Yes Im still broken hearted. There are some sensitive and controversial aspects to this book that I need help navigating, and Whats So Amazing is just that. One woman started talking with me, telling me of her abusive husband. You are not wanted here.I was devastated. My favorite of his books is probably Whats So Amazing About Grace and he says it like it is. I teach philosophy in Chicago. As for slavery, once you bring up that issue, you have basically conceded the argument because its a topic that proves just how categorically and embarrassingly wrong a majority opinion can be in the eyes of history, despite the flimsy biblical arguments that seemed to support slavery in the past. It was speculation, and rather creative speculation. I have not seen her since. Compromised, Christs simple teachings have not been understood Thanks for committing to writing for the body of Christ. C. S. Lewis would be another example. Best-selling author and 1970 Columbia International University alumnus Philip Yancey often recounts tales of his time at CIU: how he met his wife, Janet; how his fellow students went on to do powerful ministry around the world; and even how he began a relationship with God during his time at CIU. I can hardly find the words to express how much your books have positively affected me. There were several parts that stood out to me that I could relate to. If I had only known it and Capt. And whatever we long for, God longs for more. Again, on what grounds can you make this statement? Though, like our Lord, we must grow hearts full of forgiveness, we do not extend it to those who have hurt (or, even, harmed) us until these people are first blessed by guilt. Philip. Great to touch base with you. Thank you for writing it has helped me immensely!! Reaching for the Invisible God: What Can We Expect to Find?, Zondervan (Grand Rapids, MI), 2000. I would also like to encorage you to continue taking on the hard topics and shareing your viewpoint. I went to a priest I knew In PEI , it was there I met some american christians who came up to me in a coffee shop where I was using the free internet. Sorry, sir, but that just makes for really bad Christians and weak converts. They had received a phone call from my former employer, The Bethany Group, and claimed that I had questioned a doctor. There are many so many and you are among those who have helped me become me. Philip Yancey - Amazing Grace? [7] He went on to earn graduate degrees in communications and English from Wheaton College Graduate School and the University of Chicago. And then, as I waited with the crowd for lunch, I turned around and there you were, right behind me. They are geniuses! Hi Phil Of course. Phil later has to correct himself with, No, Im sorry. Understand that as a trained police investigator, and general skeptic, I knew there was no such thing as coincidence; there was always SOME explanation until proven, and very rarely proven otherwise. . The church of Christ that I am a member of welcomes everyone. May God bless you and your efforts to help others! Im afraid, though, that Im way behind on a major writing project and have sealed myself off for the next year or so. And secondly the officer who I was replacing had never met with him in a year, and attended a Pentecostal church not an Anglican Church which had not gone down well. Soul Survivor, a Publishers Weekly contributor declared, "is one of his most hopeful [books], for in it he charts a spiritual path through all of the muck made by organized religion. So my final and dangerous calling has been to publish a book that allows Christians of all denominations to gain a close and personal look at the dreadful and unmerited suffering that continues to be imposed upon believers supporting same-sex marriages. They say, We loan because: We care about human beings and understand that it takes people to help people. The Christians say, We loan because: Pure and undefiled religion before God the Father is this: to care for orphans and widows in their misfortune and to keep oneself unstained by the world. Education:, Napoli, Donna Jo 1948 Evil spirits are definitely present, existing somehow independently of the natural world. I think part of his issue was gimme prayers rather than be with me prayers. Only after they were deeply convicted of their crime and asking how they might be saved from its consequences did they hear that word of amazing grace, the offer of baptism, and the promise of forgiveness. Again.thank you again for your response! I life what Im learning and experiencing as I explore widely, but we also want to settle somewhere. Rather, I expressed my disappointment that so many evangelicals hold up as their flagbearer a man whose life seems to contradict the most basic principles of our faith. Reading it gave me words to put to feelings I couldnt name, and perhaps most importantly the sense that I was not alone in feeling doubt and dryness, and then anxiety and fear in response to the doubt. I am not at either extreme of the gay issue , I am just me who loves people no matter their struggles in life . Good read his books! Mr. Yancey, I should have written this years