I gives you imaginary IOU'shereyours. That is a direct quote from GIR, co-star and comic-relief on INVADER ZIM. Makes you think that the long held belief that Kodak conspired with the JFK assasin(s) is normal. I think. Why else would they invest all that money to show commercials in their own store? We believe that this is the longest single sentence in . Yes. I'm back. A lot has happened. These "faeries" sprinkle your food with highly toxic "age dust" and ruin a perfectly good four-year-old meatloaf. America? Right now, my spacebar is malfunctioningthat's not goodI have to press it two or three times just to insert a freaking space. She promptly borrowed $1 to help with the waitresses tip(This part I'm not being sarcastic about) All in all it was a night I'll remember forever (as the lowest point in "family outing"history, except for that time my mom dragged me to a church thing on the concept of truth.) What a good idea! Someone did something incredbly stupid, but because they were powerful, everone acted like it was a stroke of genius. Wow. Especially since I just saw The Matrix: Reloaded. does not, has never, and will absolutly NOT admit to having any weaknessbesides the aformention indivduals own skin, which isn't even a weakness anyway since no representative of the Dark, Fluffier Side can BE the Patron Saint of Paperclips (Guess, whononoTHAT'S IT!) Now, you may be wondering what is so terrifying about a small, white, feather. YeahI knowpathetic. You know, the foreign guys with the bellhop hats and the little music thingy and the cute little monkey with the bellhop hat who collects the money? Okay. We become indebted to. Back to the present. I have checked the email from {name of the person} and will contact you. (To this day, however, I will almost literally kill for a box of Cheez-It party mix, as it is a rare commodity at my house.) Did it make more sense that this text? Anyway, like the "diet supplement" people, the earring manufacturers KNOW that once they pierce you, you'll be hooked for life. Not that my mother is annoyingjust set in her ways. Thank the powers that be for spell-check. You can thank my associate "Meg" she came up with the PSOA acronym. I don't exactly have a good track record with virtual pets. Squirell? I am writing to let you know that I have received an email from {name of recipient}. Maybe she just doesn't like goat-smell. When someone of her generation runs for president, I'm gonna do a complete background check. Did you understand that? Just wait a sec while I stop the music. I'm completly and totally addicted. It's creepy. Anyway, that's my rant on the new generation that contains my little sister. That sounds good, too. We could all breath a sigh of relief as parents kept their children inside, away from the evil truck drivers and near the T.V. Very difficult equation Math Forum . I made a virtual pet for it. Then you'll need an "extra" pairfor special occasions. I know, I'll start of list of why it's fun/good to be insane/weird! Or possibly rightthat would be scary. OkayI'm backI think that eventually half of this thing will consist of the word back over and over againthat's just weird. hello, I like to play Fortnite it is a really good game. There is exactly 500 units of distance between the two extremes of winning amounts (0 and 500) BUT! Ya know ya got ya ya girl ya ya know ya ya boy you got caught with them and then ya got a robot in the car with a car in your head that was the best dog ever and you can call me and call him when I wanna is it time I get off work I will see if I gotta I wanna is a time I got a ride truck truck ride and iiiuuyr. Then it would be okay. I'm back. Even though it gains pleasure from squishing my spine. And I can't think of anything else to do. Now, I'm not speaking from personal experience here. I don't exactly know where it isoh, well. It also shows the total number of sentences in a text file. Called the Boolean Pythagorean Triples problem, it was Solve Now. With a shake, the future is revealed! Aren't I special? Not my family! We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. I gotta go. I think it's pretty funny. Ha! Python | Is fat-free food more delicious than food loaded with fat? Today, I took a long look at this site, which is the acomplishment of almost a year of work. And now, a word from our non-existant sponsor. I'm gonna quit for now. Or maybe it's notI meanwon't the quality *snicker* of my work deteriorate if I am no longer writing for the target audience of me? This, of course would expand the market for such products. Josh says I probably won't remember writing any of this, but I can't sleep. They add random minerals to our water to make it taste better, and then advertise it as pure! BYE!!! Experience vague, pain-like sensations when you're not paying attention) This has been a public service announcement. The entire message board was like one big insane asylum. But everything else I've said so