I think this is balanced enough to at least give some playtesting to. But thats less fun! If so the language needs to specify that. Who wins a Grapple contest if the checks tie? You know who doesnt have proficiency with whips? Also, just to clarify, do you want this to only work when they hit with their attack? Crossbow Expert 3. While I have a different philosophy, I totally understand people who prefer things official and simple, and so I went back to the drawing board. STR-based Bear Totem with Sentinel, presumably? Tags: Damage Control Combat Basic Rules Another option might be plus 1 to Dex or Str and the superiority die? Simple Weapons Martial Weapons Ammunition Setting Specific Weapons Dragonlance Source: Dragonlance: Shadow of the Dragon Queen Weapon Properties No need to talk about "shoving" a creature here. Whip - Equipment - D&D Beyond This wiki hosts DND 5e content that is setting-specific, play-test content, or unofficial 'homebrew' content. Short Blades Master: It makes a dagger specialist a lot more viable. Not sure the benefits of reach when you can just shoot it from even further away. The Abyssal Whip is a powerful weapon and extremely accurate. That was the intention. So, do you like these? 3 lvls rogue, 3 ranger, 6 barbarian. This makes it un-desirable for any class that gets Extra Attack. You regain your expended superiority dice when you finish a short or long rest. Actually its one of my favourites, as it offers situational damage boosts which are at least partly under the players control (ie. How Does Dual Wielding Work in DnD 5e? (An Easy Guide) - Role Player's New weapon properties are not for everyone, it seems! +1 Whip Master Feat (5e) Whip Master Once per turn, one of your attacks with a whip can deal an extra 1d4 damage to a target on a hit. Ghost Rider can even magically extend the length of the chain. I do also believe that weapon properties should play a larger role in D&D, and that anyone should be able to benefit from a polearms length hence the long property I made here: https://www.hipstersanddragons.com/new-weapon-properties-5e-dnd/. The books magic weapon generator makes it easy to roll up 10,000s more buy for just $7.95 on the DMs Guild. That being said, there was really no way to recreateGhost Riders Chain in D&D 5e without making it a legendary magical item. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. bugbear Gloom Stalker ranger with duelist as the weapon style. On its turn, it can make a Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check contested by your Strength (Athletics) check to try to escape. When a Stalker Vigilante reaches level 2, he or she can select Whip of Vengeance as his or her Vigilante talent, and Whip Mastery is a bonus feat that can be obtained without meeting any of its prerequisites. Feat synergy question regarding polearm master, Vengeance Paladin with PAM, Spear & Shield, & Elven Accuracy, Eladrin Fey Wanderer/Warlock (Hexblade or Archfey) build advice, Ignore/Block Essentials, Paid Registrations by. A Gladiator feat that combines trident and net would be really cool! Today. Here's a really silly idea: vuman Hexblade 1 / Lore Bard 5 / Arcane Trickster X, starting with Spell Sniper, Reach Booming Blade shenanigans, and plenty of wrathful smites from Hexblade with bard slots, using cutting words on their checks to break it. Whip Mastery (Combat) - d20PFSRD -Push/Pull/Bind: Succeeds, target must Dex Save or is moved 5/bound until player releases or Dex Vs Dex contest succeeds You gain the following benefits: You become proficient in whips, if you are not already. I should probably include that. The aura extends 5 feet from you in every direction, but not through total cover. As the players get embroiled in the librarys tangled web of politics and personal enmities, dark forces are at work trying to uncover Candlekeeps fabled Vault of Secrets. Whips are practically made for rogues. When you say "+1", do you mean that it's a half feat (+1 to Dex I assume)? Maybe you could choose 2 of the three: 1. I felt that in order to compete with a +2 Dexterity score increase, there was still room for a superiority die in the feat. Rogues and Monks both can use bows. Yes its simple, but its also excruciatingly dull. I still don't think it would be on the power level of GWM or polearm master, but it would be viable by default and good with the feat instead of bad without and only viable with the feat. and meets the demand of the majority of 5e players and DMs, without forcing anyone to rethink the game. But people will defend these poorly designed spells to the hilt, simply because they ARE in the official rules. Disarming Attack? dndbeyond.com forum tags I think the easiest way to reflect that is via an extended critical range especially as who doesnt love an extended critical range? That