However I am confused because when Meghan had suicidal thoughts she said she contacted the firms HR department to talk about it. As you tweeted, amazing lady has come forward re Hs Spare account of losing his virginity. We have to ask why. Anne. Now, how did I get the crown to Lambeth Palace since its guarded by half the Army? Moehringer has however exposed many other features of complex trauma, so much so that ex-British military officers are stating Harry appears to have military related PTSD, and even Taliban leaders tweeting their anger and objections to his crass kill count are concluding and stating he needs medical attention. Why? None of us like being mucked around, do we? In March 2023, very close to the 24th, you will realise that there is a friend or group of people which could help make you so much stronger. She demonstrates strong leadership qualities and an affinity for royal protocol despite her young age. The translation was published by the Falcons Wing Press in 1960, under the editorship of Dr. C. Muss. Arent we giving him (and her) too much credit? I believe that William will be a great King but will he be given the chance? When He set to the sea its bound, Nope. (I have not read it). Australian Government levied Goods and Services Tax (GST) of 10% is applied to applicable orders at checkout. And over there, thats Scorpius best place to see it is the Southern Hemisphere. Scorpio rules inheritance. Was this a Moonbump? Too funny. Anyway, thank you very much for sharing your knowledge and insights with the world! It always has been, ever since Henry VIII created the Church of England, as monarchs always redefine what it is. Both fell in love with captains. Yes, Ive seen reports that Meghan is befriending Getty, but weve not seen evidence, as far as I know. We have the actress. Going to Russias partner, China, she has designs on the Commonwealth, which our late Queen worked so hard to sustain. Archbishop Welby seems a well meaning man, a bit gullible where Sussexes were concerned (over the first wedding being revealed on Oprah) and they say the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Philanthropy Yes, Prince George does have these historic transits by Pluto leaving Capricorn and entering Aquarius. However, in the Oprah interview, in a segment where Meghan compares Catherine having to deal with the rudeness of being called Waity Katie with her own experience in the Royal Family, she says rudeness and racism are not the same. Thank you for so much food for thought in your replies. For the first time in 248 years Pluto is in Aquarius, where he stood when Henry VIII gave way to Mary and Elizabeth and Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette met the guillotine. Jessica, Im obsessed with this post, so many interesting comments. I totally missed thatspot on. Harry has five placements in Scorpio in the Eighth House of sex, death and money. I read in the press that AK reported to QEII that H apparently used a swear word to her over the (Vladimir) tiara not being brought as requested Thank you for putting it up and lots of thank-yous to all the members and readers who have contributed, near 400 replies now. You are quite right about Andrews relationship with the Arab world. There is a great need to cut through the spin and noise and bring the discussion back to where it should be among the people. She could have chose to duet with the Royal family and do absolutely amazing things, but she chose duel instead. Sorry, just wanted to add to my earlier question the comments made by Prince Harry on how the people he killed in Afghanistan as being viewed not as people but chess pieces was shockingly insensitive. Thank you Jessica and the commentators. The wedding itself probably deserves its own astrology feature! You have said there are changes coming to the Church of England this has just been published on the BBC -Justin Welby rejected as leader by conservative Anglicans over same-sex blessings with Archbishops representing 10 of the 42 provinces in the Anglican Communion have signed a statement saying they no longer consider Mr Welby leader of the global communion. Ive never cheated on a partner and my conscious is clear on my terms/souls journey, and not Welbys and his type. It would be uncertain, though, so that there could be a reunion episode. I wonder if the Anglicans are already discussing this, even in hushed tones? Harrys chart lines up with both historic astrology charts for the United States and Russia, which is interesting given that he wore a near-replica of Tsar Nicholas IIs distinctive frock coat (and beard) when he married Meghan. Thanks for the interesting article. and South Park brilliantly ridiculing the super couple Harry and Meghan? I dont buy the message that Harry and Meghan (particularly the latter) are being attacked to divert from Andrew. Twitter is full of people questioning how a Pulitzer prize winning ghost writer could write such childish drivel, theorising that he was fired but unable to say so because of an NDA, and suggesting that Meghan/Harry took over the writing themselves. The race card is being used repeatedly in this saga even when there is no racism whatsoever. This isnt just Diana: Her True Story by Andrew Morton. Pretty easy to turn the gas off though and open a window! Why he again does not name the Russian who sold them (at a discount) their American mansion. One last question do you think Russia will succeed in destabilising the British and American governments? I wonder who will have the courage to heal with absolute compassion for all. Ask yourself who wants to factory-produce division, anti-monarchy sentiment and so on. Pass the smelling salts & fan please. If you are in the mood to look for astrological clues about the cover-up Lady C is mentioning, these are the Leo eclipse dates; Leo ruling monarchy in astrology. As regards Charles III coronation if it was not to happen could it be de-railed by another event involving the