76. About a week after the explosion on March 20th, I was taken to a General Hospital in Taunton, Somerset for further treatment. July 22, 1944: Bn. 116. April 7, 1945: Co "C" constructed a C1 #40 D/S Bailey Bridge at HANHOFF, GERMANY. September 3, 1944: Bn. 1 talking about this. Hits - 2,910. The winter of 1943 was brutal. They welded up the old tub and then put us on board again and we made our way down to New York. 3. Through the United States Army Corps of Engineers, the 249th soldiers provide contracting officer technical representation on projects throughout the world.[9][10]. August 9, 1944: Co "B" Constructed 120' Class 40 Heavy Ponton Trestle bridge at St FRAIMBAULT across the MAYENNE River. 25. 1st Engineer Combat Battalion, 1st Infantry Division: 603rd Tank Company: 1st Engineer Regiment, 1st Division: 603rd Tank . Bn. Frances R. Fulton, Lt. Ray L. Whiteturkey, the Bn. Division heading for COUPTRAIN and PRE-EN-PAUL. I've heard the story of the training accident many times. WW2 Army Unit Records Research | WW2 Research The 296th landed on Omaha Beach in Normandy 20 days after D-Day. Bn. Must have brought back some intriguing memories going back to the Isles. WW2 Army Unit Records Research | WW2 Research But the highlight for every guy in the outfit was building the largest bridge in the European Theater. One of the daughters, Pamela Digby later married Randolph Churchill, Winston's son. It was horrendous. From 1955 until 1960, the 249th Engineer Battalion (Construction) was stationed at Kleber Kaserne, ((Kaiserslautern, Germany)). Veteran's Branch of Service? Our unique research process is essential to understanding the experiences of individual military veterans of WWII-since the vast majority of WWII Army/Air Corps personnel records were lost in the 1973 National Archives fire. 5. August 12, 1944: Co "A" replaced flooring on Bailey Bridge at St. BEAUDELLA. Google Map of Major Ops of the 298th Bn. The Battalion arrived at WEYMOUTH, DORSET, ENGLAND on the morning of February 1, 1944, where it entrucked for a short trip to SUTTON POYNTZ and CHALET CAMPS. The Assault Force - The Normandy Invasion | U.S. Army Center of of a sector of the front line in the Hurtgen Forest. The Deep River boys were Ernie Calamari, George Ressler, Bill Ackerman, Waldon Hartson, Charlie Euston, George Watrous, Harvey Brooks, Doug Carlson, Ray Swain, and Victor Carlson. C.P. 137. Gp; Co "C" joined the Battalion at ERZEE, BELGIUM. His training continued on board ship in the Pacific. moved to RAEREN. They traveled from Liverpool to Berlin, a total of 1800 miles in 623 days. 109. Many of the vehicles were damaged and one man was killed while driving the Battalion Commander from the defense position to the FWD. September 22, 1944: Co "C" started constructing a Class #40 Timber Trestle bridge under the Bailey Bridge in VICHT. ArchiveGrid : 296th Engineer Combat Battalion collection, 1944 - OCLC 249th Engineer Battalion (United States) - Wikipedia April 21 - May 7, 1945: The Battalion moved to BRAUNFELS, GERMANY on April 21st and was given the mission of re-constructing and repairing Route N-49, which was the First U.S. Army's M.S.R., from BRAUNFELS to the AUTOBAHN south of GIESSEN. 812th Engineer Company | Lineage and Honors | U.S. Army Center of October 23, 1944: Co "A" relieved from attachment to 297 Engr. Army Superior Unit Award for 2005 (Hurricanes Katrina, This page was last edited on 7 June 2022, at 00:05. Shortly after, the battalion participated in two maneuvers in Louisiana, known as the "Louisiana Maneuvers"; there the battalion and its soldiers learned valuable lessons for war. 50. Recon. Companies A and C were ordered into the town of Arsdorf where the battalion was engaged in fierce combat for two days. September 4, 1944: Co "C" constructed Class 40 D/S Bailey Bridge in MARIEMBOURG. Two engines were out, a third smoking, and they were were losing airspeed and altitude, but they were flying level and pointed home. Part 2 of 2. However, when we sailed out of Antwerp,Belgium in January, 1946, our troubles were far from over. Many times there is a daily record of events which shows daily combat details within the company, troop or battery to which the individual WWII veteran was assigned. The Bn. moved to the vicinity of DIZY-LE-GROS North of REIMS. Henk Duinhoven was in church with his family when the sounds of bombing started. Reconnaissance was made of the MEUSE RIVER in the vicinity of DINANT and HASTIERE in preparation for the crossing of the 9th Inf. They weren't sleeping. A brisk fire fight ensued until daylight. November 