These vampires have no social life though they remain very active on social media. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. However, a lot of the external conflict, to use writer jargon, in his and Antinouss relationship came from the fact that many citizens found it objectionable that their Emperor continued a relationship with his youth lover once that youth started growing a beard and broad shoulders. In the course of it, when he was well flushed with wine, someone whispered to him that Notarass 14-year-old son was a boy of exceptional beauty. Vlad previously used impalement against his own people staking people on long wooden or metal poles driven through the victims genitals and out of their mouth. Radu chased Vlad III to his castle north of Curtea de Arge and, finally, out of Romania itself, which was incorporated under Ottoman control. It turns out he is the king-in-beauty of the realm of the Franks. For the record, I have no problem with anyone from any religious background as long as we respect each others rights to practice our beliefs. abisi kazkl voyvoda 'nn yedii haltlar, osmanl imparatorluuna verdii maddi ve manevi zararlar neredeyse kendi namusuyla temizleyecek duruma den olduka kadns ve gzel eflak prensi. And so Radu is rarely mentioned with due historical perspective without biased views, even by the generally considered serious historians (when mentioned at all!). He would later lament to Hungarian allies-turned-enemies that he had left his little children to be butchered for Christian peace so that [he] and [his] country [could] be subjects of Hungary, clearly believing that they were murdered. 50-Dracula: Bad Blood - Myths and Legends Cel Frumos translates to the beautiful. It was applied to the younger brother of Vlad III Dracula, best known for well, being Dracula. (LogOut/ I am so tired of Westerners washing our history and moulding it in what they want it to be. Jonathan Eagles. Aye, lovely moustache! A compelling one, though! Isabela, thanks for your long comments, they mean a lot to me! He invaded Wallachia on several occasions during Radu's reign, dethroning him four times in response to Radu's vassalage.[11]. They often argue nowadays over their views on whats best for Wallachia and Transylvanian, the land they were born in due to their fathers exile. It basically has all the wrenching drama you describe, the complex familial dynamics and well-rooted history, just with the twist of Vlad being a woman. Notaras, whose two elder sons had been killed in the fighting, refused to sacrifice the boy to such a fate.. Romanians are allowed and entitled to feel however they like about their history. In 1473, following an agreement with the Ottomans, Basarab Laiot cel Btrn (Basarab Laiot the Old) took over the throne. Hi there. Its not an interpretation of the character I would necessarily enjoy, but I definitely see how it has value and would bring the Dracula character closer to something Romanians for whom Vlad III is a beloved hero might enjoy more. Mr.Handsome Sister Christine has died #condolense #RIP Thus, when the Otomans attacked, he made sure that the inhabitants would safely leave and burn the cities on the way so that the Otoman army was starved and demoralised. After all, it did not last long and he was forced to depart with his lover and experience cruelties beyond any imagination. Great well researched article. A load of conjecture without proof. And this does not happen in other voivodes docs, like Vlad Draculas or Stephens, or any other later on. 'Dracula Untold' Is Islamophobic | The New Republic Wikizero - Radu the Handsome Citing a chapter from Danilo Madrid Gerona's book "Ferdinand Magellan: The Armada de Maluco and the European Discovery of the Philippines," which is based on primary sources in Spain and Portugal, Ocampo said Lapu . I will definitely try to find time to watch it if I can get a version that has English subtitles. The C-drama was very entertaining from start to finish. Radu being the specter, the haunting dead, rather than Vlad is a fascinating idea. But, you know, I still like the androginous-looking people without having to resort to transitions, as you put it. Radu III of Wallachia, commonly called Radu the Handsome or Radu the Fair (Romanian: Radu cel Frumos; Turkish: Radu Bey; c. 1438 - January 1475), was the younger brother of Vlad III and prince of the principality of Wallachia.They were both sons of Vlad II Dracul and his wife, Princess Cneajna of Moldavia. Both men