbered. Nazz suggests that person could be his brother. Upon looking at Ed's comic once again, they find out that the factory has been out of business for some time. ]Eddy's Brother: "That was good, Pipsqueak. "Lee: "Nobody's askin, Marie!" ]Ed: "Eddy's brother is so cool! "Ed: [hugging Edd] "Happy place, Double D, happy place! "Eddy: "No! "[Ed falls off the camel and slams into the wall. ]Kevin: "Back off, melon dweeb!" This implies the events of season 5 have already happened, and that the characters are on their. Edd failed. He then proceeds to lay it on top of the muffin. [She pins Edd against the trailer.] "[Sarah grabs Jimmy's legs and manages to pull him free. "Nazz: "That'd be the last thing they'd do. We lost em! As the two begin to share a tender moment, Kevin interrupts it to go and get his bike out of the cold. "Ed: [laughing and mocking him] "Aah! [He looks for Edd. Uncle!" Best; Recent; Send. After Ed and Eddy hear the word "Sextant" escape from Edd's mouth, Eddy snickers and pretends not to hear what Edd had just said and asks Edd to repeat himself, and Edd does so, now prompting Ed to giggle. [Nobody replies.] This is a reference to the famous comedy team. ]Edd: "An appropriate place as any, I suppose. "Ah-ha!" "Nazz: "Hmm? [putting his hat on] "Thank you. ]Edd: "Is anyone there? Sarah and Jimmy peek out from behind a house. The movie contains the only evidence that the series takes place in the 21st century. Ed then grabs at the door and continues to run. Eddy lies there. "Oh, for Pete's sake. "See ya. This time, however, they will finally try to find solutions to their problems, which grow worse by the day." Grudges, lust, simplemindedness, obsession, hatred they're all present, and they . It was never once referred to as a movie, only a special. ]Eddy: "It must be for my brother's car! Quit holding up the line!" In "Scrambled Ed", Ed, Eddy, Sarah, Jimmy, and Kevin are fighting over the (sleeping) Double D. Jimmy and Sarah want to play doctor with him. Kevin's bike is leaned against the garage. Ed, Edd n Eddy's Big Picture Show.
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