25, 1944: Co "B" was attached to 294th Engr. This tradgedy took place in the grounds that housed the 228th American Hospital in Sherborne, Dorset, UK. 90. September 15, 1944: The Battalion operated in GERMANY for the first time. Forums World War II WWII ENGINEERS . It receives no town or state funding. Bn. Late in life she married Averill Harriman. Individual Deceased Personnel Files (IDPFs), 1st Marine Division Headquarters Battalion, 1st Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalion, Third Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalion, 3rd Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalion, 2nd Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalion, 3rd Marine Division Headquarters Battalion, Jungle Warfare Training Center, Okinawa (TECOM), 4th Marine Divisoin Headquarters Battalion, 4th Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalion, 5th Marine Division Headquarters Battalion, Battle of Hellzapoppin Ridge and Hill 600A, Battle of Mount Austen, the Galloping Horse, and the Sea Horse, 131st Armored Ordnance Maintenance Battalion, 137th Armored Ordnance Maintenance Battalion, 16th Field Artillery Observation Battalion, 376th Parachute Field Artillery Battalion, 377th Parachute Field Artillery Battalion, 416th Military Police Escort Guard Company, 428th Signal Heavy Construction Battalion, 456th Parachute Field Artillery Battalion, 463rd Parachute Field Artillery Battalion, 497th Ordnance Motor Vehicle Assembly Company, 568th Ordnance Heavy Automotive Maintenance Company, 801st Airborne Ordnance Maintenance Company. Stan found out Frank was located in Liege, about 15 miles West. After this bridge site was secure, the 249th was detached from the 1137th Engineer Group and was given the mission to secure and maintain the bridges on the Rhine River. 16. England was taking in thousands of Jewish children and she got her papers in order and left. Part 2 of 2. VIC. CHAOTEAU ENGLE BERMONT, BELGIUM..31 75. It was Oran in North Africa. All traffic was moving North to Battice. I am now a Captain in the Civil Air Patrol of the United States Air Force Auxiliary. I am writing my memoirs and I already have over 200 pages. November 9, 1944: Bn. Later, they were reequipped and went on with the war and a number of the men were killed in later battles, including the Hurtgen Forest and the Battle of the Bulge. 122. Welcome sir. 64. moved to the vicinity of LUMINGNY. was set up in the village of ANTHEE. . 58. KAMM, GERMANY13 moved to the vicinity of ZWEIFALL, relieved the 294th Engr. 2. We have six children, thirteen grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. One platoon of Co "C" was sent to clear the situation at Post #4; they killed one German. 47. 88. 41. The battalion was organized and under the command of only three captains. After a successful landing there, where he picked up some shrapnel, Tunisia was next. Heat, insects, and mud were constant companions during basic training. Yours will be another great story for people to see. The Battalion C.P. 44. Co "A" started construction of 150' T/D Bailey Bridge across the SIEG RIVER at WISSEN, GERMANY. QUETTEHOU, FRANCE.16 The other officers that were supplied to the unit were second lieutenants from the 1943 class of West Point. November 29, 1944: Co "C" completed the timber trestle bridge at ROTT. The Battalion was subsequently inactivated on 28 November 1945 at Camp Kilmer, NJ. Two fold-out maps from the unit history are stored separately in an oversize box. It wasnt all work as they had opportunities to play ball and see shows by Bob Hope and company. The battalion's motto is "Build, Support, Sustain!". 93. Personnel losses were as follows: Capt. It was the highest bridge constructed by the first army Engineer Combat Battalion in the E.T.O. Bn. 135. Bn. Part 1 of 2. The daily location of the WWII veterans unit and any movements they made. September 21, 1944: Co "A" constructed a Class #40 D/S Bailey Bridge in VICHT. 98. 