had been raised as hostages in the Ottoman 'enderun' ('inner' palace sch. I am an outsider looking in so I do value, and in the paragraph at the beginning of the article, entreat people to seek your perspective as a Romanian. also possibly converted to . The interest in him is definitely encouraging. He stayed back for that very reason, so his brother takes the throne, as he was the oldest and not get in his way. To continue about Radu and Vlad. He had siblings. Vlad III travelled to Hungary to ask for help from his former ally, Matthias Corvinus. Elveo. Ive done my best to put it together through the comments. Maybe he eats him on the spot, reduced to a ravenous fiend by the vampiric condition, motivated by hunger and hatred. I always laugh at people complaining about islamophobia in Eastern Europe. Between 1473 and 1475 Radu briefly returned twice to the throne. Sometimes the people we love say the damndest stuff. They were both sons of Vlad II Dracul and his wife, Princess Cneajna of Moldavia. Differently from Saint Stephen the unholy, who played 5th column all the time according to his personal & petty needs. A tragic character in that once, he and Vlad were brothers who were close or a villain (I GUESS) who turned on everything he stood for and betrayed him for some choice Ottoman dick; that, of course, has a lot of really, REALLY ugly implications about queer people that Im sick and fucking tired of having shoved in my face. He was ousted in 1442 by rival factions in league with Hungary, but secured Ottoman support for his return by agreeing to pay tribute to the Sultan and also send his two legitimate sons, Vlad III and Radu, to the Ottoman court, to serve as hostages of his loyalty. Once I was interested in the Hostage subject, but I let it pass This is another video from nicki vybz informing you about the dead of Mr.Handsome Sister Christine who has passed away earlier today.My sincere condolence fr. Vlad's brother, Radu the Handsome, died a couple of years earlier and had been replaced on the Wallachian throne by another Turkish candidate, Prince Basarab the Elder, a member of the Dneti clan. I know what a religious war and conquest entail. Volumul 1 12471500. 13 65. To me, its worth noting that the Romanian version of Prince Charming is Ft-Frumos, Beautiful Infant/Son. I just think thats a little funny. Its a great way to add depth to Draculas motivations, to explain why he treats his lovers and minions the way the does. He was the son of Vlad Dracul (also called Vlad the Elder) and brother to Vlad Dracula. About This Game. Yes, was he did was betrayel! Hadrian and Antinous when, Hollywood! AND I am not commenting on or about the historical factual lives of the men who did live. Radu III of Wallachia, commonly called Radu the Handsome or Radu the Fair (Romanian: Radu cel Frumos; Turkish: Radu Bey; c. 1438 - January 1475), was the younger brother of Vlad III and prince of the principality of Wallachia. And, speaking of it, it lasted for at least 12 years. In addition to Vlad III, Radu also had two older siblings, Mircea II and Vlad Clugrul, both of whom would also briefly rule Wallachia. Radu the Handsome. There are, indeed, decent war negotiations and foul war-like attitudes. There is little doubt of what Radu stood for and is known in the history annals an outright traitor to his country and people no two way about it ! Mehmed II then ordered the Megadux, his son and son-in-law brought before him. Im so happy that someone else was so inspired by Radu! But he became Sultan again at 19 when his father died. Which oaths supersede other oaths, and when one has the right to say the other party has violated our oath to the point I am released from this. Is an oath valid if it is secured at the point of a sword? But Radu, you see, would not leave Mehmed for siding with Vlad. I hope its not just because of homophobia. According to Latin translation of Byzantine chronicles Radu was Sultans lover and male concubine,[2] and possibly, due to good looks and the amorous affairs with the sultan, Radu received a nickname "cel frumos" (the Beautiful). ), "Iar fratele lui mergea inaintea noastra" ("Cltori strini despre Trile Romne" Nicolae Iorga. p. 127, 128), Laonicus Chalkondyles Joannes Oporinus, Conrado Clausero 1556,"De origine et rebus gestis Turcorum." And so my dear Radu will stay in the shadows, at least as far as Hollywood is concerned. Thats not what Im trying to do. He did this because he had a small army which could not fight face-to-face