goes double for any new whips since Im sure I missed out on creating a few iconic ones. by Paizo. D&D Player Bundle. Design Notes: More or less the same as Bludgeoning Master, I felt the morningstar needed its own feat, so I gave it a little twist. Is this homebrew Whip Specialist Fighting Style balanced? The result is, I think, a really cool feat (you can find it below), that offers plenty of flexibility in combat situations, which still falls within the power balance of a 5e feat. Sign up to get e-mail updates for new articles on Dungeon Solvers using the form below! My first idea was to use this: "Similarly, when your half-orc barbarian uses a display of raw strength to intimidate an enemy, your DM might ask for a Strength (Intimidation) check, even though Intimidation is normally associated with Charisma. I couldnt recommend this guide enough.. The problem? communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Giving rogues the ability to use whips gives the weapon a niche without changing anything mechanically. Why is this the case? Its a pulp fantasy mini-setting and adventure in one, with gritty combats and great intrigue. This feats main problem is its busted on a rogue. Feat: Dual Wielder And proceeding to wield the whip in one hand and in the other a dagger for throwing (I can draw + chuck + draw + chuck in one turn thanks to DW feat), offhand attacks in melee, and proccing spells like Hail of Thorns, Conjure Barrage, and Lightning Arrow. You gain the following benefits: When you use a whip, its damage die changes from a d4 to a d6 (this benefit has no effect if another feature has already improved the weapon's die). Indeed, I was so pleased with the result, that I almost immediately saw in it the solution to making other weapons way cooler. If you enjoyed what you read be sure to check out my ongoing review for all of the official D&D 5e books! Prerequisite: Weapon Focus (whip), base attack bonus +2.. You learn three maneuvers of the Battle Master archetype from the following list, which you can perform while wielding a longsword or greatsword: Disarming Attack, Distracting Strike, Feinting Attack, Lunging Attack, Menacing Attack, Parry, Precision Attack, Pushing Attack, Riposte, Sweeping Attack, Tripping Attack and Brace (UA)*. When you use a whip, its damage die changes from d4 to d6. as theres nothing in RAW to stop players taking two short rests in a row (no doubt this is what led to those weird healing rules, I dont like much!). Find out more on the DMs Guild. Unfortunately, I havent had a chance to playtest the feat or the items just yet. Unearthed Arcana + Homebrew), The Harder They Fall: Revising Falling Damage for 5e, Snap up this epic adventure on the DMs Guild. Now Ive always got a lot of time for what the Mearls has to say but overall Im not a huge fan of what he came up with on this occasion. When you take the Attack action to make a thrown weapon attack with a dagger, you may make an additional thrown dagger attack as part of the same action, drawing a fresh weapon as part of any attack roll. It's exceptionally strong on monks, but at the same time monk is an incredibly weak class already so it's balanced. Just enter your email for FREE D&D content in your inbox (I will NEVER spam you or sell your details). If there was some way to make stuff like Booming Blade and the Swashbuckler's rakish audacity work with them, I'd be all about it. 2023 Wizards. You could multiclass into barbarian and have advantage on initiative rolls (at lvl6). Its a travesty that I cannot make a character in the spitting image of Simon Belmont without feeling like the whip is the least powerful part of the character. I am thinking Fighter 2 or 3 / Death Cleric X might be a fun whip user. People start with the viewpoint that the official rules are the word of God, and anything you do to try to fix/improve them is tantamount to heresy to the extent that sometimes impressive feats of mental agility are performed to defend their flaws and foibles (D&D shouldnt try to be realistic, its perfectly balanced, its not balanced, but its better that way whatever serves the argument basically. (Skills with Different Abilities variant rule). Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. Sentinel Conclusions Top 10 Fighter Feats for 5E Before you start collecting feats, a Fighter should get to 20 Strength or Dexterity. Anyhow I have actually playtested this rule a lot, as it was a property I gave to all bludgeoning weapons in my Dragon Heist campaign, and it worked really well. If you have no levels in monk, your ki points will . Feats 5e Dungeons & Dragons - DnD 5e - AideDD Feats are little add ons that add curated complexity to a narrow niche within the game, and we can usually trust the player with the feat to deal with them, meaning the rules burden for the rest of the gaming table is very light indeed. Ive also taken some creative liberties and given it a feature to aid the user in their search for creatures of the night. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. I built it this way, so you dont have to take DD at all, or at least you dont have to take it first. With Valor or Sword Bard you can get an extra attack at 6th. Those are strength based maneuvers. This way youre not choosing between flavor and damage, youre choosing between damage and crowd control. The Polearm Master feat ends up doing the same thing but with a much more common trigger, right? He turns to +1 bonuses a lot, which I find rather boring and flavourless, with a high fiddle to reward ratio, and some of the other mechanics seem a bit clumsy too. is it that they simply can't move further away? Leaves 8 levels open for spells (bless gives a +1d4) and perhaps an paladin aura aswell? You gain one superiority dice to fuel your known maneuvers, which is a d6. Let me know your thoughts in the comments are two superiority dice per rest any more powerful than Polearm Master feat? Thorn Whip Cantrip 5E Uses On its face, Thorn Whip is a respectable ranged attack cantrip, doing 1d6 base on a successful melee spell attack roll. Most of the entries in the NAME column of the output from lsof +D /tmp do not begin with /tmp. More than just a combat-focused adventure, Dragonbowl is a Bacchanalian-style festival with its own economy and ecology.. On a successful check, the creature cannot move away from you. You also cannot attack a creature that is grappling you when you weild a polearm with the Heavy, Reach and Two-handed properties against creatures within 5ft of you. "When you take the Attack action and attack with a light melee weapon that you're holding in one hand, you can use a bonus action to attack with a different light melee weapon that you're holding in the other hand. When you do so, you can make a Dexterity (Acrobatics) check instead of a Strength (Athletics) to shove the target. The problem is that its a niche weaponwithout a niche. Each feat offers a way to become better at something or to gain a whole new ability. Thanks! Weapons - DND 5th Edition - Wikidot The target may choose to fail this check. I wasnt certain how to go about showcasing the slow effect as in the game it drains the enemy players stamina and replenishes yours. I really want whips to be viable. Note that spells with range of Self and Touch are unaffected by the feat. Whip Master: Flavourful and makes the whip a more viable choice. So a dagger theoretically deals the same damage, also has the finesse property, and has a longer range than the whip. -Damage: 1D4, Roll of 20 or above (Apply Damage to any action): I was hesitant to include greatsword in this feat, as the arguably overpowered Great Weapon Master feat already exists, but since I included greataxe in my Axe Master feat, and the maul in the Bludgeoning Master feat I figured it was only fair. However, its actually a bit worse than a dagger since you can throw one 20/60 ft. They dont need extra bonuses to their maneuverability withcunning action. What check would my PC roll to escape if he were grappled by a mimic? Charm Monster is a bit more powerful, so I gave it a cost of 3 charges to keep it in line with similar items that value a 4th level spell at 3 charges. It pains me to say that the most powerful whip I created was not for anyone in the Castlevania series. It's the only 1 handed reach weapon so it can be used with a shield, which others can't - useful for front line non-tank. Some links to stores and online shopping websites include an affiliate code. Dungeon Solvers . Whip Master's special action is slightly less effective for the following reasons. Whips being practically useless in their current state! You gain two superiority dice, which are d6s. Bow of the Viper | Level Up A list of the finesse weapons in 5e: Dagger; Dart; Rapier; Scimitar; Shortsword; Whip; For characters with martial weapon proficiencies, here's some weapon choice tips to . Sure its a one-handed reach weapon, but quite frankly the benefits of the whip dont outweigh the benefits of most of the other weapons you could pick from as a martial front-line character. If the saving throw fails by 5 or more, the target is also stunned until the end of your next turn. How can I explain to my manager that a project he wishes to undertake cannot be performed by the team? ), I dont think the additional range overpowers them. "- PHB Page 175, Top Left of the Page. When wielding a whip, you can attempt to grab another creature using your whip. Whip Mastery (Combat) Your superior expertise with this weapon does not provoke attacks of opportunity from your enemies.
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