118. moved to vicinity of LE HORPS. His name is on the link above. was attached to the 3rd Armored Division and was given the mission of organizing, occupying, and defending at all cost a road block on the high ground just west of GRAND MENIL, BELGIUM. August 26, 1944: Co "A" constructed reinforced Infantry Support Bridge 504 ft. in length across the SEINE RIVER at MELUN in 5 hours. Co "B" sent a five (5) man patrol to investigate enemy positions during the afternoon. April 13, 1945: The Battalion moved to DERSCHLAG, GERMANY. The remainder of the night was utilized for digging in which was a difficult operation in the frozen ground. Yes I thank God every day too for my many blessings. I do not know how current the info is, but it's worth trying first: Unfortunately I do not have anymore info at the present time. moved to BRISCOL, BELGIUM where the vehicles were parked. From 25 July to 27 July, the 296th supported the 4th Infantry Division at Marigny, France. returned to Battalion. However, I strongly suggest that you contact the Army Corps of Engineers to see if they have a file on his unit. He heard some firing from another gun and turned around just in time to see a horrifying sight. Research A World War II Veteran (WWII WW2) - Golden Arrow Research There were three 42" mobile pumps staged and two 42" and two 30" pumps were placed at the sheet pile closure. It was completed on V.E. In February 1955, it was activated and assigned to USAREUR and an Engineer Battalion (Combat Heavy). December 16, 1944: The Ardenne breakthrough begins; there was much aerial activity in vicinity of STOLBURG and DUREN. A round from a German 88 immediately tore through the engine compartment, but left him unhurt. November 10, 1944: The Battalion was relieved of attachment to the 3rd Armored Division and attached to the 4th Infantry Division. 91. 28. You can literally trace the steps of your WWII veteran! After an accident resulting in a raft being sunk, the Battalion moved downriver to Mainz. 51. By 1630 hours all units of the Battalion had been relieved - the Battalion moved back to RAEREN. 502nd Quatermaster Port Battalion: 6th Engineer Special Brigade: Colonel Paul W. Thompson (WIA 6 June 44) 147th Engineer Combat Battalion: 149th Engineer Combat Battalion: 203rd Engineer Combat Battalion: 293rd Joint Assault Signal Co.: 60th Medical Battalion: 7th Naval Beach Bn (attached): Commander L. C. Leever : 74th Ordnance Battalion: It was later learned that the town had never been secured by the 4th Armored Division. On 19 March 1945, the unit was assigned to the engineer task force charged with crossing the Rhine at Oppenheim. 9TH INFANTRY DIVISION The main body departed Fort Gordon, GA, on 27 September 1965 by troop train bound for . January 11, 1945: Co "B" repaired the timber trestle bridge in PETIT-HAN by replacing the flooring and decayed nailing strips. 234th Engineer Combat Battalion liberated Holtum. An uneventful Christmas Eve for the 298th Engr. 72. 127. In all the 296th Engineers took part in five campaigns, Normandy, Northern Europe, Central Europe, and Ardennes. He was grateful when someone gave him some morphine to ease the pain from multiple shrapnel wounds. (C) Bn. 14. B-24 flight engineer Bill Toombs was over Germany when bad went to worse. Official 249th Engineer Battalion website, Civil engineering and infrastructure repair in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina, United States Army Center of Military History, "249th Engineer Battalion Responds to Terrorist Attacks", Prime Power Lights Up Anaconda by Sgt. 4. The mission of World War II combat engineers (known as "sappers" or "pioneers" in other armies) was three-fold: mobility operations; countermobility operations; and, when necessary, to fight as infantrymen. of a sector of the front line, and went under control of the 3rd Armored Division. November 28, 1944: Co "A" started construction of a Timber Trestle bridge under the Bailey Bridge in VICHT. His unit joined the forces ordered into the Battle of the Bulge, where he had to get some help when he was frozen in a foxhole. July 29, 1944: Co "A" cleared hundreds of wrecked enemy vehicles from the streets of RONCEY and other roads in the vicinity. Once they got there, a fierce ten day battle ensued due to the last major German offensive, Operation Nordwind. April 11, 1945: The Battalion moved from WISSEN to MORSBACH, GERMANY. 95. August 16, 1944: Bn. That is a very good idea to write your memiors, and I do want to read them and will be in line myself, behind Marion of course. How should we contact you? The 296th crossed the Rhine River south of Bonn. In England he boarded another ship for he knew not where. You are a great artist. About Us | Contact Us | Copyright | Report Inappropriate Material The force withdrew under heavy mortar fire. CARANTILLY, FRANCE.24 We did all of our training with mines and bridges on the property formerly owned by Sir Walter Raleigh, and now owned by the Digby family. ArmyAir Force/A.A.F.Marine CorpsNavyCoast GuardMerchant Marine, If Army Air Forces was your veteran Our World War II veterans are dying at the rate of 1500 a day! What a great way to start my Sunday; hearing from someone who was there in the flesh. The Allies had arrived in Holland. Harry Kone says each generation should do the best that they can. December 3, 1944: Co "A" completed the Timber Trestle Bridge in VICHT, GERMANY. He bunked with regular B-17 crew members, but Bill Livingstone was a gunnery instructor who was there to keep skills sharp. While stationed in Eupen, the Battle of the Bulge began, on December 17th. With a commandeered ambulance full of casualties, he threaded his way through the ordeal thanks to luck and guile. Raleigh's castle was in ruins and on a large lake and that is where we did our training, building and blowing up static and floating bridges and working with mines. 