with the . Im with you, surrendering love is unfathomable to me. [2], While Vlad was eventually released to take his place on the Wallachian throne in 1448 after his father was killed by John Hunyadi, Radu converted to Islam and was allowed into the Ottoman imperial court. As voivode of Wallachia, Radu had pursued a policy of balancing his duties to the Sultan and Corvinus, but his successor, Basarab Laiota, defected wholly to the Ottoman side. Isnt Andreja Pejic just the most handsome person ever? But probably still incredibly painful. Talk:Radu the Handsome - Wikipedia About Vlad the Impaler (the man not the hamster) - Hamster Republic Vlad was very likely born in the city of Sighioara in Transylvania, then a part of the Kingdom of Hungary, during the winter of 1431. IW Radu, voivode of the Land of Wallachia, son of Vlad the great voivode. **** Maybe Radu could show up in a film d art? Radu chased Vlad III to his castle north of Curtea de Arge and, finally, out of the Romania itself, which was incorporated under Ottoman control. . ok teekkr! [3] Chalkokondyles adds that the sultan along with people of his nation had the custom of using favorite boys, and with such as Radu Mehmed "spends day and night together". I had implied it without naming it in my article so I thought perhaps that was what was being spoken of. Vlad the Impaler | The bloodthirsty inspiration behind Dracula - Rolandia Anyway, thank you so much for writing this post, Radu seems to be constantly forgotten, by both historians and pop culture references (like any film on Vlad Dracula), and I really want him to have the relevant role he deserves in DLS . IF I ever get to that project, after reading this, I think Ill expand Radus role. Even worse is trying to confine Radu's experience to "Stockholm Syndrome", also because thanks to his fair looks and cultured, diplomatic behaviour, he was well-loved at the Sultan's court, and treated as the most treasured guest (while his brother was rebellious and always felt like a prisoner). . He really is a perfect storm of things people dont like to talk about. Queer men and Europeans who are comfortable with and supportive of Muslims, possibly Muslim themselves (though Radu professed Christianity in his correspondences.). If, for example, it was a decision Id have to make, I understand Radu, because Id never surrender love. They do not frown upon those who engage in this lifestyle. For some reason, he brought them along, then had the audacity to seem shocked that the Ottomans wanted them. Fans are worried about his health condition and took to social media websites after they believe the rapper dropped a suicide note in a song he posted and deleted. Maybe he throws Radus mutilated body at the Turkish camp as one of his famous mess with me and this will happen to you messages. After Mehmed II suffered losses from The Night Attack, Radu and his loyalists campaigned on the Danubian plains for support to replace his brother. You are a major contributor to his downfall. The idea of Vlad being a woman is surprisingly fitting in my mind. Sighioara was a military fortress at that time. Labelling someone as "bisexual", as well as any other sexual orientation, is fruit of a modern mindset which didn't exist at that time. Hi The hats of that period are just so cool! Check it. Dr. Florescu, 88, died Sunday. Or is it fair to take sides? I am talking about islamophobia in western media based on Dracula.. Yay feudalism! During his departure, he practiced a scorched earth policy, leaving nothing of importance to be used by the pursuing Ottoman army. The approximate date of his death is between 1475 to 1477. Next . Vlad's brother, Radu the Handsome, died a couple of years earlier and had been replaced on the Wallachian throne by another Turkish candidate, Prince Basarab the Elder, a member of the Dneti clan. (note for transparency: this is edited because I noticed some extremely glaring grammatical errors and a paragraph where I just repeated myself that was unnecessary.). I do not believe that Dion is in any way trying to glorify Radu or as a westerner moulding Romanian history to his liking. Good luck. In addition to Vlad III, Radu also had two older siblings, Mircea II and Vlad . Radu later participated alongside Mehmet II, now Sultan, in the Ottoman siege which eventually led to the Fall of Constantinople in 1453. Meanwhile, his brother Vlad III, due to his harsh policies towards the boyars (whose power struggles he blamed for the state of the