ago when I first read The Jesus I Never Knew! their reasons are either personal (because they were going to see some friends not for listening the word of God) or unclear (they just dont go because they think the church is boring or not full-of-soul and one of them was telling me Yancey said its fine with Christianity not to go to church another said Im not afraid when I meet God tell him it wasnt ok with those churchs! ) Can you recommend a book concerning the errors in the Catholic Church rituals, beliefs, concept of praying to saints, etc.? If you cant come, then please pray for us. Have a blessed time. I try to see God as my Father but as a mother I cannot understand why (if God is to be seen as our Heavenly Father) he would allow his children to suffer. I will try to take it to heart because I know its what Jesus would want me to do, but I am finding it very difficult to want to relate to fellow Christians who are willing to die on the swords of anti-abortion and homosexuality, but who see no need for social justice reform in this country. Philip. Thank you for this book. keep digging? Nonetheless, if youre ever travelling in the vicinity of Vicksburg, Mississippi, my husband and I would love to treat you to a very lively but respectful conversation over dinner. Thank you for your time. You can check both out on Amazon. She was out of control and I was feeling anxious at her aggressive verbal attack. "I've written pretty openly about my unhealthy church background," Yancey told Sojourners interviewer Jim Wallis. Our Homegroup have just studied your book on Prayer and now will start the next bookWhats so amazing about grace. [41] As noted earlier, Brad had indicated to me in an e-mail in November that he considered the issues between Paul to more about Paul than about me [22]. LTRP Note: Today, we received the following e-mail from a Lighthouse Trails reader who is in ministry. Because we are time-bound creatures, limited to sensing the present and recalling the past, it maybe bothers or disappoints or upsets (or better word?) Nothing was made without the Word from the book of John. He was there for me when I was that child, teen, young adult and now. I have been a fan of your writing for almost 20 years and appreciate your voice being in modern-day discussions about grace, love, etc. I just wanted to thank you for your book, to let you know I listed it in the resources section of my website, and to explain that although what you wrote is at times exactly what I wrote I didnt know that until after! It certainly left me with feelings of disappointment with God! Jesus says nothing to her about sin, as he did with the woman caught in adultery, he merely reveals her life story to show his particular divine insight. And thank you for this most encouraging grace note. Philip. The rope on the high priest legend is just that: a legend. I just wanted to thank you for faithfully asking questions, writing, speaking, and following Christ in a way that has encouraged and inspired me. During the week of February 6th, 2017, Brian Harder called me several times, asking if everything was fine and if there were any problems. I was having a hard time with questions about divorce and boundaries and autism and dementia and refugees, to name a few. I grew up in the South as well and resonate with many of the things your share around race and healing from church contexts. I saw your comment and just wanted to say a few words of encouragement. The book is eloquently written so its still delightful to reread the same page for 10 times. He never commented, but some of the Roman Catholic chaplains were grateful for my comments. My upcoming book is titled Caesar and the Sacraments.. I called Brian that afternoon to clear up the situation, telling him what my meeting with Mr. Rasmus had been about. Do you know any Pakistani Christian publishers I could try? I explained that my GP, Dr. Pugh, was delighted to hear about my job at the Edmonton Institution, that I loved my work and could still do an excellent job. I heard you when you said that you felt comfortable when both sides sent you hate letters. This evaluation confirmed that I was of sound mental health and that I had a keen sense of morality and a right versus wrong. Friends sent out letters and brochures to raise support for me [15] [16], but very little financial support came in. One of many thoughts to ponder is how we need to move from providing God a checklist of things we want Him to fix, and instead how prayer provides the vehicle with which we grow in relationship with God so He may change OUR hearts to reflect His will. Thank you in advance for your feedback. I am close to publishing first book: A Place for Grace: Find Yours! There are at least two times I am using quotes from your book Whats so amazing about Grace? In that book I read the following story but now cannot find the page number to cite it in my endnotes. If you can recommend any specific readings on this passage and how it applies to our daily lives, I would appreciate that as well. The rationale behind this note serves to express my gratitude towards you for shaping my thought world in the way