294th Engineer Combat Battalion US Army in Memoriam (pamphlet), 1989 June 6 Scope and Contents From the Series: The Dickinson R. Debevoise World War II series documents his service as a sergeant in the 2nd Platoon of company A of the 294th Combat Engineer Battalion. 134. was relieved by 246 Engr. This includes when and where the WWII veteran was promoted in rank. Now you have information on the tragic accident from someone who was there. POULAY, FRANCE.2 Our mission was to provide close Engineer support to 78th Infantry Div. New York City native Newton Riess enlisted in 1939 and his first drills were with broomsticks. In Germany, Carroll's unit liberated a forced labor camp, and he remembered that the prisoners were horribly emaciated. as of 0800 hours. Dear Ms. Bradley, Thank you for posting your request on History Hub! In October 1943, the battalion left Boston for England and spent months in England training. We traveled by train down to Sherborne in Dorset. She was also present on that fateful day. Co "A" relieved Co. "C" on the construction of Timber Trestle Bridge in VICHT. Then the battalion was stationed at Gerszewski Barracks, Knielingen, Karlsruhe, Germany, under the command of the 18th Engineer Brigade, where it provided construction support to USAREUR elements stationed in Germany for the Cold War. The other officers that were supplied to the unit were second lieutenants from the 1943 class of West Point. alerted to move; received movement orders at 1600 hours to move at 1630 hours to bivouac in vicinity of BRECEY. By the time we finished training, the war in Africa was over. Engineer Combat Battalion - Wikipedia March 24, 1945: The Battalion was relieved of the ferrying operations on the RHINE RIVER and moved to KONIGSWINTER, GERMANY. Moving through France, Bob Darino recalls how the grateful civilians came out with toasts of strong apple brandy. Your Name (required) Phone Number (required) . The 296th Combat Battalion held reunions every 2 years in Mass, Rhode Island, and CT. The 294th Combat Engineers were training at the same time at Camp Gordon. I have been back to Sherborne on four occasions. Division begining [sic] at 1500 hours. Division sector; one Battalion of the 60th Inf. 15. Regiments vs Divisions regiment English ( wikipedia regiment) Noun ( en noun ) (military) A unit of armed troops under the command of an officer, and consisting of several smaller units; now specifically, usually composed of two or more battalions. In November 1945, the 249th Engineers were sent on their final orders to Camp Lucky Strike, near Marseilles, France and then redeployed back to the United States. Bn. Bill Elias' WWII Story: 258th Engineer Combat Battalion. It was the day of activation of the 284th Engineer Combat Battalion. We spent the night shifting the ballast, which was sand, from the stern, forward of the crack in the hull, to try to lift the stern higher out of the water. was shelled by artillery from across the RHINE RIVER - T/5 Malone was killed, Capt. Dedicated to the men who proudly served their country during World War II by serving in the 238th Engineer Combat Battalion. 49. 106. Our military records specialists are on site at archival research facilities nationwide and can access a wide variety of WWII military service records of your veteran. Active: August 1941 - May 1943 July 1943 - April 1945: Country Nazi Germany Branch: Army Date 1944-09-29. Then, began the grim task of collecting the personal belongings of the dead and preparing them for burial at sea. 146th engineer combat battalion 185th Combat Engineer Battalion 238th Engineer (Combat) Battalion 250th Engineers Combat Battalion Roster 263rd ENGINEER COMBAT BATTALION 299th Engineer Combat Battalion 309th Engineer (Combat) Battalion 320th Engineer Battalion 331st Engineer 335th Engineer Regiment 340th Engineer Regiment 389th Engineers . Frank learned English and worked in the restaurant with his father. Well I for one will be one of the first in line to read and buy your memoirs. Additionally, the commander serves as the Commandant of the U.S. Army Prime Power School, the institution responsible for the development of Army and Navy power generation specialists. On his first raid in North Africa, reconnaissance platoon leader John Souther captured a hundred Germans with no losses to his own unit. The Bn. The main difference lies in the divisional structure. 