realm), was betrayed by them. You can find it here (sorry, you must use google trad because its french language) : And thats generally where the commentary stops. Vlad will be a romantic hero and you will be a joke, when people remember you at all. The justifications and philosophies we have are different, but the emotions have always been there, no matter how hard we try to train them out, and to what ends we attempt to train them. And it seems it is not going to halt anytime soon. The Queer Brother Nobody Cares Dracula Had - Frightful/Filthy Antinous also began to have wants more in line with being a grown man and less in line with being a youth lover, and Hadrian was put in a situation where choosing to honor the mos maiorum would be unkind to the person he loved. In 1462, a massive Ottoman army marched against Wallachia, with Radu at the head of the Janissary. Mehmed II with Radu cel Frumos. Vlad the Impaler | Biography, Dracula, Death, & Facts In return, Dracul willingly offered them not one, but two of his sons: Vlad Tepes Dracula and Radu cel Frumosaka Radu the handsome. The boys were taken to the various garrisons at Edirne. Laonikos Chalkokondyles described the scene that Mehmed II and Radu the Beautiful encountered as a forest of the impaled. I do not believe that he felt betrayed, because it was just what he was expected to do (to be sent as garantee of armistice) because the polities of the situation thus required. Bloodlust: Subspecies III is just continuing where the second Subspecies left . Must read. Radu The Handsome : r/RomanceClub - reddit Your brother is known for butchering anyone who gets in his way. Radu. On June 16 and 17, he again defeated a sizable Ottoman force in what has become known as The Night Attack, which resulted in heavy casualties to the Ottoman army, as well as logistical losses. Radu the Handsome. My friend. Questions that everyone knows the answer to but are said out loud anyway, the ultimate form of undead not-even-passive aggression. ), Enciclopedia btliilor din istoria romnilor, Editura Meronia, Bucureti, 2011, Stephen the Great and Balkan Nationalism: Moldova and Eastern European History. byk trk'n tacizine bayla yant vermi ve . Ruler of Wallachia and Vlad the Impaler's brother. The boys were taken to the various garrisons at Edirne. As for why Faith picked Andreja (she recently transisitioned officially! They both tried to do what they thought it was the best for their own country, which they loved, but in opposite ways, one unacceptable from the point of view of the other. This eventually led John Hunyadi and Vlads other advisers to revolt against him, killing him and his son Mircea. In November 1447, John Hunyadi launched an attack against Wallachia due to its alliance with the Ottomans by the treaties signed by Vlad II Dracul and his duplicity in Varna Campaign (1444). The young hostage became friends with the five-year-older sultan-to-be. He is estimated to have died between 1475 and 1477.[contradictory]. Theres a distance here in America that Americans must be conscious of when working with this subject for fiction. Moreover, the sultan opted to reward Radu's ongoing loyalty by setting him on the throne of Wallachia in Vlad III's place.[9]. Radu III of Wallachia, commonly called Radu the Handsome or Radu the Fair (Romanian: Radu cel Frumos; Turkish: Radu Bey; 1437/1439 January 1475), was the younger brother of Vlad III and Prince of the principality of Wallachia.They were both sons of Vlad II Dracul and his wife, Princess Cneajna of Moldavia. how did radu the handsome die. It is another phobia-related psichosis islamophobia. Handsome Siblings finale: Xiao Yu-Er and Hua Wu-Que have their battle Or, rather, they say theyre going to the life of Vlad III then pull some shit right out of their asses. [12] His daughter was Maria Voichia, who later married Prince Stephen III of Moldavia. But eventually, the Ottoman army prevailed, and Mehmed II placed his young lover on the throne of Wallachia. Most likely he was executed by Stephen III. They were who they were, but they were more than just bi, gay, les, etc. Oh, Am I so damn romantic in that I think R and M matched well enough, so that it was definite for Radu to stay by his side? Leave a comment to tell me how you feel! Besides, Draculas pretty queer brother is a concept so electrifyingly vampire Im shocked it hasnt been done before. Radu was likely much, much younger than Vlad, making it much easier for him to adapt. [3], According to Latin