you did. Only the fit survive. Thank you. My question is: what tradition or expression of the church do you worship in? At any rate your writings never fail to inspire me! Thank you for your challenging and engaging style of writing.N. I understand quite frankly that this is an emotional appeal, Mr. Yancey, but if these circumstances dont warrant it, Im not really sure what does. I ask, Has the murderer asked for forgiveness? Has the guilty expressed remorse, at all? You need human contact: a counselor, a pastor, a friend. Ever since, Yancey has explored the most basic questions and deepest mysteries of the Christian faith, guiding millions of readers with him. How boring it must be to have the same kind of relationship with billions of people. His return to faith was not the product of typical Christian evangelism. Hi Philip. Although our nation is going through Winter Season, if we continously pray with hope, the Spring Season will soon arrive. My aunt and uncle introduced me to your books almost 15 years ago. Paul told me later that afternoon that Bridges Manager Brian Harder had been running circles around him during lunch. To be honest (or TBH, Dad as my girls now say to me). Born 1948, in England; married Virginia Bell (a writer); children: three. When there are only two candidates that are miles ahead of the rest of the pack, it would appear to me to be a waste of vote to vote for anyone other then Trump. Vanishing grace imacted me in a way it is hard to explain all histories inside the book, all thoughts on it every word of it impacted me a lot. Yes, I know God is valid but I dont understand what is going on. Now back to the sunset. And the one like it? Wonderful story, Christina. Richard was actually a pseudonym for a real person, and we have been in contact over the years. God Bless. Phil quotes a couple New Atheists and says, Is that what youve experienced? I asked those who had gathered in Newtown. Our human pleasure is a mere glimpse of what God must feel. Paul told me on December 27th, 2016 that me telling the Warden that he was bullying me was outrageous. That said, I felt like you sold yourself short in some ways as you described this transient nature of art. I looked across at Brian Harder of Bridges of Canada, and he was not at all happy. I am reading Disappointment with God for the second time, the first time was when I bought the book some thirty years ago. Philip. It has been such a blessing in my life. He became grateful. Religion still ensures regular mayhem with its confusing messages, ITS strategically chosen alias, is something called Christianity I am considering borrowing material from your book for one of the sessions. It is a little snapshot of my Me too! and my journey to a deeper understanding of grace. As I read your recent memoir (thank you for your honesty in writing), I grieved over your journey, but I also appreciated SO MUCH when you wrote that none of it was wasted. We currently attend a small Presbyterian church. Philip Yancey, author of books like Disappointment with God, The Jesus I Never Knew, and What's So Amazing About Grace, is one of the best selling Christian authors alive today.His interactions with Christians from around the world and his early church experiences inform his writing on faith, the problem of pain, and unexpected grace. I asked Brian Harder if all was well with me and Bridges of Canada, and he said Yes, no problems. It seems to me that all the books, all the sermons I read and hear are just different excuses for why we cannot see or feel God. Thank you so much for writing wonderful books for Biblical literature readers. A dear friend of mine who grew up with you in your church in Atlanta becomes furious just seeing your book. I want to thank you for writing this book and for your ministry of writing. While I stood in line to pay the bill, I observed a gentleman in a very worn and dirty signature suit. Discrimination or hatred due to religious beliefs was never a part of our lives. Here in Pakistan there are millions of Christians who needs to read biblical material but most of them were not able to go to English medium schools because Christians in Pakistan are poor. Blessings and Shalom! I see no sign of a moral failure and feel this feisty woman has been given very unfair bad press by the church. (With Tim Stafford) Student Bible: New International Version, Zondervan (Grand Rapids, MI), 2002. For over 20 years, my wife, family, and I attended a wonderful evangelical church here in the South. I seek your wisdom as I am at one of the lowest points in my life. Thanks for taking the time, Mr. Yancey. She not so much. It has churned up much in my soul because I have a similar past experience with the church. We lost Jacob back in 2009. ", Over time, Yancey writes in Soul Survivor, he was able to dispense with the hatred and racism while keeping the faith. Show Notes About the Guest Find resources from this podcast at His books have sold more than 15 million copies in English and have been translated into 40 languages, making him one of the best-selling contemporary Christian authors.
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