far is true. It's stupid and ironic and just shouldn't exist in a better world. That just sounds nifty! They are the samething, with the same look, and almost same name. After all, how can I be self derisive, and full of low expectations for this site if I KNOW people are hereseveral thousand of them in fact, in just a few months. Then they add other "stuff" in to make it TASTE pure. I'm just rambling. Molly's soliloquy is a touchstone for writers aiming to go long. There is a world where you are a faerie. That was the high point of the entire trip. Plus, the fire gradually gets louder, and hotter, and smokier. For an ENTIRE MONTH I have possesed the arcane knowledge, but I forgot to share it with you, my loyal potentially imaginary reader. I can just see it nowan organization devoted not to feeding the hungry, or peace, or love or whatever, but to giving recognition to all those poor, pathetic, unpopular websites. This would lead to a better, more stable economy. Anyway, only watch wal-mart if you WANT to be subliminaly entertained into purchasing a new set of TUPERWARE, even though your old set is PERFECTLY fine. *there's that darn cricket again* And I have a genuine question to ask all of my loyal readers *cough-cough* Okay, here it is: Is it normal for a non-gender specific sibling to carry around various dead reptiles (snakes, turtles, lizards etc.) 100% of something. Soit doesn't bother to find all solutions, and it may be wrong. There's strawberry pie, apple, pumpkin and so many others, but there is no grape pie! Because there are an infinite number of people on either side of the spectrum. d)I already did that in a past life and it sucked. And the preceding generations became brain-washed (possibly through subliminal messages in sun-tan lotion commercials) to believe tans were expected. OOooooo! Either way, Kodak is undeniably evil. It feels unstoppable, and then it stops. Unless you have a digital camera, which are a symbol of freedom from the old ways and willing enslavement to the new ways. Fire is free. That means I really can justify claiming to have two and a half readers! Could the pop-up blocker people have chosen a better means to advertise their product? Thank-you for your time. Out loud. You complete me in all ways. You exploud. Because I am easily amused and have lots and lots of time on my hands. I want an elective. But the point is, if I were, say, freakily allergic to a random mineral, I could read the ingredients and not eat the salt. Why, you ask? Either way, he got assasinated. It was down for a whole day or so 'cause of all the traffic I got from my new quizes. MOOSE! To pour your heart and soul into a passage, and have everyone ignore it. All along, my entire family has scoffed (nifty word, isn't it?) Fire is good. Remember: if the show sucks, it's their fault, not ours! Just exactly like Father if Father had known as much about it the night before I went out there as he did the day after I came back thinking Mad impotent old man who realized at last that there must be some limit even to the capabilities of a demon for doing harm, who must have seen his situation as that of the show girl, the pony, who realizes that the principal tune she prances to comes not from horn and fiddle and drum but from a clock and calendar, must have seen himself as the old wornout cannon which realizes that it can deliver just one more fierce shot and crumble to dust in its own furious blast and recoil, who looked about upon the scene which was still within his scope and compass and saw son gone, vanished, more insuperable to him now than if the son were dead since now (if the son still lived) his name would be different and those to call him by it strangers and whatever dragons outcropping of Sutpen blood the son might sow on the body of whatever strange woman would therefore carry on the tradition, accomplish the hereditary evil and harm under another name and upon and among people who will never have heard the right one; daughter doomed to spinsterhood who had chosen spinsterhood already before there was anyone named Charles Bon since the aunt who came to succor her in bereavement and sorrow found neither but instead that calm absolutely impenetrable face between a homespun dress and sunbonnet seen before a closed door and again in a cloudy swirl of chickens while Jones was building the coffin and which she wore during the next year while the aunt lived there and the three women wove their own garments and raised their own food and cut the wood they cooked it with (excusing what help they had from Jones who lived with his granddaughter in the abandoned fishing camp with its collapsing roof and rotting porch against which the rusty scythe which Sutpen was to lend him, make him borrow to cut away the weeds from the door-and at last forced him to use though not to cut weeds, at least not vegetable weeds -would lean for two years) and wore still after the aunts indignation had swept