translations of the Byzantine Greek chronicler Laonikos Chalkokondyles, Radu became an intimate friend and a favorite of Mehmed II, with whom he possibly, due to good looks, had an amorous relationship. Radu became an intimate friend and a favorite of the sultan's son, Mehmed II. When Vlad's army arrived, Prince Basarabs army fled, some to the Turks, others in the mountains. .and interpretation drawn from circumstantial evidence, hearsay, snippets of information and nothing more than that. There is a sense of deep respect and acknowledgement re. Vlad thinks independence from the Ottoman Empire is best, but Radu believes the Ottoman Empire helps keep them safe from the constant invasion and instability that has tormented the region since time immemorial. "The Emperor kissed him and the boy sheathed a dagger and cut the Emperor's thigh and then ran away. I apologize for the delay! In those, besides the usual formula So and So, Voivode of Wallachia that opens these documents, we can see that he adds the name of his father. Radu later participated alongside Mehmed II, now Sultan, in the Ottoman siege which eventually led to the Fall of Constantinople in 1453. I know I get nervous that Ill have upset someone every time I see a hit from Romania or Turkey, though frankly thats the anxiety speaking. It is not fair, is it? Someone can think the Ottomans needed to be expelled and torturing people to death is not good at the same time. Radu III of Wallachia, commonly called Radu the Handsome or Radu the Fair (Romanian: Radu cel Frumos; Turkish: Radu Bey; 1437/1439 January 1475), was the younger brother of Vlad III and Prince of the principality of Wallachia. Mehmed II married five times and fathered four children, but the bisexual sultan also enjoyed sex with handsome young men. As glowingly as I speak of Radu, facts are that he WAS a traitor to his brother. Why cant we make a Dracula movie about Radu? I do think Radu never wanted to rule his country. It is further narrated, that while physicians took care of Mehmed's wound, the young boy climbed up a tree where he stayed hidden until the sultan left; he later descended from the tree and not long afterwards became the Emperors favorite. radu cel frumos - eki szlk Vlad had two Brothers, his elder brother, Mircea, was tortured, blinded, and buried alive. Although there is no report of Rod Wave's death, many people are praying for him to be fine. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. In addition to Vlad III, Radu also had two older siblings, Mircea II and Vlad Clugrul, both of whom would also briefly rule Wallachia. Memed IIs campaign to Qaraman; 855/1451. It is further narrated, that while physicians took care of Mehmed II's wound, the young boy climbed up a tree where he stayed hidden until the sultan left; he later descended from the tree and not long afterwards became the Sultans favorite. 14 88. 22 34. On the way to Granada where Philip was to be buried, Joanna was rumored to have opened her husband's casket to kiss and . Your email address will not be published. Their dangerously passionate relationships were described by a Greek chronicler Laonikos Chalkokondyles, who emphasized that the sultan 'nearly died at the boy's hands' when he tried to force himself upon the young prince. Mehmed II raised a 150,000-strong army, and he and Radu sailed at its head to Wallachia. Aha, you like Hadrian and Antinous story, and so do I! So I have this idea that it is Radu rather than Vlad. I guess Ill have to read it over again to fully grab it. Radu sent envoys to the Saxon cities hardest hit by Vlad III, tempting them with old fashioned advantageous trade regulations and vouching for the sanctity of their families. He was Radu Dracula, younger brother to Vlad Dracula; known as Radu cel Frumos, Radu the Handsome, once Prince of Wallachia, and betrayer to his family. Vlad III the Impaler - New World Encyclopedia ), Class Name Lancer of "Black" ("", "Kuro" no Rans? In the beginning of the chronicle, it is noted that the incident happened when Mehmed first arose to the throne in 1451. In his final book, written shortly before his death, Radu traces the genealogy of the Florescu family back to the Middle Ages, when one of his ancestors married Radu the Handsome, a brother of Vad Dracula. Anyways. What happened to Vlad the Impalers brother? - Stop trying to make him a hero in this story, he isnt. Within six days, Philip the Handsome died at the age of 28.
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