We can either copy our records onto paper or deliver them to you digitally, Visit us in Kew to see original documents or view online records for free, Consider paying for On 25 February 2018 at 19:01 hours, Leicester Police received reports of an explosion at Hinckley Road, Leicester. The obverse of the QGM shows the crowned portrait of Queen Elizabeth II by Cecil Thomas and is inscribed "ELIZABETH II DEI GRATIA REGINA F.D.". No injuries were caused to any party. Stanley MacLeod. v3.0, except where otherwise stated, 2. The armed forces received 542 awards and civilians, including police, 552 including 120 to the Royal Ulster Constabulary, almost twice as many as any other group. Check benefits and financial support you can get, Find out about the Energy Bills Support Scheme. 2023 BBC. The ribbon is of three equal stripes of dark blue, pearl grey and dark blue with a narrow rose pink stripe in the centre. The 32mm wide ribbon is of "Garter" blue, with a central stripe of pearl grey, within which is a narrow stripe of rose pink; the grey and rose colours represent the Order of the British Empire, which the medal replaced. Also among those honoured is Sgt Michael Catarall, who dodged Taliban bullets to run across 100 metres of open ground to save an injured Afghan. "Gallantry in action" and in pursuit of Indians. He made the decision to slow down the subject by putting out his right leg in order to strike the subjects upper thigh. The George Cross is the premier award given for non-operational gallantry or gallantry not in the presence of an enemy. Private (then Corporal) William O. Wilson, Troop I, 9th Cavalry: For gallantry in carrying a message for assistance through country occupied by the enemy, when the wagon train under escort of Captain Loud was attacked by hostile Sioux Indians, near the Pine Ridge Agency, South Dakota. Gallantry in defeating Indians who attacked the mail. A citation is a brief official statement, taken from the recommendation, of why a medal was awarded. There are 2 fundamental principles of the UK Honours System. The explosion, and ensuing fire, was so powerful that it demolished the entire building and killed 5 people who were inside at the time. One man stabbed the flats owner repeatedly. "Gallantry in action" with hostile Sioux, at Little Muddy Creek, Mont. Mex., while commanding the right of a detachment of 19 men, on 12 August 1881, he stubbornly held his ground in an extremely exposed position and gallantly forced back a much superior number of the enemy, preventing them from surrounding the command. Forced the enemy back after stubbornly holding his ground in an extremely exposed position and prevented the enemy's superior numbers from surrounding his command, Rescued a wounded soldier who lay under a close and heavy fire during the assault on the Modoc stronghold after 2 soldiers had unsuccessfully attempted to make the rescue and both had been wounded in doing so, With 4 men of his troop drove off a superior force of the enemy and held his position against their repeated efforts to recapture it, and subsequently pursued them a great distance. Recipients of the Queen's Gallantry Medal - Military Wiki Despite the best efforts of the police negotiators, the woman jumped into the River Mersey and immediately disappeared below the surface of the water. Carried dispatches to Gen. Crook at imminent risk of his life. The Victoria Cross for Australia (VC) is the pre . After a few seconds she resurfaced and was quickly caught up in fast moving water. Conspicuous and gallant conduct in battle. Rendered invaluable service to Col. R. S. Mackenzie, 4th U.S. Cavalry, during this engagement. Discovery is a catalogue of archival records across the UK and beyond, from which you can search 32 million records. "For gallantry in charging with three Privates and driving from hills a larger number of Indians, and for Meritorious Conduct in the performance of his duty as a File Closer in the execution of which he was severely wounded." All honours lists are available from the London Gazette honours page. Awarded in 1976 for multiple rescues from the Coolangatta Hotel fire, when John Graham and Anthony Lacon also received the QGM. Held the left of the line with a few men during the charge of a large body of Indians, after the right of the line had retreated, and by delivering a rapid fire succeeded in checking the enemy until other troops came to the