zyBooks is a lot better than other online textbooks I have used. I was able to learn about the program in class which then translated nicely to zyBooks because I was able to apply what I already knew while gaining an even better understanding through the reading and labs. What I dislike about zybooks is we need to pay high prices just to rent the books. Super easy to use and has very cool visual/video/interactive examples. I really appreciate the interactive style of learning through zyBooks it has really helped me learn with a more hands-on approach. I think the financial team should rethink it's margins and what they profit. Much more engaging and helpful than a physical textbook, I think it's a really good way to learn and reinforce the basics, It's a lot of work but it teaches you the information you need to know to understand. into thin air outside magazine article 1996; Zybooks has helpful interactive tools, such as simulations and step by step "videos", that aid in learning the material in class and gaining a deeper understanding of this material. zybooks is bad - theactiongrouphr.com I really enjoy the coding and the test we have to take a part in. I am retaking a Computer Science class that I took last year and failed. The textbook has had some issues. Annoying but I can understand why we have it. I just started my Software Dev degree at WGU in July. Many instructors wonder if their students will like zyBooks. It's like an interactive textbook or a virtual professor with which you can learn from at your convenience any time of the day. Concise text improves usability by as much as. Programming is very different from other subjects. We look carefully at feedback from: surveys (as above), the feedback buttons in our content, support tickets, verbal feedback from our interactions with instructors via our sales reps, demos, research talks, and more. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. zybooks detects cheating. The zyBooks reading materials felt very difficult to trudge through. zyBooks was a good introduction to learning python and made the learning process a lot smoother and easier. some instructions can be explained better. I love the zybook! If I don't understand something and get answers wrong it lets me see the answer and helps me see why the answer is the answer. It really helps. Zybooks was much better than a typical text book as I felt I learned the material better with the interactive format. Students are not used to being so precise with formatting in other subjects. zyBooks can include configurable embedded coding environments that allow students to work with real code, on the fly. It was my first time using zyBooks but it was easy to learn how to use and I like the structure of the problems assigned. When comparing the answer to the chapter, I couldn't figure out how they derived the solution from reading the text. I learn more by discussions or other physical interactions. I enjoyed using zyBooks. zybooks is bad - LineOne The interactive reading makes learning new topics just that much easier! Zybooks modules enhanced my learning and understanding. I think the lessons are extremely in depth and informative, and especially given the new precautions with the "Covid-19" crisis not allowing me to go to school, I've been able to gain a great understanding of all the material through the zyBooks service. Another rare complaint indeed relates to cost. I think it conveys material in a way that is easily understood. Learn more here. zybooks is bad - maryspiresstudio.maryspiresart.com I enjoy the interactive activities in the chapters. I like that it is online and you can work out lots of different problems, but I have had an issue with some answers on those problems and had to contact support about them. The material is well-organized and presented concisely. I did very poorly on that test. It helps me learn the things that we don't go over or don't go in depth enough in class. It has numerous spelling and grammar errors as well as confusing material. Zybooks provided good simplified information that supplemented the lectures. I neither dislike or like zybook, but I find the format more useful than other forms of online instruction. It is a great way to prepare for tests or exams for the class. The exercises were involved and helpful, and the material was very comprehensive. I feel that I now understand a lot more than I did coming into the quarantine and that the extra time has helped me fully realized how helpful the zyBook activities are when they are correctly used. Zybooks was easy to navigate through and showed me a list of when my assignments were due. Reading zybooks is pretty easy too. It was really helpful in learning materials that were vague during lecture and a good reference point as I was doing homework problems. We used zyBooks during each class and for any assignments. However, would run better with videos and more help on the activity challenges on the bottom of the page. I am used to in-class assignments and online assignment messed with me. useful but show answer made it easy to skip through. I hope have instructors use zybooks more in the future. A important part of this proccess is the interaction of the student with the programs that he creates: Is by interaction that the student's mind can solidify the concepts that he learn, and