her back to town to live on stolen garden truck and out o f anonymous baskets left on her front steps at night, the three of them, the two daughters negro and white and the aunt twelve miles away watching from her distance as the two daughters watched from theirs the old demon, the ancient varicose and despairing Faustus fling his final main now with the Creditors hand already on his shoulder, running his little country store now for his bread and meat, haggling tediously over nickels and dimes with rapacious and poverty-stricken whites and negroes, who at one time could have galloped for ten miles in any direction without crossing his own boundary, using out of his meagre stock the cheap ribbons and beads and the stale violently-colored candy with which even an old man can seduce a fifteen-year-old country girl, to ruin the granddaughter o f his partner, this Jones-this gangling malaria-ridden white man whom he had given permission fourteen years ago to squat in the abandoned fishing camp with the year-old grandchild-Jones, partner porter and clerk who at the demons command removed with his own hand (and maybe delivered too) from the showcase the candy beads and ribbons, measured the very cloth from which Judith (who had not been bereaved and did not mourn) helped the granddaughter to fashion a dress to walk past the lounging men in, the side-looking and the tongues, until her increasing belly taught her embarrassment-or perhaps fear;-Jones who before 61 had not even been allowed to approach the front of the house and who during the next four years got no nearer than the kitchen door and that only when he brought the game and fish and vegetables on which the seducer-to-bes wife and daughter (and Clytie too, the one remaining servant, negro, the one who would forbid him to pass the kitchen door with what he brought) depended on to keep life in them, but who now entered the house itself on the (quite frequent now) afternoons when the demon would suddenly curse the store empty of customers and lock the door and repair to the rear and in the same tone in which he used to address his orderly or even his house servants when he had them (and in which he doubtless ordered Jones to fetch from the showcase the ribbons and beads and candy) direct Jones to fetch the jug, the two of them (and Jones even sitting now who in the old days, the old dead Sunday afternoons of monotonous peace which they spent beneath the scuppernong arbor in the back yard, the demon lying in the hammock while Jones squatted against a post, rising from time to time to pour for the demon from the demijohn and the bucket of spring water which he had fetched from the spring more than a mile away then squatting again, chortling and chuckling and saying `Sho, Mister Tawm each time the demon paused)-the two of them drinking turn and turn about from the jug and the demon not lying down now nor even sitting but reaching after the third or second drink that old mans state of impotent and furious undefeat in which he would rise, swaying and plunging and shouting for his horse and pistols to ride single-handed into Washington and shoot Lincoln (a year or so too late here) and Sherman both, shouting, Kill them! Goodbyeoh, and the fresh chicken wings might be to blame. NowI know what you guys are thinkingsome of those items on that list are gonna be hard to find. I'm back. Anyway, I better go or the quality of this will go down in that evil downward spiral thing I discussed a few months back. I want SOME free time. why must everyone always rhyme, why Im a poet and dont I know it? And today's rant is a sort of philosophical one. "Meg" wrote it for a school assignment. That's funny!!!! And so, in the interest of wasting even more time, I made a list. It's not fair, ya know? But, maybe that's just the difference between you and me. But, if it had remained that way, I would have had no impetus to continue my pointlessly insane ranting. Yea, me! Now I want all you loyal fans*cricket chirps* to go to the link to see what I'm like. You could be the figment of someone else's dream. Had this been an actual emergency, we would have bought up all the can openers and charged 3 cows and a pig for each one. Would it vary? GeeI sure hope it wasn't poisonous. ` There have been several claims for the longest sentence in the English language revolving around the longest printed sentence. The vendors even play whimsical music which I strongly suspect contains subliminal messages to make you hungry for ice cream. You could be floating out in empty space, conjuring nice little fantasies to relieve the monotony of being the only living being! TACO will eventually destroy him. Can a senile person write? Right now, I'm just typing so that no one can say that I've been slacking off. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. You don't know who Squirell is? Just make sure you "spray" your food first. An enemy so hideous that Moose must destroy it at all costs. Oh, sorry, I thought you knew I was a furry. Perhaps their just trying to be nice. UnfortunantlyI must leavebefore the confusion spreads and I do something stupidlike revealing my one weakness before youTHAT'S IT! Neo is told that he has two choices. Hello, everyone! Despite its inclusion in the dictionary, it's generally considered superfluous, having been coined simply to claim the title of the longest English word. So the (smallest number) + (middle number) = (largest number) The number 3, 4 and 5 satisfy this condition 3 + 4 = 5 because 3 = 3 x 3 = 9 4 = 4 x 4 = 16 5 = 5 x 5 = 25 and so . A profound statement, if I ever heard one. *let the panic begin! I think. Or, at the very least, not label it as "pure". And now, for the million-dollar question: How many calories are there in a single serving of Mustard? If you're following along, and not completly confused, you'll realize that it is better to be a pessimist than an optomist. *sigh* My dogs are just weird. Yeah, I know, regular schedule schools do that. Sodoesn't that make you want to take Kansas' side (I sincerly appologize if you are from Kansas). my dear theres nothing to fear thats only a box thats made of blocks next to the wagon that looks like a dragon why are you shaking its your fear that is making you shiver and act all a quiver. No matter how long and twisted they get, they do not wilt, wither, or drag; they run river-like, turning around in asides, outraging themselves and doubling and tripling back. All because YOU tried to convince me that I was crazy. I have to wonderwhy would Kodak do such a thing. All this information and more is yours for the low, low price of 5 payments of $29.99! Anywaythat was my family vacation rant. Seeya! Now, you must realize that I have described only one aspect of this movie of all movies. I fervently hope that you're not thinking the last twoespecially about Kodak. Today, in my (Honors) English class, we did group work. Think about that old saying about "If you gave an infinite number of monkeys an infinite number of typewriters, eventually they would reproduce the entire works of Shakespear". (and redundancy!) [9] [10] [11] See also [ edit] Longest word in English Longest words References [ edit] ^ a b Stephen Crain; Diane Lillo-Martin (1999). I'm not sure why. I thought you were gonna stay here and keep me company?! Last night I was super-charged with lots of sugar and not a lot of sleep. I'm backit's been awhile since I've written here. You would be correct in your suspiciousnessfor Mooses arch-enemy is*dramatic drumroll*a small, white, feather. if you like our Facebook fanpage, you'll receive more articles like the one you just read! The Longest Story in The World. It only takes a little light to help those thingies, and smoke detectors provide more than a little. Now MY brain meats feel explody. And almost never finish. Now, a long time ago, people were sort of smarter. I'm sure some so called "scientist" can prove all my theories wrongbut how? It sucked. Even the air is conspiring to squish me! THE REST OF THE STUFF I TYPE WILL BE COMPLETLY IN CAPS JUST BECAUSE I CAN. Or what if you took big ol' slobbery licks? Those TACO buttons don't make themselves, you know. Well, at least she knows that slaves were involved in the war. Warning* Extremely long pasta. Speaking of publishing, I do plan on somehow, someday publishing this as the first rambling narrative that makes no sense, and is about as interesting as rereading the almanac. If you can sleep through a raging fire, close enough to set off the smoke detector, then you are definitly going to sleep through the smoke detector. But it's legs were still moving and it was alive. What if, eventually, Earth's gravity get's very very strong, and we all imploud from the squishyness? You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Never . Dum-B-Gon stimulates brain activity, making you up to 10 times smarter! I'm sorry that today's rant isn't random, insane or completely chaotic, but I must right my experience with The Matrix before I forget. The distance between the two extremes of how much I could have won is 1000np, making me feel like I've won much more than if I'd played a normal game. Gee, I hope not! Not only that, but It also displays the longest sentence used in the text and the number of characters and words in the sentences. The majority of readers would concur that it sometimes takes more than one reading to fully understand an extremely long sentence in a book. I've won 500 np, at least and I'm on a roll. The longest sentence in the world is currently being served by Charles Scott Robinson, who is serving a sentence of life without parole in the United States. Because I have nothing else to do right now. Shame on you! I suppose I could let someone else have the glory. But, believe me, it's MUCH more practical than the alternative. We accept PayPal, Venmo (@openculture), Patreon and Crypto! I once*embarassed pause* had "Hey, You! The only difference is the taste, which I enjoy, since it is new and different. It sucks. I am now barophobic (afraid of gravity). Making me(The Patron Saint of Paperclips) the Ruler of the Laws of Nature! *Squirell wanders off in search of electrical sockets to sniff* What's that, Hypothetical Reader? You say I'm really just talking to myself? It's a sad, cold, cruel world out there and you had nothing to relieve the monotony of it. An enemy so dangerous that Moose fears it above all others. Whereas I'm more into the whole ranting and raving stage right now. Or maybe you're just skimming. Whatever the case, I decided that the whole world, (or three of four random people) deserve to know that if the world and or universe are destroyed, it's the evil, little, white, feather's fault. Was it coherent? Then, when it's in German, or whatever, translate it back to English. Is that old lady on the street corner really an ex-convict? And John F. Kennedy (JFK) was an alien bent on global domination. Strange, huh? )And for all the idiots out there: Try new and improved Dum-B-Gon! Okay. Except those specially formulated for weird-o's like me. E-mail us for questions, comments, complaints and information. It's not FAIR. In the mean time, I'll just sit here and type with my eyes closed. Oooooo! I'll probably have another one soon, but that whole water thing has been buggin me for awhile. If you expect nothing and get something, you're happy. She HATES and FEARS it. He sneaks into neighboring homes, and takes clothing, wrapped christmas presents, and anything he can find. But for now I can only dream of that. I knowyou are as shocked as I am. We're not sure. You mean that I'm just randomly responding regardless of your reactions? I bet you wanna go eat some Ketchup covered Dum-B Gon right now, while watching "reality" TV. Creepy. Not that I exactly have a word quota for the day. It's not fair! What cruel fate is this? It's more like techno talk about arrays and how much I suck and whether or not the Braves will win this year. Most likely they test it BEFORE they add the extra stuff"Yep, Bob, this is some mighty pure water." The first time, I didn't save it. I's can get to my site again! You want me to stay. We have halloween and christmas pictures on the NeoPics link. That's right, folks. Ormaybe it's the feather off of the cartoon owl from the tootsie-roll pop comercials (onetwothree..*crunch*). HUH? It didn't. . Maybe you're lost. I SENSE YOUR ENVY OF MY NECK!! NowI'm gonna go and worry about the light on my toaster ovenseeya! OH, SO SPLENDID!! Wouldn't pure water TASTE pure, and impure water TASTE impure? It's like grand-theft auto 3's talk show, you know, the one where there are Citizens Raging Against Phones? I figured you rush right on over to e-mail me. Why can't I have more readers?! Read that onetime longest sentence in literature, all 1,288 words of it, below. *sniffle* i do, too. It says that in black ander lime green! That way, she can pass the test without actually learning anything. Parents would increase the purchase of entertainment items. Sonaturally I put her arch-enemy in my pocket and brought it home with me. I have three very hard academic classes. It'd be cool. In any case, wouldn't the blinkie light help night-vision cameras see in the dark? while others are thinking "Who's John F. She didn't know. | 13.41 KB, JSON | I'm back. To support Open Cultures educational mission, please consider making a donation. You seeknowledge is good. Fortunatly, my mom recently finnaly switched our snack food preference. Once upon a terribly dreadful time, there was a small cat-licking bird that lived on a lane by my house whose name was Charles just like every other soul, male or female, that lived on my smelly, stinky, orange, old, rotten, messy, busted cul-de-sac between . That's exactly what tanning is like. However, I am currently content to just sit here and type. SHE has to get up at 6:11 to put on make-up, do her hair and basically annoy the heck out of me. Now, most families will go bowling, or putt-putt golfing. Or You are What you Eat. *nods* Well, yeahI KNOW I'm actually typing instead of talking. owfrjtnrgkzcbvwruogjlvdajngwruojlnvdakjefnlvk aij hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, jfeoisbhoaubhfvionadkfvbskjvb efnvkjnbsxuhbgv hiiiii, this has one word in it first person to see the gets $100 cash app njhcewhfb whebfuewhfjwenifbewiubfiebfebwqjfbwejnfewihfiuhweniufjeuirhfiuerfburiebfiewbjfkwefqhcewfhepwuhfiuwerfuiwqerpifjbruegferiuhfiuerwhfuiifewiviiuhuihrgiobguhtrbiuhtreiubhriurhviuwrhiuvht4rnrijpewvpiefhwnovjibrfpierfnhvipuerbfviuphrwipjvnwefkjvnpwiefv pirfnhpiejpoerwpivherwpoivhwepriuvipr evijnreijnrojvwejrfvoijerreiobfr iuvfrvjo frvjrweoijbvweiojrfoiwervicebrwouvbwerouvu perivoerijvoiuwerbviouweroiuberouvberfoefubvouiwriuebrouweuberwiuvherivyherwiubvewiurobviuwervuwervouwrewoiuvherwiuoeHIewijvhferiucbuhewjdhfewiufdhiu3riuheriufheriuhfiuerhfiuhwreiufhirwhiufhwiurhfiuhreiuhfiuheriwfhriehfiuerwhufihreuifheirhfiuwheruifherwoiuwfheruhwifhreiuhwoiuhfuerhfhwruifhriuehfueri. I