rescue. This caused the subject to stumble and fall to the ground, where the armed officers pursuing on foot were able to detain him. PC Randall first came to a male who was unconscious, severely injured and trapped under rubble and heavy metal. Conspicuous gallantry during an attack on a hostile Apache Indian Camp; seriously wounded. When the firefighters arrived at the scene, she was on the bridge outside of the public barriers, a fall of approximately 60 feet into cold, fast-flowing water with strong currents. Living in societies organized in a variety of ways, Natives usually made decisions about war and peace at the local level, though they sometimes fought as part of formal alliances, such as the Iroquois Confederation, or in temporary confederacies inspired by leaders such as Tecumseh. Gallantry Decorations are awarded for heroic courage in action. Gallantry in the fight between Paymaster Wham's escort and robbers. Anthony David Lacon (now Hewett-Lacon), a 23-year-old Queensland Police officer. One of the subjects ran towards Officer Carr, and appeared to be getting away from the pursuing armed operations officers chasing on foot. For draft versions of London Gazette announcements 1914-1928browse WO 388 by reference. The Queens Gallantry Medal (or QGM) is a United Kingdom decoration awarded for exemplary acts ofbraveryby civilians, and by members of the Armed Forces not in the face of the enemy, where the services were not so outstanding as to merit theGeorge Crossor theGeorge Medal. Whether a record of a citation or a recommendation survives depends, largely, on the type of award. The Queen's Gallantry Medal (or QGM) is a United Kingdom decoration awarded for exemplary acts of bravery by civilians, and by members of the Armed Forces "not in the face of the enemy", where the services were not so outstanding as to merit the George Cross or the George Medal. All of the publications below are available in The National Archives Library for consultation at our building in Kew. As she entered, the victim was lying on the living room floor and the assailant was standing over him, repeatedly stabbing him. The Queen and Honours | The Royal Family Awards are announced on Australia Day and the Queen's Birthday weekend. The members are: Cases are assessed against a number of factors including: The GCCs recommendations are submitted through the Prime Minister to The Sovereign for approval. The Royal Ulster Constabulary has 120 recipients of the QGM which is almost twice as many awards of the QGM as any other service. Queen's Police Medal for Gallantry (QPM) James Burns, 5th U.S. Cavalry. The Queen's Police Medal (QPM) is awarded to police officers in the United Kingdom and Commonwealth of Nations, for gallantry or distinguished service. After this the plane was totally consumed by fire. Police Sergeant, Leicestershire Police. [8] Forty-one of the awards were posthumous,[9] and 25 were to women. He helped to avoid a situation whereby the subject was able to draw a gun, which could have resulted in potentially fatal violence. Most distinguished gallantry in action with hostile Indians. More informationis available on the defence.gov.auwebsite. The name of the recipient is impressed on the rim of the medal. We highlight just a few British and Commonwealth recipients of the past few decades. To avoid the risk of the coach failing to take the bend and tipping into the ravine alongside the road, Mr Wrightson chose instead to crash the coach into the rocks on the other side of the bend. What's the least amount of exercise we can get away with? As a result of their efforts both officers received treatment for first degree burns and smoke inhalation. This information will help us make improvements to the website. A 13-year-old boy was swimming in the river and got into difficulty. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google We also use cookies set by other sites to help us deliver content from their services. While engaged with Indians concealed in a ravine, he assisted the men on the skirmish line, directed their fire, encouraged them by example, and used every effort to dislodge the enemy. It was estimated that the child had been underwater for approximately 20 minutes prior to the crew arriving. (2nd award) Distinguished conduct in action with Indians. We place some essential cookies on your device to make this website work. Ms Hood heard the commotion above and, going onto her balcony to investigate, saw what was happening. Taking the place of his commanding officer who had fallen severely wounded, he gallantly served his piece, after each flre advancing it to a better position. On Tuesday 26 February 2019, Cumbria Fire and Rescue from Appleby were called to a water rescue incident in the River Eden. With a reconnoitering party of 3 men, was attacked by 35 Indians and several times exposed himself to draw the fire of the enemy, giving his small party opportunity to reply with much effect. Recipients of the queens gallantry medal Stock Photos and Images You signed in with another tab or window. Gallantly charged hostile Indians, and with his carbine compelled a party of them to keep under cover of their breastworks, thus being enabled to recover a severely wounded soldier. The name of the recipient is impressed on the rim of the medal. As the subject ran, Officer Andrews formed the opinion that he presented a threat to both NCA officers and the public. Orders, Decorations, Medals and Militaria (15 March 2023): Auction With 3 comrades during the entire engagement courageously held a position that secured water for the command. You can find some lists of Foreign Awards within FO 83 (before 1906) and FO 372 (after 1906). When the ribbon alone is worn, a silver rosette denotes award of the bar. Gallantry in attack on a large party of Cheyennes. The names of military personnel from all three services are included in the latest operational honours list, published in the London Gazette. Following the safe arrest of the subjects, the NCA discovered a firearms factory in the industrial unit which they exited. At Carrizo Canyon, N . During the reign of Queen Elizabeth II, between June 1974 and September 2022, there were 1,094 awards announced in The London Gazette, including 19 second award bars. The ANA soldier had been shot in the leg, clipping his artery, and was trapped with gunfire all around him. Contact the Ministry of Defence who may be able to supply you with the file reference. Twice voluntarily rescued wounded comrades under fire of the enemy. On arrival near the crash site, PC Quartermain ran straight to the helicopter, which was on wasteland adjacent to the car park. It de facto replaced awards of the Sea Gallantry Medal, but this has never been formally announced. Category:Recipients of the Queen's Gallantry Medal - Wikipedia By now, the heat from the fire was searing hot and driving the officers back. Brought water to the wounded, at great danger to his life, under a most galling fire from the enemy. For rescuing 60 soldiers trapped by Cochise, Dismounted from his horse in the face of a heavy fire from pursuing Indians, and with the assistance of 1 or 2 of the men of his command secured to a place of safety the body of his trumpeter, who had been shot. 1, two bars and three bars(Matador, 2006), Peter Edward Abbott, Recipients of the Distinguished Conduct Medal, 1855-1909 (London, 1975), Peter Edwards Abbott and John Michael Allen Tamplin, British Gallantry Awards (London, 1981), Christopher K Bate and Martin G Smith, For Bravery in the Field: Recipients of the Military Medal, 1919-1939, 1939-1945, 1945-1991 (1991), John D Clarke, Gallantry Medals and Decorations of the World (Barnsley, 2001), O Moore Creagh and EM Humphris, The Distinguished Service Order 1886-1923: AComplete Record of the Recipients of the Distinguished Service Order from its Institution in 1886, to the 12th June 1923, with Descriptions of the Deeds and Services for which the Award was Given and with Many Biographical and Other Details(London, 1978), Michael Maton, Honour the Air Forces: Honours and Awards to the RAF and Dominion Air Forces during the Second World War (Honiton: Token Publishing, 2004), Michael Maton, Honour the Armies: Honours and Awards to the British and Dominion Armies during the Second World War (Honiton: Token Publishing, 2006), Michael Maton, Honour the Officers: Honours Awards to British, Dominion and Colonial Officers during World War I (Honiton: Token Publishing, 2009), Michael Maton, Honour The Recipents of Foreign Awards (Honiton: Token Publishing 2013), Phil McDermott, For Conspicuous Gallantry: The Register of the Conspicuous Gallantry Medal, 1855-1992 (Uckfield, 1995), Philip McDermott, For Distinguished Conduct in the Field: The Register of the Distinguished Conduct Medal 1920-1992 (Polstead, 1994), Ian