31. moved to new location and relieved 297th Engr. After basic training he was attached to the Navy to learn to operate Higgins boats and participated in maneuvers at Guantanamo Bay. I was taken to the 228th for treatment. 12. September 26, 1944: Co "A" completed the Timber Trestle Bridge in VICHT. Are you stuffed from all that turkey and fixings? bivouac was shelled by enemy artillery for 30 minutes at 1900 hours; one shell exploding 11000 pounds of TNT in the center of the bivouac area. 123. Division at approximately 1100 hours. The 237th Engineer Combat Battalion served with distinction under 1st Army during WWII. October 31, to November 7, 1944: Bn. moved to WISSEN. It was many years after the war that a local reporter, using the Freedom of Information Act, wrote the true story. 18. 125. 53. 71. Section, and two squads of Co "C" resulting in their passing a point where they should have turned - at this point Co "A" took the lead and Co "C" joined the rear of the Bn. The 257th was also credited the Ardennes-Alsace campaign (9 Dec 1944-25 Jan 1945) and the Rhineland (22 Feb - 21 Mar 1945) campaign. Ironically, the wounded were taken to the 228th Station Hospital in Sherborne. Captured several prisoners. Unit records are useful in piecing together stories about a unit or group, as well as about individuals who served in them. Bill Elias' WWII Story: 258th Engineer Combat Battalion July 18, 1944: Bn. On March 20, 1944, I was lying in bed when there was a huge explosion and I was blown off my bed. Preserving The Oral HistorIES of Combat Veterans. September 6, 1944: Co "B" constructed steel Treadway Bridge 288' in length at HASTIERE across the MEUSE RIVER - bridge was opened to traffic at 1530 hours. I can tell you a lot about the 294th Combat Engineers and the incident which took place on March 20, 1944. 79. WISSEN, GERMANY.12 43. moved to the vicinity of PHILIPVILLE - an Advance C.P. August 6-7, 1944: Bn. He served hard duty in an anti-aircraft battery with the 6th Army in New Guinea and other parts of the 2023 Deep River Historical Society. Division; a heavy snow was falling at the time of the relief; the Battalion moved back to PONTHOZ, BELGIUM. the goal was to be home by Christmas! The unit was assigned to V Corps, First U.S. Army. They paid mightily for that shot. Thank you. The truck accidentally back up over some mines and about 90 mines exploded. Have you already requested personnel records from the archives? An Engineer Combat Battalion (ECB) was a designation for a battalion -strength combat engineer unit in the U.S. Army, most prevalent during World War II. At first, there was jubilation, but that turned to fear as he hid in his basement for a week while the battle raged for Arnhem. Sewer & water board, electric utility and the 249th Engineer Battalion (Prime Power) were completing pump house inspection. January 5, 1945: Co "A" started construction of a continuous Bailey Bridge across the L'OURTHE RIVER in DURBEY, BELGIUM. 1st insignia of 90th Light Div. They don't realize how wonderful it is to hear and I bet you'd be so happy to have yours back. . August 1, 1944: Bn. Whitney were injured. Then, we went to Tennessee maneuvers for a couple of months. What are we going to do? 294th Engineer Combat Battalion - 1944. HURTGEN FOREST, GERMANY99 As a professional researcher and World War II historian, Bill Beigel provides research services to genealogists, historians, authors, and civilians who are looking for information found in WW2 military unit records. 63. Division launched an attack through our positions in the direction of HURTGEN and GEY; Co "B" made a limited attack in front of Post #2 & #3 for the purpose of deceiving the enemy. The Bn. Stan left by bus from East Hampton, CT with 13 other boys from Deep River and entered active service in the Army on March 8, 1943, in Hartford, CT. Frank Capuozzi was born in Naples. May 26, 2010 at 2:13 pm. RootsWeb is funded and supported by It was completed on V.E. The Digby family were living in the relatively new castle at the time.
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