royals? I have been doing some research on Harry, Meghan, Russia and the astrological charts, ahead of a podcast with Sarah Vine at the Daily Mail and an interview in the Daily Express. She was and is quite mystical and thats part of it. He just knew. Someone has been data mining demographics and voter bases and is using a drip, drip, drip formula to win hearts and minds. Twitter. Uranus in the Ninth House, both times. Theres a bit of a message here for all lovestruck women heading down the aisle in a white wedding dress. Why would she fake being pregnant though? You know what would fix so much of this? I worry for the poor guys mental health. Because eclipses conceal and because of two photos in both of which Meghan looks pregnant, it is suggested that Meghan may not have carried her firstborn herself and that her pregnancy was a fake pregnancy. We had no rational reason for the visceral response at the time. Narcissism has co-morbidities with HPD. In addition, to split the United Kingdom (so Scotland, for example, may aim for independence). True. How very interesting that Henry VIII may have married Anne Boleyn twice. There are genuine voices online and my readers (most of them) are sincere but there is also a very busy cohort of Facebook and other contributors whipping up the instability. Harry mentioned they would have given them up when they were negotiating their 1/2 time Royals shtick but this is one more Scorpio manipulation and revenge game Harry is playing on his father. I do agree about Lady C, I do find myself liking her, and her dogs. I know we deserve better. My question is, will the scales fall from Harrys eyes, resulting in him successfully getting away from Meghan Markle before she discards him, the final stage in the narcissists playbook? Originally posted by beststyles. There is no evidence at all to support this. And yet, the astrology suggests shocks are coming, with Uranus in Taurus in opposition to the Scorpio placements of so many institutions and governments Scorpio ruling sex, money and death actually. Ive been there many times and fabulous though it is, I find it odd that Harry considers it so central. He sees them almost as a danger to his relationship with Meghan. You also saw a light around him. When you say Meghan is possibly creating her own version of The Crown you are picking up on what appears to be a storyline drama; a constructed piece of entertainment. I dont think any writer (and Im a Penguin Random House author too) namechecks Soho House at 76 Dean Street (page 270 of Spare) without a motive. Born on September 15, 1984 . I had no interest in Harry or Meghan, until they married. Hi Jessica, Members are puzzled and Mumsnet HQ have posted that they have their tech team working on it and they havent removed them!! Andrew Mortons book is her biography, and she wanted us to know. Henry may have married Anne Boleyn twice who does that remind you of? Keep reading to learn more about Harry Styles's zodiac sign and birth chart using astrology: Moon . (See my reply to Janie Bee with a list of Leo eclipses). The King was determined to end the affair and insisted that his son had to marry. Thank you. The loyal faithful within the Church of England are part of that. The only thing that has me somewhat confused is the statement that he will be surprised at the Queens will based on the reading it sounds like he does not inherit much or anything at all which would shock me. I would also be warning about shocks along the way until 2026. Julie xx. by raising hope cast 2021. Is this the peak of H&Ms success? I am also curious about the purchase of the latest splendid home, again from Russian connections. A therapist would strongly discourage a patient from doing anything that would make their mental health worst. Our late Queens will is interesting as there may well be caveats and conditions attached regarding Harry. Hi Jessica, what an absolutely fascinating blog post and comments section! I do keep coming back to Harrys Sagittarius (foreign) stellium, though. When I tell people what I think is really happening with the royals I get accused of being a conspiracy theorist. Even more interesting is Cranmer, who knew when to bend like Welby. Anyone with that kind of horoscope needs the best possible support, care and help to deal with the risk of depression and anxiety. Fortunately you read royal biographies so you know your history. Thank you for updating me and all the readers on this thread, now approaching 400 comments. Harry makes no mention of this series of photographs in Spare. Could these interests be behind efforts to break up Commonwealth links to UK? He has Mars at 16 Sagittarius. There are many interesting facts and suppositions about Anne Boleyn and Henry VIII. I am embarrassed at the enormity of the gift and refuse it, saying Prince Charles might be cross if she gave it away. Hi Jessica, I have read through the entire thread, wow! This is the eternal cycle of time, which applies to everyone. Thank you. Also that the man who becomes regent wont be expecting it.) I will go and check the charts Roell has been using and have a look at the technique too, if he has been using progressions. I had no idea this had happened. I am basing this on your previous comment, The fall-out by 2044 will probably be a change in the UK constitution which frees up the line of succession Does that mean a Monarch would be chosen based on more than order of birth? You also have special gift to deliver it in a short, but very much thought provoking way, devoid of any bias or new age mumbo-jumbo which in other places is doing the astrology a disservice. Before William's discussion with Harry and subsequent discussion with his family, the astrologer predicted a lot of changes for the royal in March. By posting a comment you grant Jessica Adams Proprietary Limited explicit and irrevocable permission to publish your comment including your name.
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