McInnes, The Meritorious Service Medal: The Immediate Awards 1916-1928 (Dallington, 1992), William Spencer, Army Service Records of the First World War (The National Archives, 2001 & 2008), William Spencer, Army Records for Family Historians (3nd edn, The National Archives, 2008), William Spencer, Air Force Records: A Guide for Family Historians (The National Archives, 2008), William Spencer, Medals: The Researchers Guide (Kew, 2006), Rob W Walker, Recipients of the Distinguished Conduct Medal, 1914-1920 (Birmingham, 1981), List of the Recipients of the Victoria Cross (War Office, 1953), Victoria Cross and other awards issued with Army Orders, For quick pointersTuesday to Saturday Although shot in the abdomen, in a fight between a paymaster's escort and robbers, did not leave the field until again wounded through both arms. King's Gallantry Medal - Wikiwand Queen's Gallantry Medal Chief Eng Offr C K A Adams RFA, RFA Sir Galahad Lt J K Boughton RN, No.825 NAS MEA (M)1 K Enticknapp, HMS Ardent Third Offr A Gudgeon RFA, RFA Sir Galahad PO Medical Asst G A Meager, HMS Sheffield Lt P J Sheldon RN, No.825 NAS Third Eng B R Williams Merchant Navy, Atlantic Conveyor BRITISH ARMY Fearlessly risked his life and displayed great gallantry in rescuing and protecting the wounded men. At conservative gathering, Trump is still the favourite. Brought up ammunition under a galling fire from the enemy. Why Alex Murdaugh was spared the death penalty, Why Trudeau is facing calls for a public inquiry, The shocking legacy of the Dutch 'Hunger Winter'. On 16 April 2013, Maurice Wrightson was driving a coach bringing 51 British passengers home to the UK from France. When the ribbon alone is worn, a silver rosette denotes award of the Clasp. The online records can be searched by name of recipient. Metropolitan Police Gallantry Awards - History by the Yard Recaptured, singlehanded, and without orders, within the enemy's lines and under a galling fire lasting some 20minutes, a stampeded pack mule loaded with ammunition. With assistance from the rest of the crew, the casualty was brought to the river bank where he was resuscitated and flown to hospital where he made practically a full recovery. Honours: lists, reform and operation - GOV.UK Continued to fight after being severely wounded. On their return trip down the canyon they were attacked by Apache who were successfully held at bay. Twenty-five-year-old Capt Owen Davis, from Swansea, a marine who spent a year learning Pashto so he could accompany the Afghan Local Police (ALP) as they took over from international troops in Afghanistan Helmand province, was also honoured for his service. He continued to fight, defending an exposed dying man. The George Medal (GM) - introduced in 1940, is granted for gallantry of an extremely high order The Queen's Gallantry Medal ( QGM ) - introduced in 1974, is granted for gallantry of a high order In general, you can search our catalogue by the medal name or its abbreviation to see if there are any policy files. Carried a message through a country infested with hostile Indians and saved the life of a comrade en route. Had a firearm been used it could have resulted in possibly one or more of the suspects or officers being shot dead. Queen's Gallantry Medal (QGM) - Research British military gallantry She saved a fisherman's life in a Force 8 gale in March, 50 nautical miles west of Milford Haven. Kindly say, the For Exemplary Bravery The Queens Gallantry Medal is universally compatible with any devices to read Queen's Gallantry Medal - Wikipedia For Exemplary Bravery and to record new awards of the Queen's Gallantry Medal. Dak., where he defeated a force of 300 Brule Sioux warriors, and turned the Sioux tribe, which was endeavoring to enter the Bad Lands, back into the Pine Ridge Agency. Sgt Catarall, who was commended for showing "complete disregard for his own safety", was mentioned in despatches. Category:Recipients of the Queen's Gallantry Medal - Wikiwand Albert Medal, Second Class (Sea) (AM) Saved the life of a dismounted soldier, who was in imminent danger of being cut off, by alone galloping quickly to his assistance under heavy fire and escorting him to a place of safety, his horse being twice shot in this action. Michael Hooper. Major military awards of the First World War, available from The Gazette website. The medal is awarded for "exemplary acts of bravery", and is primarily a civilian medal, although