is by interaction that he can learn how to fix errors. It is very helpful, I used it for two semester. I am disappointed that this wasn't the case. I think the lessons are a little long at times, but other than that it does teach well. i wish i could look back at old books and do some exercises to freshen up on things, without buying it again, like a real book, Some parts of zybooks were confusing and frustrating at times, but I worked around it, Helped me better understand data structure. I really liked the questions that go along with the reading so you are consistently engaged. Fascinating and shows all steps slowly love it!! Great presentation to learn the code. They help me grasp the concepts taught in the book. Zybooks is a great intereactive textbook however it is easy to not learn much since most of the time the answers are either given or multiple choice. Zybooks has given me great insight on both classes I have used it for. Online classes can be difficult, but this was definitely a great resource available. I had tested every last piece of it. Great information. I found it easy to use and a great help. These small details did not necessarily make it more difficult than it had to be, but I just feel like zyBooks should not ALWAYS be used for major projects. When I miss something in lecture they are a great way to learn the code. This is the correct approach to learning in my opinion. zyBooks is great. The way zyBooks explains concepts was great for me. Pretty easy to use, although the sensitivity to white spaces was rather unnecessary. zyBooks can include configurable embedded coding environments that allow students to work with real code, on the fly. It is easy to see what you have to do and when you have to do it, which makes it really convenient. I really like the interactive features because practicing code right after learning makes it solidify in my memory. Zybooks is nice to force you to read and learn. I wish there was an option to choose a specific problem, and try it again with different variables though. It's an interesting way of having a textbook, but it seemed to work well. Also, sometimes the explanations can be somewhat bare minimum, leaving me to have to do some trial and errors to figure out exactly what was meant in the explanations. The zybooks allow the student an interactive way to complete homework assignments and learn the material. zyBooks Unit 3.pdf - 3.1 While loops While loop: Basics However sometimes even if youve done it incorrectly in the activities it doesnt tell you. I liked that it was interactive and had a lot of useful material to help me learn. I helps a lot with the explanation of the material and then helping me understand different types of code. When we encountered such issues our instructor was able to contact the author of the textbook had have them fix that. I also love that if i get a question wrong I can go back and try again. The interactive content helped me develop a better understanding of C++. Give me a project, and help me work to a solution. Zybooks is incredibly helpful when it comes to programming. If you're going to punch a minority, punch up not down. I thought it was very engaging for the student. The zylabs were an awful part of the course tho and ended up hurting learning a lot. I've only got through the intro so far but I think the concept and instructional method will be of much help. In other words, even for students who said No to marketing, the comments were overwhelmingly positive. It is structured really well and helps me focus more on topics I would have normally missed or skipped over when reading a typical textbook. It also let me go back and redo my questions unlimited times. Great system overall. specially with our current situation at the moment! I felt I was able to learn more by being able to figure out what the correct answers were. The field our textbook is based off of is an extremely fluid subject, so unfortunately some small portions were out of date; which were only a year out at the most. But not always the case, for certain classes the zyBooks is incomplete, or not a good addition/substitude for lectures. I noticed that the questions after each lesson tends to be extremely vague at times and I even get asked questions that isn't talked about in the lessons above. it's hard to go back and study those examples when my answer was erased. The textbook stuff is great but the coding sections could be more user friendly. At times I rushed the participation activities but they're still useful for quick review of material before exams. very useful for more in-depth explanations. It keeps the material interesting. I find the slow pace of the animations (even at 2x speed) to be annoying sometimes, especially when there are a dozen or more so unskippable steps. One problem I have would be the video portions seem to be a bit time consuming. easy to use and helpful with instant feedback. Helpful explanations and practice problems. Honestly pretty good for consolidating and reinforcing retainment of material, I found it to be a pretty engaging and low-stakes way to read a textbook, its a great and interactive way to learn course material. first i think that zybook is one of the best way for learning computer science since it gives you explanations when you did some questions wrong. It was a very useful