can't think of anything!? It's pushing down on me, squishing my spine. So, it is now up to you, the imaginary reader, to decide whether I mean probley or problemit's almost like a game! Once upon a time there lived a chief who liked to listen to stories. Some even go so far as to claim that Kodak "changed" the pictures of the assasination to make an assasination in the bushes become a tree's shadow. Noone can do everything, so how can you expect a SIGN, with the I.Q. What a crazy idea. You must check out the fortunes section of the random stuff page! Oh, well. And do I ever have a topic today! You can just bet that they look at every one that get's turned in to them, judging blackmail value, and whether or not you could get arrested. we had to get there one hour and fifteen minutes early because there was traffic. Spooky, huh? Of course, if everything is realthen the Universe is pretty contradictory. After all, I'm not in this line of buisness for the fame, fortune and power. We eventually reached our destination after 16 hours of virtually non-stop driving. I'm pretty sure that the "smelly yellow ball" that he started throwing was his own feces (poo). "Pure" water manufactuerers are not required to list the ingredients of water, because the average consumer believes that it should be obvious. But that is irrelevant. Its in the mail, I promise! It means that WAL-MART TV IS EVIL! But then I listened to some of the new music I put on my site and mellowed out. AhhhI see your confusion! I can just see the whole community rising to thwart my attempts to spread love, joy and insane chaos. That's not fair! He tried to kill me! Spooky how accurate they areanyway, I command you to go! Now, I'm sure you've at least heard of subliminal messages , right? Wellprepare to be enlightened. First devised by professor William J. Rapaport in 1972, this notorious sentence plays on reduced relative clauses, different part-of-speech readings of the same word, and center embedding. Number Seven: I could drive people crazy. If my sisteruhMrs. X were ever asked a question on the Civil War on a quiz show, she'd come up with nothing. One of my friends (who laughed at the armidillo story) named Tonileigh said "Jenny (that's me) is weirder than the average Psycho." It'd probley be as popular as those game shows that no one's ever heard of. Hits all right. It's just sickening, you can't even take a simple photo nowadays. (*%$ WHAT THE %$#@ WAS MY MOTHER $#$#%$# THINKING!!!!!!!???? Then I realized that the buldozer already HAD been invented. thank you always. I'm back again! And #5: You can give each of your pets several weird names such as: Ringling-Raison-Bailey-Suzana-Midnight-Schultz, Squirell, Moose, Moose-Moose, Moosey-Moose, Linzey-Moose, Muffin, Squirell-Muffin, Yabby-Doodle, Abby Normal, Wiggle-Baby, Wiggle-Muffin, Witle-Baby, Cheese-Monkey, Muffin-With-Squirell-Juice, Squirell-With-Muffin Juice, Moosey-Juice, Squirell-Monkey, etc. I don't care if I'd get home only an hour or so before I normaly do. Help me! I tell people I know about this site, but they either ignore this page, or don't even bother coming to the site in the first place. But true. But that is false! I have neither won nor lost money/neopoints. Don't worry, I'll go to bed soon. Today I will be mercifully brief. An enemy so terrifying that Moose cannot stop shaking. Define three functions: the first function to extract all the sentences, the second to determine the longest sentence, and the third to determine the average sentence length. I even impress myself. Today, I met her arch-enemy. there were lots of fireworks. I have no problem with Lit. Seeya. WANNA SEE ME PULL A TAPEWORM OUTTA MY ****!! There MUST be some sort of conspiracy involved, 'cause if there is, I can get rid of the EVIL thing! HEEEEY! She'll shake and run from it, then suddenly dive and bite it's head. Good for it. If you want neat, go to some other site(though, as mentioned in Flaming Chickens Code:472 there is no such thing as a site better than this one). We have ZIM, neopets, music, and much, much, more. She claimed that my little sister always did it to her, and she was getting pay-back. May your day be shiney! My family has always bought Cheez-Its, to the point of making me physically sick at the thought of eating one. HmmmmI suppose I should clarify that the Pikachu game was 3-D and your character was in first person mode(you see through character's eyes). Like a division of mounties made entirely out of monks. You see, most people, they don't like reading or writing. Space is notorious for not having air. Were hoping to rely on our loyal readers rather than erratic ads. It was uncomfortable in the back, it was too hot, it was too cold. Oooo! Why, the assasinating annoying cartoon characters buisness.
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