military personnel can receive it too. Approaching a hairpin bend, he realised the brakes were no longer responding. Queen's Gallantry Medal (QGM) Bravery in action; was wounded in both arms. Footnotes: (1) Recommendations in AIR 2 are arranged by old Air Ministry file reference number, not name. Wounded Knee Creek and White Clay Creek, South Dakota, Category:Lists_of_Medal_of_Honor_recipients Category:Wars_between_the_United_States_and_Native_Americans Category:Native_American-related_lists. Military medals, honours and awards, 1812-1969 You have accepted additional cookies. "We got to him and didn't have a translator and he just looked at us to say 'what happens now?' With a few men, in the face of a heavy fire from pursuing Indians and at imminent peril, returned and rescued a soldier whose horse had been killed and who had been left behind in the retreat. Awards are announced in the London Gazette. Defence Secretary Philip Hammond said: "As we enter the final phases of combat operations in Afghanistan, British forces deserve our recognition and gratitude for their role in helping to keep us safe in the UK. Distinguished gallantry in many actions and in recognition of long, faithful, and meritorious services covering a period of 32 years. After the game, a helicopter crashed and caught fire in a car park at Filbert Way, Leicester, adjacent to the stadium. Click on the document series references and search by name of medal. The medal was instituted on 20 June 1974 to replace the Order of the British Empirefor Gallantry and theBritish Empire Medalfor Gallantry. Ribbons: Medals are worn suspended from their own specific ribbons. Gallantry in forming company from line of skirmishers and deploying again under a galling fire, and in carrying dispatches at the imminent risk of his life. Knight/Dame Commander of the Order of the Bath (KCB/DCB) , Knight/Dame Commander of the Order of St Michael and St George (KCMG/DCMG) , / Knight/Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire (KBE/DBE) Led his men in a defense against an Indian attack, helped the wounded although wounded himself. You have rejected additional cookies. Officer Carrs actions came at a personal cost to him, as the tripping action caused him to fall from his motorcycle and he sustained a broken leg. British Military Medals, Decorations & Awards | Forces War Records The names of the recipients of the Queen's South African Medal are indexed and digitized in our . A tag already exists with the provided branch name. CONSPICUOUS GALLANTRY MEDAL (CGM) On the evening of Saturday 22 September 2018, firefighters from Warrington, Cheshire, were called to a report of a woman threatening to jump from a bridge into the River Mersey. You can change your cookie settings at any time. PC Randall asked the public to move away from the front in order to protect them from danger as he recognised that the rubble was unsafe and that he wasnt sure if there would be a secondary explosion. "Gallantry in action." This was officer Andrews first deployment as an authorised firearms officer. Cannot retrieve contributors at this time. CCTV from the unit that the subject was running towards shows him taking the gun in a plastic bag from the waistband of his shorts as he was running from the NCA officers. "Gallantry in action." Name Rank Unit Gazetted Conflict; Mills, Wayne: Corporal: Duke of Wellington's Regiment: 9 May 1995: Bosnia and Herzegovina: Humphreys, Peter: Colour Sergeant: Royal Welsh Fusiliers: 9 May 1996: Unlike other honours, gallantry awards may be awarded posthumously. Sgt Robinson was repeatedly smashed against the deck of a French fishing vessel as she dangled from an RAF Sea King helicopter on March 21. Pvt. It therefore ended the rather strange situation whereby the Order of the British Empire for Gallantry was awarded for lesser acts of bravery than the George Medal, but took precedence over it in order of wear and postnominal letters. To help us improve GOV.UK, wed like to know more about your visit today. Verified and reported the company while subjected to a galling fire from the enemy. The ribbon measures 32 mm wide and consists of three equal stripes of dark blue, pearl grey, and dark blue with a narrow rose pink stripe in the center. Queen's Gallantry Medal civilian award from. The documents in this series (WO 388) are arrangedby country.
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