tool when it came to learning C Programming. Very easy to use and learn. Interesting learning tool, can seem dense at times but very useful. Often times could replace a whole class. ZyBooks Status. Check if ZyBooks is down or having problems Showed material in great depth with a step-by-step guide to walk you through difficult material. It was very fun and easy to use for learning the more complete parts of C++ but I still had a lot of fun. As a beginner, I have found it teaches me at a great pace and combines reading with practice well. I enjoy that the reading material is essentially also counted as homework for my class due to the included activities. its pretty good but sometimes when I feel like im coding to pass tests rather than to code for a purpose. I really like the way one can visualize the processes instead of looking at static images. Install the script, preferably using ViolentMonkey. The textbook industry is too bloated with big companies who have little to no interest in actually proving useful material, only to make a buck with forced overpriced textbooks. It is helpful in learning the material. Easy to use, has little fluff text, and provides great visualizations for complex concepts. await doAll (). There were some homework hosted on zybooks that were very difficult to understand how to do. I can just look at the explanation and understand concept better. I think that it would be helpful if the examples were laid out in a different way, such as the animations for participation activities. The script will do: All multiple choice activities. Compared to a textbook, we provide infinitely more feedback (literally). It is a really great platform, I love how hands on it is. Very easy to use and the problems provided in the textbook help me practice and understand the material better! It is very helpful and does a great job making sure the student knows the taught material. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. At first I thought having to pay for a book for coding was really dumb since almost all information is available on the internet anyway and my class already has a structure and planning but honestly zyBooks did help nail down some concepts but what it did most was let me see things in different forms then what my instructor did and that gave me a better understanding of how things work and better let me form my own system and ideas on how to format and use code. I like the idea of the labs. zyBooks combine the power of interactive tools, responsive questions, and animations to provide students with a rich learning experience. I already pretty much know everything in this course, so zyBooks is a good way to get some practice in, I thought the material was good overall. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. I did not expect the level of learning which I did from zyBooks. So we strive to scaffold tasks, provide hints, create auto-generated problems with solutions, and more, to complement help from instructors, so we can keep students learning and reduce frustration. zyBooks is very helpful and very informative. I thought zyBooks was a much more effective tool for learning computer science than some of the actual in-class courses I've taken at my university. I like that there are extra problem available to practice below with pencil and paper. I think it is very helpful and easy to follow. I like how the activities reinforce the reading material. It is easy to use, works in all browsers even with ad-block, and has great teaching methods. I have mostly worked out the code, except for a persistent whitespace issue. I enjoy the progress bar and the participation question that allow multiple tries, It lessens the stress of getting it right the first time for a 100% grade. I very like the interaction part of Zybooks. Overall I found zybooks to be helpful these past two semesters as the way the lessons were provided, helped give a low risk environment while still being able to teach. Zybooks had a very easy to understand and gamified learning experience which made understanding high-level concepts a bit easier. Zybooks are a good way to reinforce concepts taught in class through interactive lessons and problems that give instant feedback. Students: Using a zyBook in your class? I have no formal experience though and could be wrong. It has been very helpful in provding a solid way to learn introduction to C++. I did not enjoy the in-zyBook programming assignments. Dale Reed, University of Chicago, Illinois, I liked how each chapter explained a topic well using examples and that we were also asked to implement what we had just read (in challenge activities) to ensure that we really understood the concept. It was a nice view of the subject covered in this class. I liked that it was conceptual and interactive. zyBooks is a great platform with a clean interface, useful animations, and great text. I like the interactivity. IT's a fantastic interactive learning platform. The approach zyBooks took me through to learn the same material was leagues ahead of my learning experience last year. The formatting of the material in a more portrait page layout similar to textbooks does not work well on computer monitors. The coding challenge exercises are well-executed and help me learn as I am reading.
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